Suggestion to improve game performance


1 - Limit the number of building parts. On the other hand, they create tougher and more resistant points when some specific building pieces are joined together. Too many building blocks reduces server performance, pollutes the environment with unnecessary claims, and worsens new player experience.

2 - Reduce the decay time from 167 hours to 160. Then it would take less time for abandoned buildings to disappear.

3 - Have a task force look for specific bugs and bugs across the map of Exile and Siptah. Type make a fix pack on the order of 100 or more fixes.

4 - Changing some algorithms for others with less complexity and better performance.

5 - Swap out some texture files for a lighter version.

6 - Usually when players are duplicating items, the server slows down. Develop an algorithm that identifies the user who is slowing down the server and takes it out temporarily.

7 - Increase the restriction on places that are not possible to build (sulfur area), as the excess of buildings is hampering game performance and harming players. This will save you headaches and tickets.

8 - Reduce by 15% or more the amount of natural resources available on the map. Especially stone.


1 - Create a trading bench and on these benches the player can trade, buy or sell items in the security of the base. Other players will be able to trade from their respective benches.

2 - Merchants sell items more relevant to gameplay. These items would include tools, swords and light armor.

3 - It will take the NPC longer to fully recover his health. Short time is frustrating many players.

4 - NPCs will no longer die from touching lava. Thrall loss is frustrating players.

5 - Prevent purges from appearing inside the player’s base. Create unique monsters for the purges. bases in high places would be purged by flying creatures.

6 - In PVP mode it would have the traditional purge. In PVE-C there would be two types of purge with two bars. And in PVE there were three types of purges.This would accentuate the differences between the three game modes.

7 - create more places and crevices for solo players or weaker clans to hide.
It would be possible to take advantage of the places that already exist to implement this. Create dozens of spots to hide. Big clans spoil the fun and scare off new players.

8 - create a new area for the exile lands. And in this new area there should be many cracks, caves and tunnels. Places to hide and make a discreet base. This would be to improve the experience for new players.

9 - Allow chests and lockers to be destroyed in PVE-C mode. Benches could be looted and chests locked. The rest would stay as is.

10 - That it would be possible to build closer to the top of the volcano’s peaks.

11 - Improve the look of some armor that is very ridiculous.

12 - improvement in quirks in attribute scores. It would give a range of options of quirks in the attribute the player achieved enough points.

13 - It is possible to stimulate some peculiarity in thrall according to the food placed while it gains levels.


1 - Improve the appearance of dragons and allow them to fly. But from time to time they fly to other points on the map. They wouldn’t stay at a fixed point on the map. Make it possible to ride dragons and fly them to a maximum height. They could even be a raid tool. Catch dragon eggs to put in the corral. Ice, fire and undead dragons.

2 - create an underground biome that covers much of the lands of exile. It would greatly increase the number of places to explore.


I can’t. I just cant.

I layed a like for the things that I agree , some of them , the minority . Yet some of them already exists , for example on pc thralls don’t die in lava anymore .

I don’t have knowledge of how programming is done , but I know gaming ,there for I believe that exile lands is fantastic the way it is , maybe new dungeons ,yes , but underground caves etc , no . PvP is destroyed by mounts only(and hacks ofcurce) , yet some people love it so I have to respect that(not the hacks ofcurce) . The game is fixed for everyone and trying to cover a lot of gaming needs , I don’t believe other survival games are so awesome and creative as Conan exiles is .

There will always be di…heads trying to destroy your fun , I don’t believe there will ever be a solution about them , no matter the rules and restrictions .

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I still think there should be caves and places for solo players and weak clans to hide. They cannot spoil the fun of a large number of casual, new and short-lived gamers to guarantee the fun of an idle and toxic minority. With this unbearable craze of Funcom forcing all players to disadvantageous PVP, frustrating for new or average players. She’s killing new player-clients coming. That’s why, among other things, that many have already abandoned the game. The game is about survival, but Funcom cannot just favor strong clans as it has been doing for some time. That’s why the number of players doesn’t grow.

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But there are a lot of hiding places , a lot . Still this will not change the necessity of farming dungeons or unnamed city . You cannot grow strong in PvP without knowledge , so if you try to farm a dungeon and someone is camping outside and kill you without a chance for fight back , if you farm unnamed city and someone is one shooting you with a horse , then you still have no chance against Alfa :woman_shrugging:t3: . The game mechanics are giving you many chances to hide things , the map (exile lands) has hundreds of hidden spots , yet your body is spawning before you can react outside the dungeons and obelisks plus mounts are destroying the farming pleasure of unnamed city .

Yet this is just my humble opinion , I don’t expect others to agree :woman_shrugging:t3:

This could be solved by improving the performance of the spears against horses. Another tactic you can use are barricades.

Barricades on the unnamed city ? The only tactic that could change the game is no horses allowed in the unnamed city :woman_shrugging:t3:. Yet again others love it , so I , we , cannot do anything about it .

You cant place anything in the Unnamed city, you are correct, and its terrain makes it the perfect hunting spot for horsemen vs people on foot.
On the flip side, they have nerfed the drops so badly, it isn’t really worth going there anymore.


I disagree with this one right off the bat. This essentially makes it you have to log in every 6 days instead of 7 since if you logged on the 7th day, you may have missed your timer and base is gone. Casual players who only play once a week would be effect the most on this issue.

I am not sure what benefit this will be. Also, I would not want to see less Trees because of this change for example. I like seeing a forest.

Some of the non-DLC items are lighter in textures already (for example: Sandstone, Stonebrick and Reinforced Stone). It would be a non-starter to lower the textures of a DLC items. Couldn’t a player just lower the graphic settings to resolve that issue?

I am not sure what you mean different types of purges.

Please mention which ones you are referring to would be helpful. I am actually curious which set needs tweaking.

While cool idea… this would probably tax the official servers. Private servers may or may not have issues as well depending number of players and/or server they are using.
Lastly, due to the function of land claims, someone building on the overworld would block underworld NPCs from spawning due to the Y axis land claims. I learned this issue on the private and official server. So it would require a rebuild of the land claims for Y-axis issues. I get it, someone can’t build over or under your property.

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Testlive has this in the current patch notes.

So, hopefully we will see if this will make it better for many players.

There are a million topics on this already. Limiting building is not the answer. Changes to decay or maintenance is a better approach. But as I said, a million topics. Use the search.

(Sigh). They already have developers working on bug fixes. That’s never changed. Funcom also has internal and external QA teams, just like every game development company in the world.

Uh…what? If you are asking them to focus on performance improvements, they have been doing that for Conan Exiles entire development life, and then some, already. There’s no magic “algorithm” that will fix everything.

Console already uses that. PC has settings for that.

They already have tools in place for detecting exploits. If you have an exploit to report and how to do so, report it through Zendesk.

Won’t impact performance in the slightest. It’ll just make it harder for players to gain resources.

Clarify? Thralls aren’t dying from lava anymore, and that’s frustrating? Or are you complaining about Thralls not taking damage? Cause that’s been requested a million times by the community, and its why it was implemented.

That’s an intended feature for people with inaccessible bases. Implementing “flying creatures” would take an excessive amount of work. You really don’t know what you are asking here. Finally, it would need to be lore accurate.

What point does this serve? I’m not seeing any possible gain for this.

Exile Lands cannot be further expanded on. This has been documented hundreds of times on this forum. Use the search feature. And no, I’m not going to explain it yet again. Been down that road way too many times.

Defeats the purpose of PvE-C completely. If you want PvP, go play on a PvP server.

Absolutely zero useful feedback on this one. You’re going to need to be far more detail for your feedback to viable. It’s also unlikely for significant changes to occur to existing armor for a number of reasons.

Are you asking for certain foods to impact what affects the Followers as it levels? Already exists.

No. This isn’t World of Warcraft.


Lol. You answered what I just basically thought before I posted " I can’t…I just can’t"


Are you a programmer? You know that the excess of building pieces is one of the MAJOR reasons the game is slow and sucks. reducing the amount of stone that can be extracted from the terrain by 15% will make a big difference. He has a weak computer that crashes when the player is going to mine ores. PVE-C is an intermediary between PVE and PVP. I have no problem with having one or two more PVP elements. When I talked about the Task Force, I didn’t talk about the groups that already exist. I’m talking about a real task force and not this joke Funcom makes. His criticisms of my suggestions have been the ones that have made the least sense so far. If they already have it. Clearly not enough. Algorithms are constantly being improved in games. This is nothing new. The problem is that the improvements they make don’t have much relevance for the game as a whole to improve.

I seriously doubt that a hard build cap will be enabled, and if it ever is it will have too be extremely high.

The main reason for my doubt is the fact that a huge portion of PAID dlc has been building pieces.

Should funcom refund all those purchases? Or do you assume that people will be ok with having spent money on an aspect of the game that a build cap would directly effect

Edit: apparently I misspelled the company name and it censored it for some weird reason?

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limiting the number of building tiles will only be bad for idiot players who want to scatter blocks across the entire map. Ideally, there should be an incentive to build smaller bases. There are many ideas in this regard. Your questioning doesn’t make much sense.

Yes he is actually. Multigun is one of the more well known mod authors (of many) in the Conan Modding community. He has nearly as much (and in some aspects more) knowledge of how the game works as the developers do.

Then the PC isn’t strong enough to play Conan Exiles. The game plays on the PS4 somewhat well, if the PC isn’t at least equal to that, then its not the fault of the developers and nothing needs to be done.

So what exactly makes it a joke? Do you even know what it actually entails? Do you know how many people work on this? Because I don’t believe you do. I don’t believe you know the amount of work some of these people are putting into it.


The thing is those players have paid lots of money for their building pieces, and I imagine many of them would never buy anything from a company again after they basically got bait and switched.

There are many potential solutions for toxic builders, but a hard cap won’t stop them, especially not on console where they could make multiple accounts to spam their foundations all over the map still.

What I think it would stop is people who enjoy building large but reasonable bases and handy public use builds like an elevator or stairs to add access routes for other players

The only way I see a build cap working is if it’s so high the average player doesn’t ever have to worry about it.

I’m sure you have good intentions with your suggestion, but I think it’s the wrong path to take, and could severely limit one of the biggest appeals for a big part of the player base


Blasphemy :speak_no_evil:

I thought this suggestion was akin to the ubiquitous scifi solution to every technical problem: reverse the polarities in whichever gadget you’re using, and you can get the exact effect you needed, from achieving time travel to turning your toaster into a death ray. I guess the same applies to programming: develop an algorithm, and your problems are gone. Just gone.


Well no. That’s just stupid. Every programmer worth thier salt knows you need a spiffy Task Force + the algorythm. Sheesh, non programmer :wink: