Thralls Moving Themselves off the Roof

Game mode: [ Singleplayer ]
Type of issue: [ Bug ]
Server type: [ Offline Singleplayer ]
Region: [ Aus ]
Hardware: [ PS4 ]

Bug Description:

I have now had two thralls, Archers more specificallu, move themselves off the roof of my base and down to ground level in the Exiled Lands. Even more amazingly, one of them turned up inside the base! No, I kid you not! Both of these took place after the server log-off, and when I logged on next play session they were located in different areas. This may just be a bi-product of the issue I already identified below :point_down: and if so please juat disregard.

Expected Behavior:

Archers will be moved from their safe positions perched high above and potentially placed in harms way on ground level.

Steps to Reproduce:

Pretty much outlined above. Just log in, traverse around your base and find Archers who would ordinarily be stationed on the roof standing down on ground level.


Iā€™d just like to add that I have experienced these same behaviours quite a lot on PC (Iā€™ve just been unable to reproduce it without mods, because I never know when it will happen - and therefore couldnā€™t prove that itā€™s a base game issue).

For me, it started with 2.4 (which is the patch thatā€™s just arrived on consoles) and has continued in 2.5. Several times Iā€™ve ā€˜caughtā€™ thralls sidling away from where they were placed, or wandering away from the point and then roughly back to it. When I have spotted them moving, it has generally been as I come back into my base, which makes me wonder if maybe something triggers as I get back into render range and perhaps the game tries to recalculate something at that point.

The only other possible factor Iā€™ve been able to identify so far is that maybe it happens more often with followers that are a bit closer together - or at least spreading them out seemed to reduce it. Though with such inconsistent behaviour this observation may be coincidence.

And yes - I can fully believe that one of them ended up inside the base. Currently I have a couple of thralls that regularly move from third storey to the courtyard below (either through doors/gates or jumping out the window). Likewise Iā€™ve had a few that have actually climbed onto the roofs of buildings - Dalinsia scaled the side of the smithy for some reason; and Oskar was so insistent about constantly climbing on top of the storage hut that I eventually just left him there (heā€™d finished levelling anyway, so I figured if he wants to retire up there he can :wink: ).

For what itā€™s worth, I suspect (but canā€™t prove) that this behaviour may also relate to the issue some of us have had with followers disappearing into the mesh - I found one (in ghost mode) who was apparently still standing guard but was now several metres below the surface.


I have the exact same issue, in the Exile Lands, single player. Both my archers, same as you, sometimes end up in different places when I log in. Usually on lower levels.


For a while, yes. Since before siptah.


Same here. I put mine inside ground level fenced in areas so they can still shoot though from relative safety for purges.


The AI bugs to much. Its constantly buged and fixed. Not just thralls, but also NPC do same. They move on their own when you go out of range and they where spawned. Its somthing with the render. But what i see as a bigger problem is the fact that many camps have thralls in mesh. I was just yesterday farming the Acursed camp and there except the parcour and levitating pieces of buildings and thralls, speciali archers jumping from cliffs, 3 spawns disapear fully. One is the midle where is the demon dog with taskmaster and archer, i can hear the dog from bellow. Its none consistent and somtimes apreciated as they wont respawn after kill because you wont kill them. The main problem are the main points of interest. First is the 3pl priest on left side cliff. There is a gurding Berseker. He is there and most of the time the 2 lvl 1-3 priests. But somtimes they are not there and more important that the midl one that can spawn lvl4 isnt there at all. Tried many things but unfortunatli wasnt able to make him spawn. The next problem on other side with the wodden structure where is the exhibicionist. He and the 2 archers on sides dont spawn eather. I know prior the big patch they where normali fuctioning, but not any more. Me gues is that what ever they are doing its with the undermesh and AI. Few times i was beating lvl 4 thralls they glitched in wall and disapeared. In some places they reapear somwhere else in a min or so but sometimes theyr our of the game. Only way to glitch them out is to restart game. But in the camp of Acursed didnt help. They where just broken and unable to find. Oh not to mention that your thralls that you dont have in your range or followed sometimes loose their setings. I keep many thralls as sleeped and sometimes they reset their settings and start hunting in agro range. I just hope the Vault bug isnt again a thing where boss isnt there and you cant open the tresure room. Btw im on PC single player. Wish i could stop updates of this game on steam, when there is a stable version until some relevant future is present and update it manualy. There is only much frustration man can handle :crazy_face:


Ahora no se puede tener arqueros en un sitio alto acaban cayendo igual los luchadores atraviesan paredes y puertas y acaban fuera de su ubicaciĆ³n los seguidores se quedan encallados en sitios inverosĆ­miles hoy mismo uno se me ha encallado en la sala del mapa dentro de la ciudad sin nombre dĆ³nde estĆ” el archivosta y por mucho que le intentaba yo ordenar que saliese no podĆ­a se quedaba encallado vino a mĆ­ cuando llegue a la fortaleza de kael :smiley:

Another thing they could do is make a foundation and ceiling piece that you can open like an animal pen and place an archer or fighter inside. That way they DONā€™T MOVE.

It could offer bonus armor too against ranged attacks. Not melee. Upgraded versions could literally be a box with murder holes and only high enough tier weapons, or siege, could knock them out of it. Or just this version period.

Just a thought. Sounded cool in my head. AND THAT HASNā€™T CHANGED.:sunglasses:


Aye, something like this. Or if you could put the active Thralls in your inventory and then box them in chests like you can do with bench thralls.

This would certainly not do much for protective/aesthetics purposes but at least they would be safe.

Hi there Mr Addled. They could, but we really shouldnt have to by the same token. By that I mean that this has never really been an issue before in the past (well at least not in my play experience anyway). And because it is a bug, it will be fixed in good time. I havent tried crenealated pieces out yet, but there is an outside chance they might do the trick?

Hey there,

Weā€™ve focused on some needed AI fixes in the upcoming 2.6 update. It will be on Testlive PC soon up for testing. Donā€™t quote me on that, but I think one of the fixes included in the initial release should at least curb on the general behavior of thralls abandoning their guard spots.


Sounds promising, thanks for the news Ignasi. Thatā€™ll learn 'em: we dont take kindly to independent thought or dereliction of duty in the world of Conan Exiles.

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Darn tootin! Some thralls just need to go back on the wheel and learn their place :wink:

Since Iā€™ve now found this thread again (I forgot it was a PS thread, so was looking in the wrong sectionsā€¦), Iā€™m just going to add a link here to the report I made a few days back - A youtuber I was watching managed to actually capture footage of some of this behaviour, so I figured that may be useful to the devs in tracking down whatā€™s going on :slight_smile:

Donā€™t even need log in, Just leave area and come back. For me anyway.

Iā€™ll catch all placeable(Horses/Pets/thralls) walking in place or walking 2-3 feet away and 2-3ft back.
Nothing seems to detour them, My Rhink walked into wall dead on, then turned around and walked back to his placement spot, Most of stuff on guard wall, walks off ledge (west ward) then canā€™t find its way back up.

There all in sync to when i Catch it.

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Partly an idea for a defensive post. I mean, armored against attack for T2 and higher? Come on. ; )

Either way, thatā€™s cool. Responding to you Ignasi there.:+1:

Me too. I am doing stuff in my base and I will see one walking around, or I go out not too far for resources, and thralls have shifted positions or dropped to lower levels once I am returning. No need for logging out then back in again.

One scary horror movie thing that did occur, I was in my inventory doing things. Then I get out and one of my thralls that was meant to guard some ways off was right beside me, as I exit the menu. Scared me, I thought it was an enemy for one second.

Creepy zombie mannequin thrall things, back to your posts!

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Similar experience here. Have a peek in the ā€˜posessed thrallsā€™ thread above (link is in th OP). Similar thing. I have actually seen them slide, not walk, through doors and come to a rest right across from me.

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There shellback that slides across ground near my base. (teleports back) funny as hell.

My greater Croc is moving about my base on its own. It canā€™t seem to decided were to stay. Most of rest return to there spotā€¦often facing wrong way.

Darn bartender is often in corner ignoring customersā€¦

Thread seems to be closed, as I wished to add to it. Although not so important, since I have not seen my thralls ā€œslideā€ anywhereā€¦thank Yogā€¦but those little rabbits? I see them standing, with their ears in the air, then they just slide across the land in that fixed position. It creeps me out. Is that what possessed thralls do?
I see mine walking around and shifting position, but at least animation is there when I catch them in the act. Unlike those crazy Nosferatu bunnies.


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