Eventually we start getting piles and piles of certain resources that we probably won’t use.
I would like to suggest a few things:
A new set of equipment that utilizes scavenged materials. We already have Darfari and the Hyena set, yes, but I am talking something that uses significantly more bones for something similar to the base tier 1 heavy armor. Something that uses maybe 20 bones to 1 iron bar, perhaps with lower durability. The point being something you could make if you really needed something to tide you over pre-iron, or something you could make from junk laying around without the iron you are putting towards other projects.
a kind of adobe building material that is somewhere between the Stone set and the Wood sets for insulation, a sort of primitive concrete that uses sticks, plant fiber and bonemeal as the core components. Doesn’t need to be too special, just use my excess bonemeal/plant fibers! In appearance it would be similar to what we see in Sepermeru.
Large-scale resource recipes. Some kind of thing, probably decorative, that uses 1,000 bones. Like a creature skeleton you would see in a museum. Alternatively, other fancy things with other materials. Wicker from plant fibers could be a thing.
Summoning a skeleton equivalent to a tier 3 or 4 thrall using lots and lots of bones. And maybe demon blood. Not the 100ish to get the current thralls, but 1,000ish bones (so 50 corrupted bones?) for a legit bruiser.