i need help I wanna go up to farm meteors to get start metal and I’m new to this game and need some help for some armours for both temps please help me out thx in advance
Welcome to the forums! Try Kambujan Shaman armor.
A few other options here as well. One could be farming legendaries by killing 3 skull bosses. The solspiel shield will give you enough cold protection so long as you carry it (don’t put it away). Meanwhile the Mistmourn shield protects against heat. Also, farming the Red Mother (red dragon in the unnamed city) could potentially drop the Dragon Scale Helm. It protects against cold and heat.
If you’re concerned about epic armors that don’t require star metal in order to face off against some of these beasties, the voidforge dragon armor in the Arena (sinkhole) will be a top tier armor, so long as you got enough dragon bone. You can also farm the cimmerian camps in the Mounds for cimmerian steel. These are good for thrall armors that will allow you to have thrall assistance when legendary farming.
does it matter if it’s epic or not?
The last time I was leveling up to 60, I used the non-epic version of Kambujan Shaman armor to help me survive the cold while getting star metal.
As @jmk1999 pointed out, there are more alternatives, but I recommended that one because it’s something you can craft while you’re still leveling up.
Yes, epic versions provide much better temperature protection. It’s also a good idea to bring a bit of spiced food with you. Eating just a single piece of spiced food will warm you up for a bit if your armor isn’t good enough to protect you from the cold.
All your temperature information needs are on this wiki article.
Eat spicy food.
As you won’t be mining any meteo without hardened steel, finding those recipes should be easy in filler/leveling time.
For very basic cold protection, Hyena Hide isn’t bad and it is learned from a location in game without eating up early game feat points.
(Re)Slaying Wights (the glowing Rotoscope undead) will sometimes drop Vanir gear which is ok cold resist.
Lemurian armour used to have extreme cold resist (enough to cook one to death if they wore it in the jungle where one finds Lemurians) but that seems to have been ironed out.
This one deliberately ignored the guaranteed drop high cold resist sword as one cannot hold a weapon while mining in this game.
Some weapons protect you against the cold too.
Find the mini boss who stands on the top of the Southern aqueduct in F7 (no mob next to him, he truly is isolated). He drops a one hand sword which gives protection against the cold.
It’s not the best weapon of the game, but it’s nice when you start.
That explains why the Lemurians carry Lemurian armor in their pockets rather than wearing it themselves. They seem to prefer vanilla Exile duds instead.
Farming star metal can be done without too much worry about cold resistant armours – if you go to the right areas. North of the Mounds of the Dead there is a tiny little Cimmerian camp called “Stargazer’s Crest” (where there are always two Cimmerians who will attack you if you get close). But the mountain ridges north of Stargazer’s Crest often have meteors landing along the edge of the snow biome, into the hills below. They can sometimes be difficult to spot, because they can look a lot like coal, iron, or stone deposits, which are already plentiful in that area. But once you get familiar with the subtle differences in appearance, if you are patient enough, you can find meteorites without needing to go into the cold areas at all – or with only needing to go a short distance into the cold.
In my experience, a nice stack of Spiced Tea is usually good enough to keep me warm, especially along these borderlands between the two biomes. So you can begin farming Star Metal as soon as you have two things: 1) a pick good enough to mine it (Hardened Steel or better); and 2) a way to crack open the meteorite’s hardened exterior. In my opinion, the best explosives to use are Explosive Arrows, shot at the meteorite with a bow – because you can make 10 arrows with a single Dragonpowder.
I usually set up a small base near Stargazer’s Crest, or somewhere along that same mountain ridge – but in the area that is NOT cold – that I can use for farming Star Metal. This gives you a place to store stuff, put down a bedroll, repair tools and weapons, and (if you like) smelt Star Metal once you’ve found some. But in order to smelt the Star Metal you’re ALSO going to need brimstone and black ice. It can be a good idea to bring a pile of brimstone with you, because there isn’t anywhere near the Mounds of the Dead to farm it.
If you have reached level 60, then for sure make some epic cold-resistant armour to help with the temperature. But if you’re not level 60 yet, you can use non-epic armour, combined with Spiced food, to compensate for short periods of time. I usually try to have my base camp set up for farming star metal as soon as I hit level 50, so that I can make the hardened steel pick. But don’t forget the Explosive Arrows and brimstone, if you want to actually crack open and then smelt the Star Metal. There’s definitely a bit of planning and prep to do, in order to effectively farm those meteorites! But once you have a system down, you will be swimming in Star Metal. (I usually get that organized and upgrade my tools and weapons to Star Metal, before I think about going to the Volcano – but that’s just my personal preference.)
The easiest all weather armor is redeemed silent legion but it’s end game materials. What i normally use is dragonscale helm and that seems to do the trick for the most part with only the Temple of Frost and some spots in the volcano being too extreme and requiring food and or ice.
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