Thralls disappeared


So I’m not the only one.

Im on PS4, logged in last night on two different servers. I always log into both visit all bases to reset 10 day timers.

First one, all my thralls were gone, buildings at all three bases in tact. Comm log said thralls ran off because “someone from the guild had not logged in”, I’m the only one in the guild.

which I found strange because if its all on timer than the base that I visited first before I logged out should have also decayed but nothing.

Then I logged into second public server - Nothing in the com log. All of my thralls (40+) are there. However on my main base all of my alters and those thralls are gone, all that work down the drain. Also all of my crafting stations and those level 4 thralls are gone including all of the sorcery alters, also lost large wheel of pain and large animal pen.

If this is a bug (and its seems so) has this been officially addressed? Is there going to be a roll back?

sure but problem is when you have the same computer, and not install anything at the excepion of windows update and nvdia drivers update, and have no problem with no other games but only with conan, well sometime, when conan was working fine from 2017 to 2021 but started to bug from 2022, well from time to time. i have actually 2 crash by day on conan, beetwen the corrupt pack file and not able to render and game crash or freeze. (it has started again 1 month again, and i had this problem in past too but was fixed by update at conan at one time, but it has reappared) and lol no problem on siptah? :slight_smile: may be play the real game on official pc you will see, go on south part of map or fractured citadel on border, you will see, or alternitavely simply do a search on the forum. and sure i am a newbie with 15k hour of real game on offcial pvp server

You mean where I play already? Have been since I came back for 3.0.

Hi, do you know who I am? :rofl: Dude I am all over this forum, I read most every post and reply in the ones that interest me.

Tell me you have no life with out saying you have no life. Are sure you meant 15000 hours. I think my 8k is borderline absurd. My head sort of balked at the original 15K and I read 1.5K. My bad.

Now let me toss out some assumptions and you tell me how far off I am.

You’ve been on the same public server for 5 years or more.
You have 10 or more fully operating bases on said server.
You have 12 or more stones in your transpatroy pad.
You have 12 or more vaults.
You have 8 or more animal pans full of gold noses.
2/3 of your clan are alts.
Of your 100 placed thralls 1/4 are dancers.
You have 1 or more bases specifically to run purges.
The chat comes alive with people griping about falling through their foundations when you log in.

thanks for no life and insult, yes i survived on official server pvp for more than 5 years and i confirm you that i have 15000 hours on officials as i play since early acces as said the first time , and i play not only on one official server, and i have no idea of what you tallk after, and still you can find all bugs i talk about in those forums mr ‘you know who i am’ full of ego, that was even ignoring there was a problem of login on siptah for more than 6 month where all decay time where put off by funcom due to that,

i see no point to continue this discussion, my point is to have funcom to realize state of the game that is a commerdial product so they give a better experence to their players/customers, what is your point mr 'you know who i am" ?

So a big fat YES to all my assumptions.
Thanks for the verification.

You need me to spell it out for you?

So it seems history is repeating itself, last year the same thing happened and they did roll back the servers. Question is will they own up to what happened or just sweep it under the rug. Credit goes to Wak4863

Last time the mistake was setting thralls to 1 day and a vast majority of players lost thralls. This time it wasn’t a majority, it mostly effected serial refreshers.

I loat all my thralls also on ps5, many have. Building decay timers were fine, nothing decaying. Same msg, no one from the guild had logged in etc… 95 thralls gone. Funcom says nothing, does nothing. Uears of work down the drain.

How many hours a week were you/the clan playing?
