Still enjoying, and anticipating updates

Hey everyone,
Just sending out my thanks to all those working to make the game and the community better. It’s been a while since I was last on the forum, mainly because I’ve been putting some hours into the Isle of Siptah. Needless to say, I’m enjoying my Conan experience.
I’ve been really taking my time with the game, and I am honestly enjoying every minute. It’s also great to know there are consistent updates, and I am excited for the next chapter and beyond.
No gripes or complaints in this post, just a satisfied player giving some love to all that are involved with making the Conan experience a great time :grin:


While we appreciate your desire for the post, if you’re playing Isle of Siptah, you may have discovered that it needs A LOT of work. It’s riddled with bugs that weren’t there in past versions.


Oh yeah I totally agree…and I see a lot of posts on the bugs and glitches. I just thought it would be nice to see that someone is actually enjoying the game. Sure there’s lots to complain about…I just looted a surge full of Legendary Weapons that were all 0 and 1 damage. But I’m not expecting perfection, just a good time. And over the past 6 months or so, I’ve been having a good time.


I just recently started playing on a private PvE server (always played on official) and I am enjoying the experience a lot more. Less bloat and more intention as far as builds go and the sever runs much smoother. Bugs aside, this is a great game and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the last 500hrs of playtime. There’s nothing quite like starting a new server and riding across the map uncovering some of the incredible structures built by players. Of coarse there’s always the obligatory sandstone mega cubes too, but not everyone is a builder… That being said, the bugs are what keep me from spending money on DLC, battlepass, and cosmetic items.


That’s actually a good idea… private server and all. There definitely would be a large sacrifice to make, there are some great builds on my server… a lot of them I use as landmarks. But I definitely could see the benefits of it as well. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what Santa brings…

I don’t typically play private servers mostly because of admins. They can give up on the server on any given day, without warning. Which means I lose all my progress, recipes, thralls, equipment, etc. I don’t have that issue on official. Even if I let everything fall into decay and i give up the server for a while, i know i can go back to it with my character progression in tact. They’re just more reliable for persistent playing. Private servers may not even exist after a break away. Though yes, private servers can be more stable.


I switched to private servers and never looked back. Sometimes they fall apart but the same group of people snowball into the next one, and the server stability tends to be so much better

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That was my #1 trepidation with playing on a private server. I have my main official server with bigger buildings and treasury for raids, but decided to press my luck. Honestly I have no idea who runs the server. I’ve reached out to every player that’s on when I am and no one seems to know so i kept my footprint and ambitions small just incase it poofs away one day. If they can stablize the game one day I’d happily rent a server and leave it open to the public, but I’m just not willing to spend money on the gamble that it won’t work properly.