Hi @Nadia and welcome back. As with previously, I support your call for pet snakes. And considering just how prominant both Set and snakes are to Conan lore, to me it does make good sense. I would also like to link this thread to here, where my buddy @Necro made the same request, which was overwhelmingly successful.
If I had to take a punt on it, I would say that it is likely a pathing issue. The snakes in the game, especially the large ones like those close to Murielas Hope, take up a lot of room in the width department when then move, and cannot perform a 180 turn as readily as many other followers. Now for an example: can you imagine one of those large snakes teing to manouver up and down a narrow spiral staircase in some members bases? Now do keep in mind here that I support this call. But IF it does come to fruition, you may end up limited to the small snakes…