With a decent mount to pull it, a small cart capable of holding anywhere from 1-5 thralls over a longer distance, rather than just dragging them with a binder.
A nice single-axle cart could work well enough. Not like a full on wagon.
Take your mount and cart somewhere and have them stay there. Go raid a camp nearby. Use your bindings to drag out an NPC. Interact with the cart to place the captured NPC inside. Interact again to drop the body out on the ground, ready to bind once more and go into your Wheel.
No joke… I seriously love this idea! It could have an inventory just like a wheel of pain and when you drag your unconcious thrall to it it occupies a slot just like it would on a wheel of pain. That way you never lose a thrall to the unending abyss that is the under mesh. The carts could be tied to the level of your wheel of pain meaning it would be upgradeble in the same way you go from the regular wheel with one slot, to the medium up to the greater wheel with 8 slots. But it would be equipped on the horse in place of the saddle, it would slow the horse down and drain stamina faster for balance reasons. This would enable us to travel to distant camps and come back home fully loaded with fresh meat for the grinder!
I like it. Maybe even two versions. A simple wagon that can hold maybe two or three, then an upgraded version that holds a couple more and looks more like the prison wagon from Planet of the Apes (1968) or something.
xD Best I could find that -sort of- looks like it.
The single axle can pivot way more easily than the dual. It’s just a smaller fit, since the dual can probably hold as many as 6-8 people. Which is a bit much for gameplay, I think.
It would probably be too much of a stretch to make it one you could ride, which is why I put just to have it follow along behind you as a normal mount or pet would.
Players with maxed out ENC should be able to daisy chain thralls on a single rope. Because why would you need a cart to haul 5 human bodies if can already run with 40.000 stones in you pocket?
Probably. I was just pitching out general material types that would work well with it.
True, but this would look nicer. And then you can use a shield or torch as necessary to defend the cart as well. Without having to worry about thralls dropping through the terrain.
I don’t see why people just drop the Wheels and leave them.
I stick them in my Thrall’s inventory and let them carry them. Two slots, one for the wheel and one for the Taskmaster, that leaves some for the broken thralls.
Yeah, I did that in Sepermeru. Drop the Wheel either to the north, west, or south based on the area I was farming, in order to be able to drag them more easily.
It’s a slow moving cart. (Well, slow relative to a horse anyway.) If you want a better chance of getting away, just drag the thralls one at a time back to your base.
Uhm. Yes Do. Can a player just loot it or will it be locked? Why have it and not a horse and encom thrall? What are the pros and cons. Can players destroy or dmaage it? If i hit it will it take the player off and stam him like a normal dismount? Just asking because it has to be balanced in some way…
Can you ride it and shoot archery from it? Can you pvp and stand on it? Lots of questions. I am down for the idea but i need to make sure it doesnt break pvp
Make the cart lootable depending on server settings. So PvP yes, PvE no. Taking a thrall “out” pops them on the ground behind the cart for binding. For technical reasons, they shouldnt wake up in the cart and run away (they’d probably “tether” and TP back home instantly)
Make the cart & horse move at a slower speed than a regular mount, so slower than player sprinting but faster than player jogging.
Have the cart itself go into the saddle slot of the horse, and give it standard stamina damage resistance, slower sprint speed and higher sprint cost as well as poor turning ability.
Allow full weapon usage while mounted, only because it’d be pretty bad due to the above properties. Archery cant fire to the left or directly backwards if I recall right and it’d be possible to close the distance on foot anyway.
Make the cart itself “slippery” so if anyone got on it, they’d do that weird falling in place thing until they were actually off it.
Finally, make damage to the cart take away mount stamina to dismount any player riding.
Eh, I don’t PvP, so I don’t bother thinking about PvP. As far as I’m concerned it can be added for PvE only. Let PvPers worry about their own thrall taking.
As for your questions, it wasn’t a mount, so no you can’t ride it.
I guess you can PvP and stand on it, but it’s not going anywhere since it would be designed to follow you like any other follower.
I suppose it can be destroyed, since you can give durability to the different versions.
No, other players can’t loot it, I would say. Even if it were destroyed.
This would just ruin the idea, because then PvPers would complain about people raiding their carts.
Same here. The cart shouldn’t be lootable in any way except by the owner.
Thralls are gone if the cart is destroyed.
Not a mount. It’s a follower. It was hard enough for them to add mounts to the game as a third party we can steer.
Plus it doesn’t make a lot of sense as a mount for the player. The player should be on the ground and mobile around the cart to deal with threats. Not sitting in the seat.