Suggestion for addition

I want to see this cutie. adorable . Big hamster (or a similar model) from (Exile extrême)

on the official servers .please funcom!! .I swear to you that I buy it for a maximum budget of €20.

@Caroll hi please can you forward my message to the developer and give me an official response please?

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@Caroll hello how are you ??

We would trade a noisy cat and a snake for one of those and a couple real life dogs. Adorable

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this thing could generate a lot of money :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

Damn right we want 2 of them just to have in our bedrooms puuur haps like dancers

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When I saw the first image, I said to myself “oh my god”.
He looks like Sasuke, the mount of MOmongosama, the main hero of Overlord.
Sorry for being off-topic, but I had to place it . :rofl:


cute things make want to break through the wallet. i want make a army of hamsters for the purges. just for see these balls of fur running in all directions with their little feet :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::hamster:

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i want them to add a definitive fix for the infinite loading screen, it would be amazing!

welcome in conan exile. unfortunately there have bugs since the start of the game

@Caroll hello are you alive ??


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And I question, from what part of Hyborian Lands does this come from?


let me think. I will give you the answer when I find :sweat_smile:

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So I ask for a rideable saber cat and everyone gives me the lore/realism lecture but everyone is ok with a giant rideable hamster?? Hahah :joy::joy:
I don’t understand anyone anymore.

I do want that hamster

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“Realism” seems like a silly argument when aggressive, half-blind, barely-gregarious rhinos are one of the only two mount choices in the game while Camels and Elephants aren’t.


I must offer a respectful no to this suggestion MENISTHETURK. For one, the atmosphere it evokes is in no way congruent with that of the Hyborian Age setting; one of feuding barbaric civilizations, corrupt hierachies, slavery, savage brutality and ritual human sacrifice. Moreover, that ‘hamster’ does not appear in the works of ANY Conan author to date, and hence is not congruent with the lore. It is a firm but polite ‘no’ from me.

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You clearly didn’t read the recently released unreleased story. It was found in a forgotten room of his estate. It’s called the The Blood of the Hamster. Conan rides a giant hamster into battle. Idk, man… I thought you were well versed in Conan lore, and yet you didn’t even know about this? For shame… :disappointed:

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Of course …
You should know that is the latest spawn out of the void, of the latest and greatest battering ram who can slam through the thickest fortress or city walls (without a scratch), Still having more than enough stamina to steamroll over any adversary who stands in its way.
All of you other puny gods have finally met your match.

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so if I understood correctly. all things in the game is linked to the Conan films and books?

Well, I would recommend an in-depth research based on R.E. Howard’s works.
Focusing particular attention to Conan the Barbarian and related “lore” specific to it.
Allowing for influence from his friend H.P. Lovecraft.
Disregard any other authors since R.E. Howard.

Some of the CRAP I’ve seen put into this game …
have absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
For evidence: I call your attention to "Jediah’s Sabre "
(Possibly called “Jediah’s Light Sabre”).
Read the info on that one and tell me what you think.

At the least, I for one say this game has been BASTARDIZED and is no longer authentic.
R. E. Howard, I am certain, is turning over in his grave.
Whoever the A-hole smartass is who suggested that… should be banished … forever.
Furthermore, the IDIOT who allowed it should be FIRED AND BLACKLISTED from the industry.

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