Stuck between two thralls and a horse

Keeps happening.

You are trying to loot something with E, and instead order your thralls (all three of them) to come stand in a circle around you. Suddenly, your two thralls, your horse, and the post that happens to be next to you are body blocking your field of view.

There is nowhere you can press to “send” your thralls to that is not instead opening their inventory.

You can’t pick them up and place them down, because you are in a NPC camp.

My body is physically swimming inside the body of my thrall, almost as if it’s trying to decide if it should swim, fall or jump over and over.

Can’t climb, can’t roll, can’t jump out of it. Just stuck until relog saved by another player or npc.

It keeps happening, not often, but when it does, it’s such a pain in the butt that it’s just a joke. A bad one.

Venting, while my wife walks across the map to move the thralls for me.

I could try relogging, but it’s just easier to roll my eyes and forum post while the wife long walks and we both talk smack about the game.

Please fix this and many issues like it.



Remap “command” to Q

Appreciate that, but if it’s an issue that is happening to a lot of players because of default settings, perhaps Funcom could consider remapping defaults, or solving the issue another way.

I like a multi-functional command key, but it needs to come with certain coding to provide protections against stupid moments like this.

I know, but it won’t be fixed (like almost any QoL improvements people been asking for) sadly.
I have an issue with command key too, that when ordering 3 zombies and 1 horse to move, zombies got into their position, horse is circling them endlessly. I have to manually order them to stop so I can reach the horse again.
And it won’t be fiixed, since it’s not game crashing, it’s just a minor QoL, I knew it.

Oh, in your situation, try changing FOV. Bigger FOV gives you better look at the surroundings. Maybe you can click your way out then.

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Did try that. Normally play in large field of view, switched to lower one. Only thing that could be done is restarting, and maybe not relogging under the thralls feet. Waiting for NPC’s to respawn. Or having a friend come move your thralls for you.

It is just dumb.

Kick command should nudge your thralls away from you without doing damage.


Kick sounds like an universial solution for path blocking. I like that!


There is one mod for PC, named “Better Thralls”. It has a very useful command, “Go away!”: All your followers move for some short distance away from you. So this is technically feasible for Funcom as well.


Nice workaround!
For us with no katanas, should daggers do the trick?

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I try to change to first person point of view and “most” of the times I can send them to a different place.
A couple of times I just had to remove the bracelet, no other option.

Katana’s attacks have been reworked , doesn’t have the dash anymore :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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Since when? I used it last night ( katana dash combo is OP) and it works just fine. I play on PS5.


My mistake :stuck_out_tongue: , I thought it was gone since it’s no longer on heavy attacks but on special attacks now ( kick button ) I’m not using katana’s so much myself , honest mistake :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

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Change the follow distance to medium or higher. That way they don’t group around you. I was doing a double sabre build and had to go through 5 doors to get to my base. One sabre was at the exit, the other at the entrance. Only way through was using the katana.


I have i idea how they could improve this with emotes for example :slight_smile:

There should be a ‘go out of my way’ emote. Maybe three different. The friendly one:

Can you please go out of my way ->followers go 5m away from you!

Go out of my way! NOW! - > followers go 10m away from you.


A loud yelling: F*ck off! - > followers Run 20m away …


Hey . even when you’re stuck inside the horse. does it work too?

Follow distance doesn’t change if you tell them to come to that location. I always keep thralls at 15-ish and horses higher. it’s fine usually, but they’ll crowd you when you use the command by accident. I had this happen to me numerous times.

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Last night, specifically, I was trying to loot a corpse and it was dark so could not see it exactly and unfortunately I pressed “E” and moved my thralls to my location. The dead thrall happened to be next to a post in an NPC camp. Since I have the two thralls and a horse, all three came over to my location and stood around me. I was trapped. Could not roll, climb, jump, mount my horse. Could not find a view to order them away from me (tried for like minutes). Rather than admitting defeat and relogging, I ended up having to wait for my wife to run over to move the thralls. But by the time she got there, the NPC’s in the camp had respawned and my thralls started fighting. Thus I was able to move again.

But at one point, my body was physically occupying the same space as a thrall and I was doing a perpetual swimming/falling animation.

It just needs a few checks coded in that prevent this sort of crazy.


wow interesting

Agreed… if you wanna see a great example of how a follower should handle, check out Prince of Persia (2018). They did an amazing job with how she follows, right down to back tracking on a ladder or pole or ledge. It’s quite beautiful to see really. We’re not asking something quite that in-depth, but maybe just a slight collision distance to prevent these sorts of actions.

I tried this, but it didn’t do anything. Is it a hold down of the button to charge?

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