There is currently TOO MUCH EXCESSS leather from farming tar. Tar is essential for pvp servers as it is part of bombs and grease orbs ( and soon grease arrows i assume). This creates huge quantities of leather that you can never use enough of. My suggestions of how to fix this economic imbalance.
- Increase leather costs of all armors by like 50-100%. Including repair costs. Maybe increase durability wear rate, so you have to repair more often. (especially lower tiers, durability should be less for more amateurly made armor.)
- Increase leather costs of bandages (whilst decreasing aloe leave cost, to compete with aloe soup, extract, lasting meal)
- Create “cordage” recipes where you can turn leathers into twine at the armorers bench.
- increase leather cost of armor repair kits.
- Create “glue together” recipe at armorer or improv. armorer where you can paste 2-10 leather together for a heavy leather. ( paste could be made from grinding bugs with bonemeal)