First off all: sorry if I might sounds a but salty. But yes I’m along with being disappointed.
The combat has become tedious over the last few years:
- Stun locking, stagger swagger.
- Stumbling over each tiny rock on the ground (or w/e else may lay there), while stumbling you can’t use shield and dodging often ends up in rubber banding.
- Rubber banding (although on this part its less frequent compared to 2018).
- Thralls refusing to react.
- Shield that doesn’t get up even when the button is down after a animation, or shield seems to be up but it wasn’t and you get hit anyway.
- The teleporting magic of npc’s.
- Volary of the Harpy, never go in with light armour, they literally one shot kill you with that unblock able, almost undodge able attack (lots of stumbling over tiny rocks and egg shells too).
These issues are not only the problem on Siptah, its the same on Exiled Lands.
Here is some footage of my gameplay and terrible experience with the current state of the game:
0:00 - 0:55 I died because the mobs running up to me so close that I stumble and ending up in a stun lock, this happens a lot of times… happens with other mobs too, but these hurt and kill, so its more annoying. I wasn’t able to do anything. Note: I wasn’t jumping
0:55 - 1:25 Shield didn’t block, I’m not sure if its block able, what am I to do anyway? Look how big he is… I bet dodging wouldn’t be enough as well 90% of the time.
1:25 - 3:50 Boss is getting stuck, can barely hit it… this doesn’t only happen to this boss, it happens quite often, can’t make a video of it every time, cause then I run out of HD space.
3:50 - 6:25 Thick skull thrall doesn’t know what to do all of a sudden… I try to motivate her to get back to work, she was fighting… did that throw hit blown her brains out?
7:55 - 8:05 Boss just poofs, seems like the timer ran out, what did I get? Nothing.
These are just a few issues with the current combat.
I’m done, these changes should have never been approved.
The combat isn’t fun any more, its annoying and frustrating at best.
I hope with some video proof we can finally take this issue serious.