I am forced to agree with you here. While the Lifeblood Spear, and also the Sword of Crom, may not be the only examples of this, they are certainly the most notorious and abnoxious ones. It took me literally over a month of farming the Unnamed City to get a Sword of Crom (my most sacred artifact) and almost as long to get a Lifeblood Spear. Despite only having drop rates of around 1%, just ask anyone who supported such nerfs, and they will assure you that they are ohhh so easy to obtain, they get 6 of them a night and you can almost fall over them on the trail side. Legendary weapons take time, effort and skill to earn, and their strength and usefulness should be a reflection of that.
What I personally believe, is that there are a number of players who would rather demand Funcom weaken features to levels of triviality, than spend the time getting good, adapting and developing counter measures. Becoming proficient with ones dodging is usually a good step. Considering the backlash to the nerfs on the two aforementioned weapons, including the majority opposition of 70% in the below Poll, I can only hope that nerfs will come to be viewed as a last resort in the future.