This, is not, OK. Please can someone tell me what exactly are we supposed to build now? Now we are going to have OP gods that take 0 effort to make and they destroy bases that were built in span of 1-2 months in 30 seconds + trebuchets that kill bases from half a map away. Why should I even bother to build a base? Why should I even bother to enslave thralls? Everything is pointless now. How are we supposed to defend our bases?
If you read the patchnote you will find that trebs now will take much more materials and 1 hour to be crafted whatever thrall you got in the bench. Also god are disable i heard.
1: You do know Gods still take a bit of work to get to, right? You still have to make a T3 Worshipping piece and gather all the manifestations of zeal to make the token. Even then you only get up to 30-60 seconds with a god.
2: I think we’ve needed more siege weapons, but your point is that the treb is too good, wouldn’t more siege weapons make it harder to defend your base??!! Your statement is an oxymoron.
3: You can build your own treb, just put it on top of your base and it can hit the assaulting treb users. Not that hard.
4: Build less obviously in PVP if you don’t wanna get raided.
You don’t need to permanently remove gods because you can’t figure out creative ways to defend your base from an assault. Plus, why don’t you get your OWN god.
Well, at least something, however we still lack some decent siege battles. One trebuchet wont cut it :-/. Btw crafting treb in a bench wont affect its OPness.
Everything you said is wrong. At least buy the game before you start commenting. Spamming vaults on the bottom of the sea, making uglyass cubes to make your base a little bit harder to be raided, thats wrong. You should be able to have tools, weapons and materials at your disposal that would help you to protect your base. Siege weapons are not only meant for attack you “oxymoron”. So far the only defense is stupid bubble and braindead thralls. T3 worshipping place is difficult? Oh geez, muting you now. Buy the game, play it, cry.
Btw moderator, please delete these comments, this is a suggestion section, not “crying triggered fanboy section”
I would love if funcom made it so we could use the gods not only to smash but also to climb, i come with mitra against your tall base and i climb mitra leg to get in your base, that would be awesome, and of course if the gods could fight each others. Would be also awesome a “robber perk” with a skill minigame (like warframe) to lockpick doors.
But I’m a rust player, fast and dirty.
I bought the game you troglodyte. You are so angry at this that you are assuming I don’t have hundreds of hours. Seriously if you like building play PVE-C.
That or give us an option to enhance walls with additional materials to make them much stronger, that way we can make sturdy buildings without sacrificing design. The only option you now have is to build foundation upon foundation or build on top of islands/mountains and hope they dont use Jheball