The combat has become really bad, this is why | Video

First off all: sorry if I might sounds a but salty. But yes I’m along with being disappointed.

The combat has become tedious over the last few years:

  • Stun locking, stagger swagger.
  • Stumbling over each tiny rock on the ground (or w/e else may lay there), while stumbling you can’t use shield and dodging often ends up in rubber banding.
  • Rubber banding (although on this part its less frequent compared to 2018).
  • Thralls refusing to react.
  • Shield that doesn’t get up even when the button is down after a animation, or shield seems to be up but it wasn’t and you get hit anyway.
  • The teleporting magic of npc’s.
  • Volary of the Harpy, never go in with light armour, they literally one shot kill you with that unblock able, almost undodge able attack (lots of stumbling over tiny rocks and egg shells too).

These issues are not only the problem on Siptah, its the same on Exiled Lands.

Here is some footage of my gameplay and terrible experience with the current state of the game:

0:00 - 0:55 I died because the mobs running up to me so close that I stumble and ending up in a stun lock, this happens a lot of times… happens with other mobs too, but these hurt and kill, so its more annoying. I wasn’t able to do anything. Note: I wasn’t jumping

0:55 - 1:25 Shield didn’t block, I’m not sure if its block able, what am I to do anyway? Look how big he is… I bet dodging wouldn’t be enough as well 90% of the time.

1:25 - 3:50 Boss is getting stuck, can barely hit it… this doesn’t only happen to this boss, it happens quite often, can’t make a video of it every time, cause then I run out of HD space.

3:50 - 6:25 Thick skull thrall doesn’t know what to do all of a sudden… I try to motivate her to get back to work, she was fighting… did that throw hit blown her brains out?

7:55 - 8:05 Boss just poofs, seems like the timer ran out, what did I get? Nothing.

These are just a few issues with the current combat.
I’m done, these changes should have never been approved.
The combat isn’t fun any more, its annoying and frustrating at best.

I hope with some video proof we can finally take this issue serious.


For what it’s worth every time I have spawned and fought the mushroom tree ent, shenanigans have ensued. Idk what it is about it, thralls won’t attack it, lags server, etc. I think it’s the only pool summon I’ve died to. I just dont summon it anymore.

The ground pound I don’t think is blockable for any enemies: elephants, drowned - but I could be wrong. I feel your pain on this one lol, stupid mushroom.

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The stun locking dragons at the start of the video was worse in my experience
I wasn’t able to do anything :confused: and I wasn’t jumping, it looked like I was in the video but I was stumbling/falling

Ahh I see that now. I assumed you were trying to jump out of their head hit boxes. Kinda like what you have to do when a rhino head locks you. Looks like you got stunlocked into a stairlock.

Knockdown is such a brutal cc with the pacing of combat nowadays.

Haven’t played in a long while, but pve wise, this has always been the case, from my perspective. I never thought “hey, this is a polished combat and killing this boss/mob feels engaging”. Bad animations, bad hitboxes, dodges that aren’t good enough to dodge, broken blocks for years (i heard that something changed). My guess is that it isn’t a major issue because most people play with thralls who get to deal with it instead of them, but thats a whole another story

to summarize, it always felt bad, they just change what flavor of bad once in a while


Especially in Grey pools the invisible mobs, the lags are awful.
Surely Siptah needs a lot of job, beautiful but a bit unpolished. My greatest disappointment was on dragon fighting, I miss the days my thrall was stomped in the ground and I was doing all the job against a dragon who doesn’t instarotate :confused:


Heck yeah, I didn’t even mention the huge lumps of bosses rotate like there is no weight nor gravity!



Seriously, I don’t miss thralls sinking into the ground, but the instarotation is really awful. To add insult to injury, the Red Mother won’t stop instarotating and commit to an attack until you’re pretty much dead center in her attack cone, and then you can’t dodge far enough to avoid the attack with just one dodge.

It’s… really bad.

And don’t even get me started on getting stuck inside a rhino’s head (or a giant croc’s head). Can it really be that hard to fix that?

Okay, I’ll stop venting now.


Can’t shield block the mushroom tree’s two handed overhead smash though you can dodge it if you’re quick enough. Can block all his other attacks however including the laser.

I usually use a mace along with the shield on him and can get a couple of light attacks in between blocks and dodges. Once you have the pattern down he’s actually fairly easy plus thralls do much better against him when he’s not being kited around.

Aside from the other things mentioned I really dislike ending up treading air on top of the mob unable to do anything. Seems worse on the large gator type mobs but can happen with a number of others.


The thing with Conan’s combat system is, it tries hard to be like Dark Souls combat, but it fails horribly, because of lagg and desync.

Dark Souls is a singleplayer game where the AI works perfectly fine because there are no other expensive logic calculations regarding dynamic building pieces, other AI and other players on a big map. In Dark Souls PvP you have max 6 players and a small map only with static building pieces (aka the map only and no player added content).

So the combat system boils down to light armor so you get 6 dodge rolls and you need to dodge roll like sonic the hedgehog. If you don’t follow this you pretty much end up dying because of lag or being stuck etc.

You got your point but that does not automatically make it impossible.

It’s just bad game design and great combat can be done well, even for 100 people online.

Right now it’s in really bad state, especially after disabling animation cancels. They have a lot fixes to do, a lot of work to put in it, no one knows if they are gonna put enough resources to fix it or this bugs will stay forever with game and it never will get fixed.

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At this point I have more frustration than having fun in the game.

Because of the combat being so bad, and the thralls are not responsive.

We get this on XB as a new constant since memory shave patch. Thralls drop under the terrain at randumb, swing at the air, cant get agro, blah blah blah. Thralls are cripple heads atm. FC took a 30 day vacation 42 days ago. I still say its gonna be a 2 month vacation this year, like the decay timer increase window.

If FC was back after 30 days, they have had almost 2 weeks in office. Not a word regarding updates for the current muffed up state of CE. So either FC dosent care enough to comment, or FC decided to send the team to a 60 day vacation after breaking the thralls…either way, GG FC. Another awesome decision.

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This is the frustrating part in that the morale of the player base is in the pit because they don’t know if the developer has/ been forced to move on from this game in respect to bug fixes of fundamental game mechanics. Survive I thought was supposed to be from creatures, exiles, or the case of pvp players not lag, teleporting, and desync.

I wonder if the auto targeting options is responsible for the instant rotate issue of npcs ?

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That’s an interesting theory.

Thanks, I just wondered if it could be applied to the boss the same way that it is to us. It would also explain why it will be hard possibly to fix if it is as many players console especially rely on the autotarget to hit .

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I played on a server without lock on (I’m on Xbox) and it was pretty hard for the first few days. Especially using a one handed sword as I constantly overshot

I got used to it pretty quick and now I don’t use it on my current server even though it’s enabled. I will sometimes turn it on when I’m fighting along side other exiles and their thralls

Even just three players with thralls and horses make it quite difficult to see clearly enough to be able to stay on a target

I do think a lot of people use it and would be upset to lose it, but if there were someway to separate player and npc lock-on that would be awesome

Hmm is this really the problem with the combat we face?
The lock on issue?

It was just a theory really. I am not sure what is causing the instant rotate issue with npcs to be honest.

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