Steam vs. Conan

Sure, if you wanna strawman what I said, but I know that you’re better than that.

Am I an idiot for not telling my endodontist the correct steps and tools for performing the procedure he did? I know he did a bad job, because I actually lost that tooth. But I don’t know what exactly he did wrong. I know he shouldn’t have been so cavalier about my abscess, but that’s as much as I can say with confidence. I don’t even understand what he was telling his assistant when he was working on that tooth, so how the hell can I presume to tell him where he went wrong, in detail?

It’s the same thing here.

I was very specific, explicit, and detailed about what I was saying, and it most definitely wasn’t that you can’t cast blame or post negative opinions. I’m not sure what words I need to use to make that clearer, but I can keep trying as long as it’s not clear.

I’m not sure if you’re reacting this way because you think I was criticizing what you specifically said, but if that’s what you think, then I assure you that wasn’t my intention. Like I said, what bothered me about the start of this thread – and about many other similar threads – is the presumption of people who actually don’t know what they’re talking about, people who have demonstrated that lack of knowledge clearly.

Don’t like that the mods break on every major update? Yeah, me neither, let’s complain together. But dictating the details of how Funcom and mod makers need to change their processes is something else altogether. If a mod maintainer with lots of experience comes out and says something like that, I won’t complain. But if it’s someone who has no clue about it? That’s entitled crap and I have no compunction about calling it out.

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