Someone here marked an old message from me, and I come here to give my testimony on the subject.
Our base at Crevice, had about 50 to 80 foundation stacks and this message I posted is real, official response from FUNCOM, where my entire clan was banned for this reason.The entire stack was created as a defense of the base, as everyone knows, this spot is quite big and has 3 openings, due to the game’s raid mechanics, if you don’t stack on these entrances, your base will be fragile.
We would NEVER imagine that something like that would be banned.
Now there’s something worse, which maybe you haven’t seen yet.
Actually, my account is PERMA ban on official Conan exiles, as in one of our wars we were reported to be allegedly using a hack. Here I show you the video of one of the situations in question that our enemies used to report to us… (this is the point of view of my ally, the person who was reported for supposedly using a hack, as he was “teleporting” through the map).
Obviously he wasn’t using any hack as well as none of us.
Despite appealing for a long time and in many ways to FUNCOM, including and not limited to private messages to some community managers, I have not been able to reverse the ban.
I will show you the amount of emails exchanged. I presented counter-evidence, asked for evidence, cried, fought, did everything I could…
And in the end the final answer remained the same:
In my opinion, funcom has some critical flaws in the management of official servers. I really can’t understand if their intention is to discontinue this service or if it’s just a lack of management.
What it seems to me is that there are several people who deal with this subject and that each one of them has a different way of thinking, dealing with it, totally arbitrary and without any specific criteria.
Funcom itself has some great employees, which I can include the Community Manager staff, so I don’t know which sector or who deals directly with this subject.
I would think it fairer if they discontinued serving as Official Servers than doing that sort of thing.
The last 3 wars on official servers I participated in (including the last one where I was banned) became REPORT wars. everyone reporting to each other for anything, including creating baits for people to say inappropriate things in the global chat.
Unfortunately I don’t play this game anymore, although I really like it. But there’s no way to condone this kind of thing.
But I tell you, at any time you can get banned for no real reason and funcom’s response will be something like: “the servers are a courtesy and we can ban you at any time and for no reason”, believe me, we’ve already received a message with that answer.
And probably this thread of mine will be deleted, so save this information in your hearts! lol
may the force be with you!