This is a compiled list of bugs and annoyances I have run into while playing the game. I’ll be updating it every so often with all the new ones I find. There are so many of these that I gave up on the idea of posting each and every one of them, or trying to search if they’ve already been reported, as I’m sure a lot of them have been. I’ll also update the list when bugs get fixed and are no longer occurring, so once this list is empty, it’s all good in the Exiled Lands.
Also note that these are only the ones I’ve noticed, or remembered to jot down, and there’s also a short list of annoyances in addition to straight up bug. None of them are in any particular order. Click on “Summary” below to see the list.
Display racks (3 weapons) won’t display anything
Enemies do a combat yell when they’re in the poison/bleed dying animation
NPC exiles give hide when harvested
NPC exiles give a high amount of hide when skinned with a skinning knife
Eating food doesn’t always give regen buff after the earlier one ends when eaten in rapid succession
Sandstorm inside spider/brimstone/skeleton caves (Executioner’s Entrance / Deathwhisper Ruins)
After loading, it can seem like you’re falling through floors but aren’t really (very old bug)
Repairing items in the inventory seems to take too much resources (have 1 bar, repair 10%…repair fully, use 15 bars)
Vine-giving trees don’t make a sound when hit
Ugly/Rare fish trophies require the wrong fish
Red tents can’t be picked up once placed down
Melee skeletons don’t know how to face the player properly
Planters make a burning sound
Beehives (at least small) only generate 1 honey in the last slot
Health bar shows wrong health, refreshes when eating
After dying, there may be no corpse or corpse marker to retrieve
Trying to repair Steel Poniards in the BS bench with a thrall won’t use up all metal to do as big of a repair as possible when pushing the repair button
Enemies can desync so bad you can’t hit them at all - run towards them, push against them, hit, and swish swish
Fighting under big tents makes NPCs desync quite a lot
When logging in, the blood splatter overlay will be visible even though you’re at full health
Purge monsters won’t deal damage to structures in PvE mode
Healing too fast again (19.5.2018)
Can’t find the book for spit emote, ghosts don’t give the emote
Pickaxe (not a regular pick, the pick+hatchet steel tool) doesn’t give brimstone from brimstone veins in Executioner’s Entrance
Loot chests (regular, not epic) aren’t refreshing loot properly
Thralls don’t face the direction you set them to face when placing them
Thralls can sink inside foundations
Thralls can sink inside the actual static ground
Thralls can get bugged when in follow mode, disappear, “no more followers” bug even if there’s no thrall, and so on
When you’ve got a recipe chosen in the bench but don’t have the materials in the bench, and it’s greyed out, if you then add the materials, you need to switch to another recipe and back again to be able to craft it
Ivory Warhorn is placed with 0/250 HP and can’t be repaired
Left and right inverted sloped sandstone walls have swapped icons
Epic reptilian chest piece and gauntlets have swapped crafting ingredients and swapped stats, or names and images
Wind chimes don’t chime
Unconscious knocked out exiles will slide back a long way when you let go of them when dragging
Unconscious and dead thrall corpses and bodies aren’t really where they seem to be and can’t be hit
Companion thralls will sometimes stop attacking mid-combat
Companion thralls will sometimes engage with their fists
Companion archer thralls (with a properly nocked bow) will sometimes try to go into melee even though they are, well, archers
Ancient braziers can be placed underwater even though they’ve got an open flame
Crafting more building pieces from the quickbar doesn’t give XP
Using a harvesting tool on a single piece of resource (hatchet on a branch for example) will give the full tool yield instead of the single piece (very old bug)
NPC corpses can be invisible
Purge doesn’t want to trigger reliably (f.ex. hours go by without Purge with requirements met, then someone logs in and it triggers)
Purge monsters can spawn in water (bottom of the lake/river) which makes them stuck
If a chest has all of its slots full, can’t shift-click an item to move it to a stack in the chest even if that stack has room
Silent Legion skeletons in the keep can’t always walk down stairs
You can fill water flasks through the floor if you’ve built on water
You can fill the waterskin through the floor if you’ve built on water, and get a drink at the same time
If you log in and that triggers a purge (minimum player required for example), it won’t always show the purge on the map
Arena ambient music can stay on when you leave it
NPC exile yells don’t match the subtitles
The Stygian Soldier -set crafts instantly
Mitra altar T2 has no visual priest even if its in the altar
Can’t snap a ceiling in place on top of a diagonal support beam if the beam is already in place
Can’t snap a ceiling in place in front of a doorway if the door object is already in place
Dismantling a support beam has no visual or aural effects
Sitting in a chair while underwater will have some breathtaking consequences
Companion thralls sometimes go into “sleep mode” and won’t attack enemies even if the enemies are damaging them
Can’t grind skulls for bonemeal
Smallest palm gives wood, medium palm gives vines (no wood), large palms give wood
The huge “YOU ARE OVER ENCUMBERED” -sign block containers and is annoying as hell
Silk can’t be crafted in the benches, takes forever in the inventory
With a T3/T4 armorer, you can make one twine out of one fiber, and while one vine gives three fiber, one vine will only give one twine, resulting in a 66.666% loss
Left and right inverted sloped sandstone walls have dumb snaps when placing, can’t place them in certain logical ways
Companion thralls in follow mode basically need to get hit before they care about enemies, and even then it’s questionable
Hatch frames don’t snap the same way ceilings do for some reason
The icons of the different tiers of kits when looking at the weapon with one applied are almost indistinguishable
Ymir altar T2 costs 100 corpses worth of religious items which seems wrong
More awesome bug lists by other posters in this thread: