Suggestion: Make fence foundation / ceiling stacking easier?

Someone here marked an old message from me, and I come here to give my testimony on the subject.

Our base at Crevice, had about 50 to 80 foundation stacks and this message I posted is real, official response from FUNCOM, where my entire clan was banned for this reason.The entire stack was created as a defense of the base, as everyone knows, this spot is quite big and has 3 openings, due to the game’s raid mechanics, if you don’t stack on these entrances, your base will be fragile.
We would NEVER imagine that something like that would be banned.

Now there’s something worse, which maybe you haven’t seen yet.
Actually, my account is PERMA ban on official Conan exiles, as in one of our wars we were reported to be allegedly using a hack. Here I show you the video of one of the situations in question that our enemies used to report to us… (this is the point of view of my ally, the person who was reported for supposedly using a hack, as he was “teleporting” through the map).

Obviously he wasn’t using any hack as well as none of us.
Despite appealing for a long time and in many ways to FUNCOM, including and not limited to private messages to some community managers, I have not been able to reverse the ban.

I will show you the amount of emails exchanged. I presented counter-evidence, asked for evidence, cried, fought, did everything I could…

And in the end the final answer remained the same:

In my opinion, funcom has some critical flaws in the management of official servers. I really can’t understand if their intention is to discontinue this service or if it’s just a lack of management.

What it seems to me is that there are several people who deal with this subject and that each one of them has a different way of thinking, dealing with it, totally arbitrary and without any specific criteria.
Funcom itself has some great employees, which I can include the Community Manager staff, so I don’t know which sector or who deals directly with this subject.

I would think it fairer if they discontinued serving as Official Servers than doing that sort of thing.
The last 3 wars on official servers I participated in (including the last one where I was banned) became REPORT wars. everyone reporting to each other for anything, including creating baits for people to say inappropriate things in the global chat.

Unfortunately I don’t play this game anymore, although I really like it. But there’s no way to condone this kind of thing.

But I tell you, at any time you can get banned for no real reason and funcom’s response will be something like: “the servers are a courtesy and we can ban you at any time and for no reason”, believe me, we’ve already received a message with that answer.

And probably this thread of mine will be deleted, so save this information in your hearts! lol
may the force be with you!


Isn’t that clear? “Building abuse to lag server…” that should be enough to understand stacking alone does not put you in risk for a ban but ABUSING can like ABUSING normal building can.

When someone says on forum “i got banned, im innocent” i never belive it.
Clearly you have been naughty on few servers, your case does not prove that stacking is bannable but ABUSE of anything is - i can abuse ‘normal’ building too and get banned, besides there’s no whole picture drawn, all you showed 3 images and 0 hard proof.

i don’t need to prove anything to you, but there’s always ppl like this, who disqualifies others without any reason.

Anyway, what i’m showing on my post here is about another thing, it was related to a Perma ban me and my clanmates received for using HACK, without any of us actually using any hack.

To have an idea.
Some of our enemies showed us the videos they used to report us after the war ended and that’s why I showed this video where it shows our point of view.
Even some of them tought that this ban was inappropriate, i just can’t understand it.

About the stack foundation, we use it to defend the base, not to harm the server… now whether this harmed the server or not is another story.

The problem is that nowhere this is clear in the funcom rules of exactly what you can and cannot do.
What is an abusive size and what is acceptable, there is no metric, it is completely arbitrary and there are no warnings.
If they think you’re wrong, that’s it.


Thank you for taking the time to explain, I’m sorry your experience was so bad

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No, You don’t have to prove anything but then You should not give some kind of arguments as it makes no sense as i clearly see they had reason to ban you, they need hard proof to ban someone, doubt you are innocent or you got banned for just stacking fences like regular player.

That’s definitely true, there is much worse out there. When it comes to stacking, I don’t think anyone is doing it with the specific intent of creating lag.
As you say there have/are/will always be more effective methods (not that I condone any of them of course).
I’m interested to what extent they had stacked on that particular occasion?

If stacking wasn’t a bannable offence it would not be listed. The extent to which stacking is seen as an issue is exactly the point I was making, so no it’s not clear!

Anyway, I will say again if you can get banned for it, making it easier to do is a ridiculous concept.

The expectation that people will play nice is incredibly optimistic, but in reality it will just lead to more abuse, and subsequent bans.

It’s not the first time I heard someone say that. In fact at one point a clan was threatening me to make a report “or else”. Never found out what the “else” was, because they got wiped that day.
But I’m guessing that is probably happening frequently.

There are other examples that aren’t much different to what you describe, with Hugo saying it’s not seen as an exploit.

I wasn’t there, but what you described is pretty much the norm for that location. So I have no reason to doubt you.

Appreciate you adding some context to the discussion.

#FreeKholdenn :joy:

They did say that they were waiting until they had enough data from privates to enable it effectively. I would love to see some form of dbd enabled soon.
As far as raid mechanics go we would just be kicking a dead horse unfortunately. But all your suggestions would be a breath of fresh air to raiding.


These are not mine alone, most have been discussed through the 3+years I have been the forum, just it died down because those players moved on.

Yeah, at least make the pvp have play cycle, not just a farm, offline, or babysit one like now.


No, you are not supposed to stack fence foundation or celling … This need too be fixed.

Please read the thread again, there is a post with a link that is stated by a CM th stacking is not an exploit in and of itself alone. So “fix” what exactlt?

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My clan has this brewery up north and it gets hit by meteors. It would be great if there were real-world effects, like disasters, stored-material explosions, and just plain rust.

Introduce a new dungeon. You need to retrieve the “orb of wasted dreams” and plant it in the middle of each base or you are susceptible to real-world “rot.”

This would be cool, and it would force the old fogeys into an actual battle scenario.


Valheim has a cool “weathering” mechanic for wood based building parts. Basically over time it will degrade when it rains on it. But never past 50%. just forces at least some maintenance farming.

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They should implement an upkeep cost to buildings the biggger your claim/base, the more materials you need to maintain it over the time.


No. They doesn’t need hard proof. Some friends already managed to ban their enemies using false-positives/fake reports.
As i said, official servers wars are report wars now.
I have experienced it myself and some unhappy Friends did it against their enemies and it worked.
I think it’s just a matter of how you report and the amount of reports. If your whole clan and allied clans report someone, even if it’s not true, it Will work.

I hope funcom read what i’m saying here and change their ways to deal with this kind of thing.
But i can assure you that it worked…

I have around 7k-8k gameplay hours on this game, 90% of them was on official pvp.
Been on this game since beta on 2017.
Of course i’m not a saint, i made use of bugs and exploits, specially in the past when the game didn’t have moderation.
If i was perma banned at this time, i could not complain, but when you receive a penalty for something you know you or your clanmates didn’t do, it’s frustrating. Specially because we have proofs.

About the building stacking issue, we build the crevice base, with a lot of foundation stacking to Project the base, like everyone else Always do. We didn’t make it to specially lags the Server, i can’t even imagine someone doing a whole base on this spot just to lag the server… There are easier ways to achieve this. It’s easier to lag the server with t1 foundations spam, Blue torches and other things.

I really don’t understand why i’m keeping being flagged =(

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I already posted it hahahahaha. You must not read my post, saw my video.

Anyway i’m not even playing this anymore.
It’s just a testimonial for the players who still plays official.

If someone wants further proofs of what i’m saying or anything like that, i don’t mind sharing then on private. But i’m not going to flood it here.

i don’t know why i’m getting flagged here… i’m not ofending anyone, even mefistos whos is clearly trying to disqualify me. =|

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He only came here because I brought up his post and someone linked it. He came to share his experience, it’s fine if you don’t believe it, but there’s no need to act rude

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I agree. @Kholdenn and I have never agreed or gotten along in any thread ever. But right now, @Mefistos, you are the one who is being rude and out of line. What difference does it make to you, or this thread, whether he was rightfully/wrongly banned? I posted his noticed because it specifically says he was banned for causing server lag. Right or wrong is irrelevant.


Im not rude, its just irrelevant to topic, it started to become conspiracy theory storm about bans and probably is just lie as there is no proof.

More posts like he does and this thread will probably end up closed by mods.

So you think it’s not rude to call someone delusional and accuse them of lying with no proof?

Your suggestion was about making stacking easier, you are the one who brought up stacking in the first place. How is a player discussion his experience with stacking off topic?

We have seen the message that FC sent and stacking was one of the infractions listed, if it isn’t an infraction it simply should not have been even mentioned.

Stacking can not both be a non-exploit and also lead to player bans. This is a direct contradiction

I’ve seen the post from someone at FC saying that it’s not an exploit (at this time) but that post predates the ban, so if it were accurate at that time it apparently changed

Of course FC could clear this up but chances are they absolutely won’t.