Since we had learned by the latest stream now that trebuchets can shoot through the god bubbles, i need to ask what is the remaining purpose of maintaining a god bubble? They cant protect you against gods since there are no gods, after the patch they wont protect you against projectiles too. Or am i missing somethin?
PS: Tascha mentioned the following in the replies so I thought it is worth mentioning in the post:
“Just to clarify and confirms something that was discussed on stream last night and that is important in the context: Arrows and Orbs won’t go through the Bubble. Only Trebuchets can penetrate them.”
Yeah I have to admit, i find the changes a bit strange - unless there’s more to it.
Firstly - they’re extending the range and usability of the trebs making them a lot more powerful. Secondly - they can penetrate god bubbles.
Why do you need gods at all then given Trebs will be very effective from an even greater distance?
I like that they’re looking to reduce foundation spamming, and also reducing the need for people to build only on pillars - both of those aspects of the game suck IMO. I’d much rather see more combat around bases on the ground where the emphasis is the combat and actual seiging. But with the treb changes, it seems like they’re just making it easy as hell to raid pillar and bubbled bases and the same with any other bases.
What then is the defence against these long distance firing trebuchets? Thralls cant match their range, nor do they have the ai ability to go out and attack them. Even if you’re online, it’s far more dangerous as you literally have to ride out to take care of the treb.
I just dont know. I like the changes but it seems only half revealed- surely there’s more to this than that or else they’re just removing the effectiveness of pillars with no other defensive options/additions.
Apparently they wont need a siege camp. Just explosion from arrows would do. And to think of it they can circle around your base while shooting exp.+poison arrows. Imagine defending that.
Boulders won’t bounce as much as before, thus collateral damage will be reduced. Avatars suppose to do a large amount of collateral damage, while trebs are used to take down specific parts of the base like doors or roof sections. Different tools for different tasks.
Best method of defense will remain - build your own trebuchet and fire back at them
This game needs some kind of turret type of defense, like ark, like a watchtower you can build and then put an archer in it, not on it but I mean inside it like you would with a crafting thrall, it should then act as a turret instead of glitchy thrall A.I and be able to fire at far range and aggro anything that comes into range without fail. This is what is missing from the game to help buff defenders, At the moment this game favours raiding a bit too much, there are not many defensive options, if you had a bunch of arrow towers around your base then they would need to slowly clear those before they can build a siege platform close enough to shoot at your base, it would also provide some extra more reliable protection, At the moment putting archers up on your roof is a bit like throwing a tissue at the attackers -_- there are no real ranged defensive options yet. So dedicated defense structures would do this game the world of good. they could even come in different tiers, basic arrow towers, poison arrow towers and even explosive/siege towers which can fir explosives at enemies and enemy structures.
It could even have a build radius so people can’t just spam them out in the world. have a limit of say 10 of them and make it so they have to be within a certain radius of something, maybe a workstation that you have to place to craft defensive towers and then the towers can only be placed within a range of that workstation, but have it that if the workstation is destroyed then the towers no longer work, this would prevent people being able to easily spam them and use them for offensive rather than defensive methods.
Going by forcefield and movie theories (like stargate) the reverse of this would make more sense probably and might be better. Arrows can pass through the sheild but not trebs. They only doing this cause they want ppl to use something that they feel should be a huge game mechanic imo. Ive never used a treb on a base and my base has only been raided by a treb once and it was an utter failure. though with the new treb range and settings the boulder may actually get high enough to do some damage now. with my current base set up. you can easily raid it with ALOT of arrows it would hust take a long time unless u have a full clan going at it
I really wish the Devs would reduce raid times, nobody wants to work weeks on a base only to be offline raided cause you have a job or family commitments and currently its 40 hours a week to protect your base without a bubble. I think this change to trebs will cause a massive loss in player base, small tribes and solo players are doomed. This treb change along with thrall and pet limits makes it impossible for anyone to survive in anything but a 10 man tribe. I am not even opposed to the changes but I had to stop playing due to the amount of time needed to devote to playing and thought I would come back for the December update, not sure there will be any point.