Too many complaints from pvp players, in my experience pvp players can ruin a game and destroy it and it can slow down and complicate the development of a game and ruin the content

@hAGGY u nobo

I play on a PVE server. And when I play it is just to play the game. Do quest, battle enemies ect. So complaints are nothing new. I also play on a pvp-c sever. Depending on how aggressive clans are will determine how aggressive I will be. Also I play pvp, everyone out to get everyone. On pvp build nothing. You canā€™t destroy a base if itā€™s not there

Id love to hear of a game that offers PVP and PVE and manages to balance both without affecting each other. All the games Ive played that offered both, one side indeed suffers at the complaints of the other.

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In my experience, players donā€™t ruin a game, because players donā€™t make the decisions about how the game changes.

Players can scream ā€œHORSES ARE OP!!1!oneā€ all they want, but itā€™s up to devs to figure out whether itā€™s horses that are OP, or something else, and how to fix the imbalance. If the devs say ā€œokay, horses are OP, letā€™s nerf them into groundā€, thatā€™s not the playersā€™ fault. Thatā€™s the devsā€™ fault.

That said, when the devs consistently react in suboptimal ways, players will learn to fight fire with fire, and every scream of ā€œX IS OPā€ will be met with ā€œNO ITā€™S NOT STFUā€. And both sides will be ā€œrightā€, under the circumstances. :man_shrugging:


Interesting take. Literally none of the streamers on Twitch right now are involved with PvP.

Not that that has any real impact on the money Funcom makes on the game.

You mean Conan streamers?

That would indeed be the forum we are on and discussing any other game would be a bit nonsensical.

I never assume anything here. And yeah, who would watch a stream of Conan PvP?

  • 6 hours of farming and talking smack in server chat.

  • 1.5 hours of bombing bases of players that are offline.

  • 30 minutes of 10 identical toons and their thralls chasing each other around shattered springs obelisk.

So entertaining.


I have no idea, ask @Sairdontis because apparently ā€œPvE is a fraction of the money to be made from pvp due to publicity.ā€

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The only PvP plays this one watches are Cernoesthes.
Which are as much comedy as PvP.

Otherwise itā€™s mostly playing with Legos (build guides) or supporting channels that have more PvE related content. However, this one is likely representative of neither the target demographic nor the average current player.



Thank you for the introduction ! , ( Bows ).

Pvp oftentimes is the fuel that streamers burn to make money . In other words conflict in game makes money with viewers. Was really a simple concept if you would taken the time do ANY research on the subject.

Again, thank you for your consideration and call me again if you need any more instruction(s).

I fully understand your statement. The problem with is is, there were clearly no PvP streams the other night, Funcom doesnā€™t directly see any of that money(if there was any to even be had), and Iā€™d venture to say most people stream games they already play.

The point being, it doesnā€™t apply in this case to this game. They make money from pretty trees and shiny armor.

Someone mentioned PvP and ego up above. Yeah, checks out.

These statements are in direct conflict. Point invalid. Please, reread post.

@Sairdontis no offenseā€¦ but I think youā€™re way off hereā€¦

First of all, the money streamers make is forā€¦ the streamersā€¦ has nothing to do with Funcomā€¦

Funcom would get indirect benefits from the streamers advertising the game, causing new players to buy it and spend money in the shopā€¦

That can only happen with massive viewershipā€¦ Conan Exiles content creators are very far from massiveā€¦ some of the youtubers have ā€œdecentā€ viewershipā€¦ all of which, without exception are PvE oriented.

Why? because as others pointed out aboveā€¦ Conan Exiles isnā€™t exactly an E-Sportā€¦ and watching PvP in it is boring and pointless. Thereā€™s no leaderboardsā€¦ thereā€™s no ā€œkeeping scoreā€ā€¦ there is nothing that would even remotely put it in the category youā€™re trying to put it intoā€¦

Right now I would actually argue that PvP is a money sink for Funcom and not something that actually generates revenueā€¦ Keeping servers up, getting constant nasty feedback about balanceā€¦ spending work hours on balancing then doing it wrong and not accomplishing anythingā€¦ (maybe with their ā€œban metaā€ cuz PvP players keep having to buy new accountsā€¦ - this is obviously a joke).
PvP players do not buy 10$ dining tables, in fact they donā€™t buy anything for the most part because theyā€™re afraid theyā€™ll get banned at any point from officials and the private server scene isnā€™t as big for PvP as it is for PvE.
Ofc some still do, there are always exceptions, I know some PvP players buy stuff.

Bottom lineā€¦ youā€™re trying to equate this to an E-Sport, that DOES actually generate revenue for game companiesā€¦ but this aint itā€¦

And just for clarification, this is not some anti-pvp postā€¦ like @LostBrythunian pointed out this thread was a bit of a pissing contest, however when you make a statement like ā€œPvP generates more money for Funcom than PvEā€ thatā€™s no longer subjective and youā€™re open to critique.


The game should be balanced and content made on demographics and income.

Funcom know who plays their game and how it plays. Chances are a significant number play single player.

No matter what you play, Iā€™m pretty sure we can all agree the game has more issues needing addressed than balance.

We still have issues from the original sorcery update, they just introduced more and brought back others with the new one.

As a few pointed out, this is not even real PVP, it is more PVB, player vs building. I have been playing Gloria Victis and that is real PVP.

No offense, but I think Youā€™re way off hereā€¦

First of all, everything after this line is not in line with reality. There is a reason that game companies often give streamers extra perks and privileges sometimes even in games. There is a think called a partner on some sites even with streamers directly from the game companies that make the game being streamed and played. Game companies will even go as far as enforcing rules to protect against ā€œstream snipingā€ the streamer (ie. taking advantage of the fact they are broadcasting their location on the game and what they are doing there).

And your Bottomline is ignorant at best on how pvp is marketed and promoted in games that have it. The quote you and others are bothered about it still 100% true and factual . It is not for me to convince you of this fact, you only need to do a tiny bit of research outside of people telling you what you want to hear and reenforcing it over and over.

I donā€™t actually also care about critique as it is not really me you and others are trying to argue with . The issue is you canā€™t argue with the fact so you instead try to go after me for stating it. Sorry but, you are wrong and the proof is available to you if you are willing to read it (and no I am not going to promote other sites on these forums by linking sites to it, donā€™t ask or bother with this tactic, as its old and tired at this point)

Real bottomline: Believe me or donā€™t believe me I donā€™t care and really donā€™t need too as the facts speak for themselves . I know more will be coming after this, but that doesnā€™t matter either as time goes on the echochamber will keep getting softer and softer as those fueling it slowly run out of breath and nothing has changed in their favor. Have fun and take a deep breath.

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PvE streams are totally different and way more entertaining.
ā€œHello chat! Today we will do Black Keep for 1500000000 time! This is gonna be so pog!ā€.
CE had a quite good amount of pvp streamers but the majority left or moved on to newer projects.
The same goes for pve and all other influencers who used to be around in CE sphere.
Itā€™s an old game and updates are nothing major to hype about.

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Ohā€¦ so youā€™re one of those thenā€¦ I seeā€¦
You dreamed up some fake stuff, youā€™re treating it as fact and youā€™re not even considering the possibility that youā€™re wrong even when several people point it outā€¦

Not much to be discussed with you I guess, carry on!


Nothing youā€™ve said applies to Conan.

There are ā€œfactsā€, which you seem to prefer. And facts, like the Conan exiles steaming community is tiny and not PvP centric.

Have fun in your bubble.