I am by no measure a great builder, but I was determined to give this a crack. It’s just about to hit 3am here so I’ll dump these & run, along with a link to a walkthrough - taken on the inferior (and very loud) PS4, so sorry about any excess fan noise.
I really wanted to fully block out and enact the story, but I don’t think that’s brooding without another 6 weeks or so of faffing around between life things, so hope you enjoy what I ended up with!
The Tower
A while lot bigger than I initially envisioned. I’m not a huge fan of the Argossian (or Aquilonian) interior walls, so wanted space to slap something else down, but probably could have shaved a layer or two off. Perched atop Sepermuru for a nod to Chapter 1.
A recollection…
A little out of sequence, but couldn’t not put in this nod to the greatest theft of all time
Green Thumb
The garden turned out far better than I expected. Easily my favourite part of the build. Also; Lions!
I’m never spawning dye stacks ever again
Bigger tower… bigger spider
She’s actually quite nice. Great conversationalist.
I compromised here with the Elephant, but who can be mad at that big boof head? (or that eldritch power)
Hey little guy…
I always thought Yara went down a little easy for such a feared bad guy, so I gave him a friend to keep him safe (and prepared for a diminutive future)
I considered corspsifying the guards before taking these shots, but I’ve grown attached to the idea of fighting them all later
What lions beneath
The story mentions a subterranean area where the lions are kept during the day. Undermeshing is for losers, so I made it out of Arena pieces instead
And that’s it! Lemme know what you think!
Walkthrough clip:http://www.twitch.tv/pr0mythean/v/675612015?sr=a&t=2s
There’s still time! Build! Building Contest: Tower of the Elephant