T4 Thrall Spawn Chance Far Too Low Following July 7th Patch

I have found a mix post patch on T4 thralls. For example, the Pagoda of Boundless lust alwats has a named male dancer. The Buccaner’s Bay pirate ship always has a T4 fighter at the top.

On the other hand, the Bay lost it’s always spawning T4 archer. It also lost the named dancers. In fact I haven’t even seen a level 3 dancer there.

The Pagoda seems to have lost the named fighter, the named archer seems much less common too. Yet I habe found 2 arch priests, 2 named carpenters, and 2 named taskmasters.

So some spots stayed static, others changed. Wr just need to roll with it.

I can confirm the spawn rate generally is reduced heavily after the last hotfix(the one where it should be only reduced at the galeone for t4’s!)

so now it works for the galeone quite ok, but you only rarely find any t4 thralls at other places

I second the idea of making a slider for private servers/solo. Whereas you can balance the official servers, the private servers can use a variation in this too, and every player can choose what it wants.

To aggravate things, every mod that changed named spawn rates has stopped working, and since all the spawntables and location have been changed, all the modders deleted their old mods and now the only reliable way for a solo player to get some T4 is the unfun admin panel.

In less than an hour found another 2 eina of light (Named Bearers) and a named Dancer.

Me thinks only specific areas are suffering of named thralls.


Anyway, anyone knows the best place to find Zingarian armorer T3? Since there currently is no named thrall for flawless zingarian at least I’ll get an exceptional. Thanks :slight_smile:

That’s all fine and dandy, but certain t4’s who are extremely sought after - Njoror Battleborn, in particular - in Asagard - appears to be bugged. There is a thread where Halycon (sp), has documented their inability to find this thrall despite endless hours of camping the armorer placeholder.

What is the flawless Zingaran armor?

In about 10 trips to Sepermaru I got:

2 or 3 Daya Leaddrinker (can’t remember exactly)
2 Zoara of the Marshes
1 Hanar of Bossonia
1 Inigo the Vengeful (Never seen him ever before)

Possibly a named bearer that I accidentally killed too, he was wearing full light armor so I think it was but it’s not like they’re needed for anything.

Most of the armorers/smelters were right as you enter the city from the north side. I haven’t seen Daya spawn at her previous spawnpoint in the group of 3, and one armorer was by the “fixed” spawnpoint next to the blacksmith.

I don’t stick around and wait for respawns, I just clear the city and use a maproom I set up outside of the city to go between the volcano, the black galleon and Sepermaru. I play on a private server though and there’s rarely anyone playing nowadays so the spawns go undisturbed.

It’s the level 60 epic exclusive gear that resembles a pirate. There’s currently no named thrall that makes flawless version, but T3 armorers can be found.

Still trying to get the Shemite armorer and the archers, then I’m done from Sepermeru.

Pirate ship is your best bet then.
i have found 4 T3 zingarian armorers there…but…in many many many runs. Good luck my friend!

yep, at the hidden plateau between brogaras and the possible archpriest. just climb a bit…

Been trying for a couple hours yesterday and the previous day, haven’t seen the archers spawn sadly.

I’m not sure if I’m camping the right spot (I’m basing my information from the screenshot and directions on the wiki). Also @roro4066 By pirate ship you mean the jungle one or black galleon? Thanks!

I can confirm there’s a named derketo priest. She’s in one of the new campfires next to the shrine where you learn the religion.

arch priest spawns at both the new camp fire sites to the left. I caught her on the very back one a couple of days ago - official pve server.

Saw her on the front one too but she ran into the hill like a hacker and never came out of the terrain.

Uhm, I don’t remember the name by heart but it’s a female thrall.

We got a derketo archpriest 2 days ago. I’ll post a screenshot of the location and the name when I get home.

The real pain is that the placeholder can be an armorer a tanner(iirc) or a priest.

Ah yes sorry. black galleon from my experience but could maybe spawn at bucanner bay too, i don’t know, didn’t farm that place so much.
Archers in set city are hard to find, or at least i struggled a bit to make them finally spawn, but there are 2 named females there that i was able to find: lisa and mandhugai. it’s nice if you want to complete your thralls collection but if you’re looking for good archers who are easily spawned, the volcano is by far THE place to go.

set archpriest of course.

I’m mainly trying to get Arcen Brokenfingers, but while waiting might aswell try and get them heh.

“brokenfingers” lol for an archer…
good luck then :smiley: !

No no, it’s the Shemite Armorer :stuck_out_tongue:

ah ok thanks, much better then, but was also funny as archer, wasn’t it :D?