So what is the purpose of the horses (PvE)?

UE4 already does support larger maps, but if I remember correctly CE’s version is about 8 or so updates behind the current and it would be a really time consuming task to update it. They’ve done it once before going from like 4.15 to 4.16 or thereabouts and even that took them a hefty amount of time in EA.

Things have a really nasty habit of breaking in spectacular fashion when you change engine versions.

I’m thinking that lances might help there, but we’ll have to see.

If it helps me fight Rockslide, I’ll count that as a plus. I’m tired of having my thalls kill bosses for me, but Rockslide is the worst, because he’ll demolish even thralls…

If they do a good job, yes. I’m worried that the horse might end up getting snagged all the time on obstacles that you can easily avoid on foot.

I’m not optimistic about that at all. Upgrading from one version of an engine to another can be a total nightmare. On top of that, Funcom has demonstrated an unwillingness to stop adding new things to fix older problems, so it’s unlikely that they’ll want to do an upgrade that way. Instead, if they do it, they’ll do it the way they’ve done everything so far: in stride, producing a huge wave of bugs.

I’d settle for this same map with better quality of gameplay and new content. I’m getting tired of all the bugs.

They’re 8 versions behind, from what another commenter said. There’s no way they’re ever going to update to newer version at this point.

At best, the next game they put out (the dune game?) will use a newer version.

The purpose of the horses is the same as the other animals…raise them and use them for food. :slight_smile:

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When thrall lag is replaced by Palisade lag on PvP servers, you won’t mind that horses serve no function on PvE servers.

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That and this Settlement System we keep hearing so much about mate. But were discussing the map at the moment, so I will leave that for now. I am keen for at least one more biome for development on Conan Exiles eventually stops myself. Even though there is dungeons up there, the dungeons dont actually start until row 16 on the map. That means that there is still potentially up to 6×7 squares, or 56 squares in total. Waaay more that the Highlands or Savannah biomes. They wouldnt have to expand the map, just terraform it. I have spent many hours exploring and building out there, and everything works fine. People often say ‘but Funcom said it likely wont happen’ but they said that about Mounts too; and here we will riding them in just a few weeks. So do dont give up hope my dude, I sure wont be.
:smiling_imp: :metal:

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I don’t know, I feel horseback archery will be really strong and you can just circle around someone with arrows. If you can master the drifting mechanic I think you can be almost unkillable on the horse. What I really wonder though is what the horse stats mean, from the stream the level 20 horse says it provides 178% increased melee damage and 97% increased ranged damage. If the rider inherits these stats you will deal significantly more damage from horseback than from foot. Will be really interesting to test these things on testlive

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Always :slight_smile: I am really looking forward to having horses in game. For a mostly solo player they will add to my stories, which is purpose enough for me…


The fun of Horses will wear off quickly and then the idea u gave up our build feeling alive for what? quick travel ? they need to fix mounts and fast. Pack animals that fallow, dragging knocked out thralls, Hitching posts so you can use Thralls when u get to where u are going, maybe make it a campsite that is temp. also, make it so u can store horses in stables and only count against the total thrall count when it is in the world. Stables are small and this way u can have a fresh horse waiting at every fort or village. Idk but this is what I was thinking would fix some issues players have like me.

they did not give us all the features we wanted with horses, the most useful one being dragging a knocked out thrall home…but…there will be DLC’s that offer a saddle to drag thralls in the future and all the other features we wanted i am sure.
they stated somewhere in the stream that it was too expensive to let us shoot a bow on the horse from both sides, so we can only use the left side. i assume that is the same thing with dragging thralls, maybe it was too pricey to do. so maybe in the future , with all the dlc they could or will do , a thrall dragging saddle might be an option.
for the low low price of …

When you’re using a bow while riding a horse, you really can’t fire on your right side, it’s impossible, your body can’t move that way, it cannot be twisted like that. The whole left side is fine to use, but for the right side… Try to imitate using a bow on your chair only moving your upper body and you’ll see what I mean.

Small edit : I’m talking about right handed people. For left handed, it would be the opposite.

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I’m right handed for shooting with a rifle or a bow, that means I hold it with my right hand not my left hand. It’s easier to shoot on my right side than on my left.

I’m not sure you get how a right handed person uses a bow and rifle. They hold the bow with their left hand and pull back the arrow with the right hand. They hold the rifle with the left hand and pull the trigger with the right hand.

If you hold the bow in your left hand and pull the string with your right hand, you are a right handed archer. If you hold the bow in your right hand and pull the string with your left hand, you are a left handed archer. You need to use your stronger arm for accuracy and all of that, the other arm is just here to support the bow, all the force that you are using is comming from your right arm, the one that is drawing the string.

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YES, I’m with you on this, like, really, Funcom, give us this kind of things :joy: Although I was just explaining why you can’t do a full 360° while using a bow on horseback (like we can see in many games) using the same hand. Your idea is just, perfection :joy:

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i’m sure now you guys are happy after massive pressure for mount^^

Can we moove on to sorcery plz ?

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i can understand that .
we are also in a game where we can summon gods…left or right handed:)

I started to prepare a Jousting arena… Have to figure out how to place the PvP battle flags the best.

Only made the “middle line” currently and that the area is reserved.

Hopefully it will be as fun as I hope for :slight_smile:

Its south of the Obelisk near Warmaker Dungeon/Sepermeru.


Purpose of horses: To serve as the first mounts into the games, the most basic type namely to assist players in getting from point A to B and allow for mounted combat. In time perhaps there will be a wolf mount and it’s purpose will be better mounted combat, perhaps then a shaleback or camel mount and his purpose will be to to carry a lot of stuff, then perhaps the Elephant and Rhino whose purpose will be to have a charge attack and also be insanely tank mounts, maybe one day even mounts that allow you to fly… We don’t know yet but it all start with the simple horse. People used to ask what the purpose of a computer would ever be back when they first were created… now look, it always has to start somewhere and usually with humble beginnings, don’t fool yourself into thinking what we have now is all that will ever be.

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In a map so small and with teleport system was that really one of the lowest things to have…

But many people wanted it, for whatever reasons and now we get it…

Good question if the majority of the players who wanted it, still play the game :smiley: :smiley: