Thralls disappeared after logging in from long absence

Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:
I came back from a long time offline (months), login and update to Age of War 4 and find all thralls and pets are gone. No messages, no errors, just gone. Crafting thralls still there. large number are gone with many legendaries. If cant get them back then probably deleting game.

Bug Reproduction:

Thralls and pets have a 10 day decay timer now.

This person is on SP.

OP I have no suggestions on console. Not sure if there’s a backup you can access.

Greetings @Rincewind ,

Can you, please, verify if there’s any information in your event log? If so, can you share it with us?

If you have a previous saved in the cloud, you can load the previous save.

Thanks for the reply

There is no information in the event log. There is only 1 online save showing and it is for when I logged in after updating the game to AOW 4. No previous saves showing.

I remembered that I have an alt login for the PS4 and I made a character in Conan as a way to try out some different things - also single player. That character is fine and all thralls are still there.

No idea what happened but it is quite disheartening losing all that progress.

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Can confirm this as a bug (however on official pve-c server and not single player like OP has stated), same thing happened to me, I have logged in today after 2 day absence. 2 thralls have disappeared with no mention or evidence as to why in the event log (only things mentioned in event log since my last login is 2 mentions of server shutdown & server start) missing thralls also do not appear in the follower list confirming they no longer exist, this has made me decide to take a further break from the game due to loss of invested time levelling these thralls :frowning:.

I agree, a long break or even removal of the game may be in order.

They might be under your foundation (or in them literally), or someone killed them using the bug that came with the hunt thing

I will check under the map, but it is every thrall, pet and horse at all 5 bases. I’m on single player so someone killing them wouldnt be a thing.

They are not listed in the thrall list anymore and there were no mentions of them dying in the event log so I would safely rule these out but I appreciate the help.

After seeing Youtube videos of all the issues after the last update (ie WAK4863) it seems my idea of wait until next update or actual deletion may be the answer.

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