Game mode: Online Official
Type of issue: All of the Above (Bugs, performance, lag, glitches, crashing, etc.)
Type: PvE
Region: North America
Hardware: Xbox
Official Server: #2501
Bug Description:
I started playing roughly a week ago, haven’t even been playing for 2 weeks and have never played this game and to my knowledge any of your all’s games… From this short experience, it is taking a lot from me to just give up on y’all and walk away. This has gotten way out of hand and respectfully people can get mad, but, instead of worrying about more DLC to gain profit, thousands and thousands of folks would play more or even buy it straight if they seen positive reviews considering if y’all would fix these issues.
That’s where a chunk of revenue would come in, not constant DLC to revive the game and people continue experiencing bugs… It’s outrageous that many of us dedicate most of our time just to this game and not other games, and to dedicate donating to the company to buy the product to attempt to have more fun in a big fest of connection/performance issues. If y’all fixed at last 90% of these following issues, many people wouldn’t be so upset and would be pumped to buy products.
The following information details bugs/issues occuring in an official server (#2501 - PVE).
(BEFORE I CONTINUE THE POST/REPORT I NEED TO BE CLEAR, I have Fiber Optics 1GB high speed unlimited internet, so this has nothing to do with connections of my internet, it has to do with issues regarding the game/server and the server’s latency/ping. I have an Xbox One S which shouldn’t and doesn’t matter, 2TB and on an SSD which also shouldn’t matter. I’ve heard and read many peoples remarks revolving around these similar issues…)
#1. When running you pop corn, doesn’t happen all the time, but, is quite frequent.
#2. Hit box on enemies will not render, enemies become invisible at times, hit sounds do not render, and there are no visual effects.
#3. When mining/farming, objects disappear and sometimes never reappear.
#4. Items in inventory/storage/pets/mounts/stations, etc. Most of the time do not appear.
#5. Hit delay when hitting an enemy/creature.
#6. “Rubber banding” when attempting to ride a mount and or when riding a mount.
#7. When farming/hunting creatures often appear in front of you as if they teleport.
#8. When having powerful gear, oftentimes the hit box is way out of sync and enemies can often times hit with a weak weapon and instant kill.
#9. Farming and the materials not showing, but, only showing the counting.
#10. Animals/NPC’s and terrain, and other bases/buildings not appearing when arriving in that area.
#11. Animals/creatures de-spawning.
#12. Constant if not continuous lag anywhere in the game/server
#13. Thralls/Pets having attack delay/missing target.
#14. When crafting some items meant to be done in a quick fashion will oftentimes restart the crafting…
#15. Enemies/Creatures being invisible when you first arrive in an area and being invisible for a few minutes or longer and never knowing where they are, especially bosses, world bosses and purges, etc.
#16. Items oftentimes disappearing or randomly breaking when the durability is not near depletion and or broken already.
#17. When seeing an Official server in the listing whether be Internet, Official, Favorites, and or History, it oftentimes does not show your rank for that sever before you enter.
#18. Load time when dying, loading into the server or entering places like the basement/dungeon of the tavern in Sepermeru is absolutely ridiculously long.
#19. When going around a base or your own, animals/thralls are “pop corning” all over the place, structures are missing, and sometimes do not reappear for quite awhile.
#20. Recently had 2 Rhino mounts randomly sitting near New Asagarth, I was there with someone at one point, however, I brought my mounts back, furthermore, I found my mounts still there glitched out after I had brought them back and parked them. (Bug is random teleportation of thralls/pets).
#21. Items “pop corning” back and forth from a station/structure/thrall/pet back and forth into the inventory and back into the structure/being, when attempting to retrieve items it repeatedly places them from the inventory of that placements into the inventory of you, and back into their inventory/the structure inventory, over and over, oftentimes you have to walk a good distances away to “reset” the area of the bug.
Expected Behavior: it’s simple… For these issues to be resolved somehow and for these issues to not happen, period.
From what I’ve watched, heard, read; these types of issues have been occuring for years now. It’s time to focus on the performance of the game and not content for revenue, we’re doing our best to keep the game alive as is. Respectfully, these issues are overwhelming and should be resolved, it’s long overdue.
—This concludes the report at this time as I have not encountered any other bugs, and or cannot think of any other issues at this time—
I look forward to a conclusion and or solutions, thank you for your time and dedication into this matter for future reference!
P.s. I am not a bad or mean person, but, I’ve been collecting data for the past week, before I made a step to come here and to display it. SOME bugs aren’t placed in the list, I have clips and screenshots, but, you folks have it to where “new users” can’t upload the proof. No big deal, I look forward to sharing the evidence. Thank you to the nice folks out there and also, Funcom, because you have taken an interest in these issues, I look forward to the awesomeness!