Thanks again, great job, I love it when stuff dissapear

I think I understand better now, thanks!

If my nonsense geegaws went away because I still have them stacked, and stacking is usually OK, I’d be apoplectic. This 7 months of “stuff” is all I have to defend. Forget about legacy goodies that I could’ve potentially acquired since Launch. I am really sorry for your loss.


This has me so worried I check the logs every time I enter the game. Today I noticed a few books and an Ivory drinking horn had decayed. The only thing I knew had those items was a wall shelf, so I checked and, yes, they were gone from that shelf.
Also, it was just the Nemedian bookshelf, I have the older shelves in my Tavern and lost nothing from them.


I am so sorry for your loss, it is so devastating, but you will eventually get over it if you love to play the game :slight_smile:
I’ve had the same experience as you although long time ago… twice and today I never ever put anything rare or important in stacked chests, since then I haven’t lost a single chest with hard to replace stuff :slight_smile:

Both times it was chests or items placed on shelves, and yes even chests on floors lost stability too, but in my case it was only those chests that were directly below those on shelves, any chest placed on floor slightly away from the stacked were all fine - I may be wrong, but I think those below the stacked ones are somehow connected to to each other and therefore is of risk loosing stability when this rare glitch happens.


I set up a little test. I agree with you it is only chests in close proximity to the shelf itself.

I will check on this tomorrow.

So two days later, it is still there, so I probably did not stack correctly. Maybe it needs a third stack.


I think you totally right.
It happened to me as well. Only 3 stacked.
If my bed roll wasn’t beside the chests I would have lost all 3. Luckily I caught the loot bag.
But the other 2 chests showed decayed and would not reset. Had to pull them off and replace them.


Yeah but its not only the chest on shelves although it looks like they suffer the most from this issue
I don’t think the height matters, on my base the ground, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixt row suffered

In complete random order


I hear ya. Its not just chests.
So far I have lost a chest. All my Chess board pieces. A flogan. A teapot. I’m afraid to log in today.


Interesting but unfortunate bug. Is stacking like in the below image safe?

Also is this only happening in Exiled Lands or Siptah too?

Mostly just materials…

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Looks like a proper treasure grotto…


Stacking chests directly on each other is what I do. No shelf in between. This seems to work good for my two chests that sit very near a shelf. Nothing has gone missing out of them. Today, however, we were doing some remodelling and any nemedian foundations we took up we would loose a chair or a cup or something small. It seems though this has a proximity as far as I can tell. The only things that went missing were near to the foundations being pulled up, which went into our inventory instead of being destroyed.

My brother was saying today that with all the building we do in nemedian, it’s hard to keep up with all the small things that go missing. This needs to be fixed. It’s not fun putting all this work in and then having the little things taken away. After all, it’s the little things that make a house a castle. :wink:


My plate wall stacking strategie seems be stable too. For now. The chests are empty but I check it every day :sweat_smile:


Stacking chest like that is never safe when the bottom one will lose stability (the whole stack will vanish and only when you’re lucky a floating chest can be saved, this also happened to me in the past), but most of the times when your chest remain “stable” after an update they will remain to stay so I think you’re pretty safe… for now.

Both maps although Exiled Lands took the biggest hit for me.

This would be my preference as well, but the stacks never look clean cause we’re not able to place it dead on in the middle of another chest :confused:

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Question, did you log in the game for only a few mins/seconds to refresh your base?

This decayed bug happened to my friends who logged in to refresh, like 30 seconds then left.
The decay timer on foundation was refreshed but the placeables (especially chests) weren’t (note that this does not always happen, maybe something to do with lag/delay presence of the building owners or server sided), this also likely to (and happened) the placeables inside the buildings/outposts that refresh from outside or from far away.

We found a solution, is to standing in the vault/chest room for a while (to refresh timer) for the timer from foundation to ‘connects’ to those placeables and we never had this bug since.
But yeah, this shouldn’t be an issue in the first place.

I logged in 2 days before the update and 1 day after the update, so the day after the update should at least have +/- 96 hours of decay left. But it didn’t it was just gone.

It probably lost stability directly after the game was updated.

This could be the same case like my friends, that

This happened to a friend on siptah official. He had no shelf’s in the base and the chests that lost stability were on bench’s

You can get it damn close. A small offset can be overlooked. :slight_smile:

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What if there was a snapping grid haha :smiley:

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