“Horses” aren’t broken saddles are. Without a horse archer to counter lancers mounted pvp will remain unplayable.
I’m not concerned about the “1 shot issue” a lance delivered at a gallop should kill instantly.
Next patch pls. Conan chop chop, everyone wants a rework, except those exploiting broken saddle mechanics in order to lance people in the spine while they themselves carry a full inventory heavy armor weapons and tools.
So should one swing and hit with a sword kill as well?
If we’re speaking logically, no. This kind of comment just expresses a serious lack of understanding of force distribution.
In game, it’s not terribly had to get out of the line of fire of someone at a full gallop. There’s no lateral movement and even with a scout saddle it takes a bit to turn and pursue.
And after you dodge then what? Run. not really combat is that. Without a way to defend and counter attack, then horses are like Agents in the matrix, unless you are Neo, run. Oh wait even the Neo build can get one shot.
Oh, I understand fully what that is. Sure, logically speaking (or even in reality) a horse at a full gallop will carry the momentum to deal extra damage to a spear/lance’s force behind it.
So, my question is, if we want to use “logic” as reason for damage on one weapon why not on all weapons? A lance hit from a full charge would kill someone irl. So would a stab with a sword. Or an axe. Or a 50 pound warhammer.
Why do some people want realism in some aspects and yet not all aspects?
because it is the final defense when they realize the facts of gameplay are against their opinion.
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