Support (account and billing) is taking weeks to reply!!
Never seen this much time to reply a support ticket.
Funcom care to tell us what is happening, pls.
Yes, I can confirm that wait time for billing support is 2 weeks. As other players confirmed that wait time for them was 14-15 days.
They literally just made a post saying that support would no longer give priority to players who don’t support them financially so basically if you’re free to play a member of the community you’re at the back of the line. I had a petition in for a couple days now and still haven’t heard anything back from them and I have an active subscription. I think funcom at this point is just basically not caring. It’s all about the money and this game doesn’t make them enough to bother. It probably makes barely enough to cover the server costs.
Hubby and I are paying players and have been since 2012… And they aren’t replying to me on forum at all… And got a gm to get back to me in game who told me to contact support for tech issues… I am getting hell of irritated about this anymore. Wow I had not seen that post either Spreadicus. But still that is their fault then, they made the game free to play, per say… and it does not seem to be helping the game any, imo. Zaskia 80 BS
I too was told to contact support via a ticket about my in game issue and dont expect to hear anything. Oh well I guess it is what it is. Just don’t buy their games in the future and tell your friends to avoid funcom like EA.
Its pretty sad that funcom has taken this no f*cks given approach to their players. Just dont support them anymore monetarily. They don’t even answer petitions to their paying customer base forget about being a free player. Funcom you’re a disgrace as a gaming company.
There’s more, and this one is funny.
I first notice this when I contacted support with an account/billing issue as a free player.
Now ask yourself why does a free player needs support in the account /billing section? Probably because they want to fix an issue that prevents them from becoming premium.
In conclusion:
They are not even helping themselves with this, they make bad decisions after bad decisions.
I am very , very stupid to still keep playing AoC while Funcom is here.
PS: My issue with the account was the one that, when the sub ends we get a pending payment, and if we change the sub type, and place a new payment method, it will charge the one that was pending first.
So, before making a different sub we need to remove that pending payment first.
So if you took the time to CANCEL your previous subscription correctly in time, you would have got no issue of a pending renewal …
Yes , you’re right. And as a punishment i am not allowed to sub for a few weeks.
Lol, I guess that’s what it means when they say “your money is not good here”… never heard of a company that doesn’t wanna take your money
sure looks like they dont give a f, and their new RTS game looks like horsesht too… fk em
Well this is depressing. I came here looking for answers on just how much longer my ticket will be and now I suspect I will not hear back at all o.0
its summertime so it might take a few months extra. but if you’re lucky, you will get your answer before december…
Oh joy