Testlive Update 3.0: The Age of Sorcery - Discussion Megathread

Touche. I remember managing food consumption in thralls by getting 3skullso4e into me.

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I agree with this - on top of the thrall aggro perk what would have been great is if they gave the player a way to taunt an enemy themself as well
 though it’d have to be some sort of item (like a warhorn or something) and I don’t quite know how it’d be implemented so that way it works in tandem with the perk.


I am trying out the Well-trained authority feat. It is a nice boot to the thralls stats and health, the problem is that my thrall goes from 900hp to 2400. but now you have to wait around for them to heal up fully. how about when you have that thrall follow you it bumps up their health to full. it sure goes down instantly when you have them stop following.




Anubis đŸ«¶đŸœ

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If the HP was instant, then you could unfollow and refollow to heal them all the way

I didn’t think about that. good point.

Recently had the opportunity to try out the new combat vs real players. The strafe may be a little strong. Even at 20 I was able to strafe out of almost any enemy attack except arrows.

PortuguĂȘs-PT-BR: Bem vindo de volta apĂłs 4 meses, tudo bem, repare que a funcom jĂĄ mostrava como seria desde antes acho que jĂĄ estavam com essa ideia e hoje temos tudo isso de bom para a atualização.

@serjynx Recomento que veja sobre todos os assuntos antes de comentar algo do tipo. Acho que estĂĄ errado e jĂĄ vĂ­ muitas pessoas reclamar aqui algo parecido. @Funcom_Community

PortuguĂȘs-PT-BR: Interessante saber sobre isso, irei fazer o teste sobre esse assunto Ă© uma informação muito importante para o farm. Obrigado! :slight_smile:

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PortuguĂȘs PT-BR: Qual servidor fica isso? VocĂȘ pode reportar nĂŁo pode fazer isso, toda essa construção da BAN


VocĂȘ Ă© bem vindo. Fico feliz em ajudar.

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To anyone who already tested out 3.0 in testlive:

From the videos I got the impression that casting spells goes very slowly; it takes several seconds to step through the different letters and finally cast the spells.
Is this actually the case in game? If so, I imagine none of the spells could be viable in combat. How does it work out for you? Can the letters be selected by keyboard, for example, instead of the mouse, so you can cast quickly?

Sorcery wasn’t supposed to be combat fireball magic. That’s not to say you can’t use it in combat but it is slow and the corruption will kill you regardless. This isn’t d&d style.


Yes I know. But when there is spells meant to block pursuing enemies, as advertised, how can this ever work when casting is too slow?

Btw: I like the overall idea of casting like this, and having non-standard-fireball-pew-pew spells. I think it fits great into CE.

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It’s feasible still if you have the positions memorized and can get about 5-10 seconds ahead of your adversary to go through it.

The dual daggers “Akbitanan Blades” seems to have a really small spin radius. Like run up to someone and do the heavy attack and it misses them at least 50% of the time.

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Hit boxes for daggers have been buggy for quite some time, IMO. Monsters on the other hand have the opposite happen where they visually will miss your character but will still somehow manage to land a hit. I don’t understand how this has been an issue for so long. You would think a game where fighting is encouraged the hit boxes would be of almost tantamount importance.

That being said, improvements are being made to the game and bugs are slowly being fixed so maybe they will address this very important core aspect of Conan Exiles. I hope they do so soon. It’s super frustrating.


Not sure if anyone has said this yet but I would like for the Sacrificial Stone to have a Sorcerer Thrall working them to do the sacrificing for you. Maybe even have some kind of mechanics revolving around tier like other crafting thralls like speed or a failure mechanic or maybe the amount or stuff you get. Mostly just to automate the sacrificing because when you play alone or with only a couple people it gets real tedious to have to sit through the admittedly cool animation every time making mass sacrificing annoying. You could also just make upgraded versions of the Sacrificial Stone like the Wheels of Pain to allow more one at a time or even both.

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Guess I am lost here. I am trying to make the Transportory stone, and it keeps saying no selected object. What am i missing?

This was in single player EL map. Tried in admin mode no resources, with all the mats in my inventory, and in creative mode. all same result.

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