Stealth update with no devkit to modders is poor form

on a positive note, AndyB reached out on the modder’s discord and a devkit update is forthcoming, hopefully sooner than later.


Better late than never I suppose!

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That actually makes it worse. Like a meeting last week directing people to wrap up stuff in the current direction to pivot to this and we’ll catch everything up on the back end

Is there some kind of contract in which FC (or even Tencent) which binds either of them to give advance notice of doing anything to this game to Mod Authors (or ANYBODY else for that matter)?

I think not.

What they do if anything in advance of anybody’s knowledge is totally at their discretion.

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it is at their discretion, you are 100% right.

but people can come to complain in a public forum if they they disagree with those decisions. just like you can come here and tell us to piss off and stop complaining.

mcdonald’s is not under contract to let me know when the mcrib is coming back either, but i can still get on the mcdonald’s fan forum and complain about the lack of the mcrib. i can even decide that i dont want to eat there anymore if i dont like the way they treat the mcrib fanboys.

yah i dunno man, i’m not gonna go in for the sky is falling thing myself. does it suck? yup. even though my mods are unaffected, it still effects me as a modder tangentially. i don’t know if it’s deliberate indifference, incompetence, lack of staffing, or what the issue really is. but communication could be better.


All joking and doom prognostication aside, while this one has no access to mods, this one is very aware of how integral they are to many players’ continued enjoyment of the game.
Also, until recently, Funcom has been fairly supportive of their modding community (almost like someone realized that mods were significantly enhancing the longevity and sustained interest in the game) in this game.
Sincere condolences that this situation has developed as it has. Hopefully it won’t be a trend.


What a mind-blowing revelation!

But wait, I’ve got another one: did you know that “the legal thing to do” and “the right thing to do” is not always the same thing?

I know, totally blew my mind when I learned of it when I was a kid.

And now you know about it, too!


Nailed it.


It is really strange why they are doing this now.

I would understand if they tried to kill the game after Dune is released, so they don’t have to keep resources in Conan. But doing it before just makes no sense, especially when a large part of the target audience for Dune are current Conan players.

This one will bite.

What makes Dune attractive to the Conan fan?
How is the player in the Exiled Lands or on Siptah the target audience?

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If they want to kill Conan for Dune they will shut down the servers, cease development, and terminate their agreement with Playfab.

Just like they did with Age of Conan, Secret World, and Anarchy Online.

Oh wait… they haven’t done that yet.



Nope. And I’d be very surprised if they ever did. As long as there’s some money to be made all these games will continue to exist, if not thrive. They just become the red headed step child while the new kid gets all the love and attention. Tis the natural order I think.

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I will say this. I’m really surprised they haven’t revitalized Age of Conan a bit. When SOE came out with Everquest 2 for example, they didn’t stop developing for Everquest. In fact EQ1 is still getting shop content and expansions. The two games have a weird lore relationship that allows them on occasion to use assets (heavily modified obviously) between them.

We’ve seen Age of Conan content reach Conan Exiles, but I’m surprised the reverse isn’t happening. Though unlike the EQ’s, Age of Conan hasn’t seen very much in the way of upgrades to its engine base to make it easier to develop for as years go on. So it might not be feasible.

In either case, there’s enough playing those older MMOs to keep them afloat it seems.

I can answer that question. The vast majority of Conan’s popularity blossomed in the 80’s with the release of the movies. This in turn drew in a vast amount of new interest into the comics and original stories. The same thing happened with Frank Herbert’s Dune. The books popularity drastically increased with the release of the movie. And for those old enough to remember they use to air those movies together on tv.


Ah, so an overlapping demographic molded in the cocaine fueled merry madness of the 80s and thus with nostalgia adjacency.
That tracks.


Same here! I watched Funcom just suddenly and arbitrarily drop their RP ruleset without warning effectively killing their two official RP servers (and 3/4 of the RP players on my server left the game for good within the first week of this happening due to the instant toxicity of the server). I stuck with the game for years though eventually migrating to the unofficial RP server with my guild. But when they promised a revamp of the crafting system, and surprise surprise never actually revamped it in any way at all, I stopped my sub outright. I stayed for a while on the F2P model which is extremely limited but once they announced they were doing an early access for Conan Exiles I changed over here.


From what I can gather that is pretty much SOP for funcom games. With Dune coming out soon Conan will go the way the rest of the funcom games have. They may say it’s not going in to maintenance mode like the rest of their games, but I don’t see any further meaningful development being done.

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Leave a negative review on the game until they update the Dev Kit. Simple as that. Maybe, if enough of us do it, they’ll update it.

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The devs who had been in charge of the devkit were moved to Dune. The new devs who replaced them probably had insufficient time to first familiarize themselves with it and then also update it in time.

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In addition to what RavenS said, it is kind of how all games work. A new game from a studio, even if not a direct sequel, but at least of a similar genre, always draws primarily from the established fanbase. Doubly so with survival games, witch are a fairly niche genre where the whole playerbase is relatively small. In other words: there is not a huge player base outside of Conan waiting for just the right survival game.

Yes, of course it will draw in some new people, mainly Dune fans, who will give it a try, but due to the nature of Survival games, most of them won’t stick around for too long.

To use an example from elsewhere, if you are excited about Project Caesar, chances are, you are already an established Paradox gamer.

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