T4 thralls on testlive are still OP. Sorry, but they are

Level 0 Dalinsia Snowhunter, which is now on par with many other thralls, with the worst heavy armour in the game can still solo the warmaker. Lol.
If you still believe they are not strong enough, then I’m sorry, but I do not know what to tell you.


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Thats not the point for most people… If you still dont get it, make another 100 threads :smiley:

PS.: Without food in the inventory she would have died anyway…


If you think it’s good gameplay that an unlabeled thrall in trash gear can solo an ENDGAME boss, whether it has food or not, then that’s fine. I disagree.

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@jot29 has admitted to not even playing anymore, and only refreshes. So not worht conversation any more.

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personally I don’t think spawning in and arena fights is the same as live testing.


Oh, I played a little bit yesterday… Its go great when you knock out thralls and they disappaer into the ground - again…

Also what does this have todo with anything?

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Yeah… same with his Arena champion kill… Normaly you have corruption when you are at her place. But when you run around in cloak mode…

Also I really want to know the armor values of his light armor. He survived a hit from her in light armor and vitality not at perk4???


Again, without food she would have died = cannot solo it. So whats your point?

Edit: Stop posting my flags you crybabies.


If that’s really your argument then it’s no wonder we cant find any common ground.

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You have corruption if you fight all the wights a d stuff on your first run through, but if you have the keys and kite them, no corruption. I’ll get the armour values for you later, though. It was argossean mariner gear with bulk plating if you wish to try it yourself

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Yes, the best thrall in the best gear is strong enough to make PvE content a joke. But for PvP they are pretty close to being on par with a miniboss.

I like the upcoming nerfs personally, but I would prefer to see even less damage and more HP on my thralls.

Yeah I usually agree, but I figured for the carmaker, since it didnt effect his moveset it would be alright, she actually had to deal with snakes poisoning her onto of the warmaker

What is not to be forgotten: Soon the number will be capped. We got promised smarter & stronger thralls in return. What do I have from a weak & tumb thrall I have to Level when I have only a few to protect big bases ? Who dont like strong thralls in Dungeons dont Need to use them.

pvp is an other animal, but here could help when a thrall in follower mode would be treated different then thralls not in follower mode.

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Because your statement is not 100% true.

The overall strongest thrall in the game, cannot solo this boss without food provided. And food = healing.

So it cannot solo it ALONE.

It cannot solo it.

It still beats the crap out of it, is correct. Your headline is also correct. The statement “can solo” it, is not.


My statement was purely, it can kill an endgame boss with no combat help from me. Every thrall should always have food, I feel like you’re just trying to nitpick, honestly.2

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Which I still dont have any problem with it. Its the overall strongest thrall in the game. What did you expect? Perfomance of T1 fighter from Exiles?

Why? I need the inventory space for other things. My thrall has never food… Only when I need to heal it and after leveling.

Also did you use the double-stack food STR % buff?

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It’s in testlive, so this is after its nerf where it’s on par with many other thralls now. Honestly, yes. I think at level 0 with the worst armour in the game against an endgame boss it should get its head kicked i and die very quickly. It should be able to solo it at endgame with endgame loot, though.

If you’re using healing arrows, then all good. But the thralls should need to heal otherwise it just shows how OP they are. I have bearers and pets and encumberance spec to carry loot

No, just the feasts

My god, she won only 3 levels … for having won the boss under the conditions you left the poor thing, she had to have won about 10 levels … it was very cruel …

I always have food on my combat thralls, trying to force stats when they level, I don’t have to stress on them as bad in fights. Just nabbed a cimm zerker on test an went on a jaunt to UC, his starlets greatsword, and hand me down cimm armor we looted of his dead friends, the brute went down fairly easy, same with flamekeeper, and the 2handed undead was the most difficult. Did not attempt, red mother, the bat, mace boss or the wight. Lol I needed fragments so I can get healing arrows.
On the trip back took down the flame keeper and brute again, alas no croms or predatory blade. He is now level 6.

I absolutely agree!
But there will be always people because of them we have to put a sign at the microwave “Not to be used to dry your pet”. This kind of people have to be restricted by design otherwise they feel lost.