The north east corner

Hi, I just started playing Exiles and am having a great time. I noticed on the map room that there is a large area that is out of bounds. When the north east corner of the map is opened up, in my opinion an ancient redwood rain forest would be some awesome terrain.

That’s where the instanced dungeons live. When you go into an instance you get teleported there, apparently


We really need to get a sticky topic up of all these suggestions that newbies join the forum to make. About every couple weeks.

Something to tell them emphatically that there won’t be mounts, and the NE area is off limits for a reason.

Since most seem incapable of just browsing through some existing suggestions and seeing that this stuff has already been answered. And answered. And answered another 50 times.

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It’s cool, forum are a thing of the past after all, people are more use to modern social network, where browsing is wisouth interest, so they apply the logic here aswell^^

About da spot
There is more secret up there, i don’t know if it’s still the case but there are some buildable aera in that blank spot, and 6 month ago we were using them for dungeon and quest hub via pippi, so even if a new quarter of the map could be cool (aswell as 200 pop server sight) the space can be use for creative admin, and funcom def to fill it with new instancied content^^

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Fun Fact Bourgmestre. I have travelled beyond the green Cursed Wall on numerous occasions, using the Admin Teleport function. And myself and other users such as @TwoJay have even built fully functional settlements beyond it. Furthermore, I can tell that everything has functioned as intended beyond it.

Is there an “end” to the map? A hard border, fall off, et cetera?

There is hugh_bris. Visualise an extremely sharp, hard vertical decline almost like the edge of a piece of cake. Peering over the edge just like endless soft blue sky or water faaaar beneath it. Of course I could not help myself but to jump off the edge. My character fell for a good while, longer than expected, then there was a loud bone cracking sound and the familiar ‘you were killed by
’ appeared and I respawned in my bed.

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Yeah, H1Z1 had the same thing but there was no green border so you could walk right off the edge. It was a troll in the BR version at one point to “ally” with someone, get a vehicle, and jumping out before you drive it off the edge. If your “ally” wasn’t quick they’d be stuck in a car, falling to their death.

Yeah that sounds just like Conan Exiles. It is very abrupt when it does end, like staring over the edge of the world and into the abyss. At some points hills and dunes which we would never have otherwise seen are literally cut in half. Hah! Can not say that I have played H1Z1, but sounds like one heck of initiation
or loyalty test.

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