thrall spinas he’s still in the game, i’ve been looking for him in the volcano for a week, what percentage of him show up? I already found 30 eri, 10 daicas and kirsthis
I said on another thread that I think of them as ‘Eri, Daicas, Kisthis and ‘the other one’’ - I never find Spinas, lol. But I think it is just rng (as far as I know, they are supposed to be the same chance - though I could be wrong about that). I’ve seen other people say they find him, so hopefully you just need those (virtual) dice to come up your way.
Spinas, defiantly spawn on PlayStation got all 3 of them yesterday and have more in a box.
Spinas can be found watching the stairs near the Shrine of the Oracle (like Daicas), but the best chance imho is down by the bridge at G12.
There are 3 spots so far, all this time a play this game that I find a Spinas spawn. I have to say that Annos is way more rare to me.
In another post I mentioned that only on 3728 I had so many Spinas spawns, there for today I will try to confirm if there is a Spinas issue
I found 30 Eri, but spinas nothing kkkkk
I spent the afternoon passing by these places yesterday and nothing, I’m going to continue the tour through the volcano, kkkk never give up
I play in server america latina 4520 pve
@warnhiv , My dear fellow exile I wish you rng to reward you with your task. I have the same love with these thralls too. Spinas is my male Dalinsia, I love these thralls equally. Maybe Spinas does not have the hp pool Dalinsia has but he is awesome, a true follower, a beast. Go for it don’t stop
Go there with no truncheon or binding, guaranteed spawn!
Make a sacrifice to Nuffle!
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