Tower of the Elephant Contest Winners 🐘

As with our previous building contests, each one of you went above and beyond our expectations. The absolute creativity and skill you showed in making your vision of the Tower of the Elephant is nothing short of incredible. :elephant:

We want to thank you from the bottom of Yag-kosha’s heart for taking the time to participate and create amazing pieces. Know that it was a tough process choosing these winners and even if you were not selected, you should be damn proud.

If you are mentioned here, make sure to speak up! And if you weren’t, please share with us your creations here for all to see. Please also note not all pictures entered for these winners are inserted into this post, for sake of space.

Thank you again to the team at Perilous Worlds for providing the really cool shirts and Tower of the Elephant boardgame prizes! We’re happy to say that the Kickstarter for the game was fully funded. Check out the page here!

Let’s move along now to what you’re here for!
Here are the 5 grand prize winners who will be receiving the Tower of the Elephant boardgame, and the 10 runner ups! Numbers are purely for distinguishing posts, not for ranking.

:elephant: Grand Prize Winners :elephant:


An incredible recreation and take on the tower. Complete with a garden surrounding an elephant shaped base! Make sure you take the time to watch the incredible tour that explores inside and out to see all the details.


This cross section of the tower submitted by Michael. They created their tower so that it is authentic to the “Conan and the tower of the elephant” manual with its story by Greg Lynch. The tower is 46 metres high; each floor contains a part of the story such as the library, a basement for the armory, and guards.


If you loved the Tower of the Elephant story and are looking for more, you’ll love this entry. Ceyvie over on YouTube has created a story of a new adventurer named Bronk who tries his own hand at the tower. Watch as Bronk infiltrates the tower, battles enemies, takes a bathroom break, and climbs to the top.


Mylee’s impressive tower includes a dungeon area with a maze-like pathway to reach the top! Start through the storage room, make your way through the dungeon area with crocodiles, hostile humans, and more until you’ve made it! There were so many photos of this we’d like to share but unfortunately cannot fit into one post.


Our final grand prize winner goes to Morpheanna for an absolutely creative comic made from screenshots of the game and pieced together to tell the story. Here are some screenshots, but you can find the full comic here on Imgur: Conan Exiles: Tower of The Elephant Comic - Album on Imgur

:elephant: 10 Runner Up Winners :elephant:


An Elephant Tower!


An absolutely astounding Tower!


Impressive tower with a beautiful interior!


Beautiful take on the tower!


A beautiful tower complete with a elephant right on the front!


A beautiful tower seen across the land, day and night!


A rather sinister take on the tower. You can see the complete set of pictures, as well as a a fitting poem to it here: The Tower of the Elephant - Album on Imgur


A beautiful yet deadly tower.


Complete with spiders, a lush garden, and dear Yara.


An incredible comic created by Sage. Here are some pictures included in the comic, but more will be available later.
Illustrated1 Illustrated2 Illustrated3

Again, sincere thank you for being a part of this incredible contest. It was an absolute pleasure to look through them all. We will be reaching out to the winners for prize information shortly!


Fantastic jobs, bravo to everyone :+1:


I never fail to be amazed over how bloody good people can build. Moaaarr, my insperation hungers.

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Congratulations to all the winners!!

This contest was a lot of fun, I really liked that we were free to make our own interpretations of the tower.

Mine was one of the runner ups, the rather sinister tower (which was exactly the look I was going for):

I had to get very creative for the jewel at the top. It took a lot of work but I’ve been playing around with stacking placeables.

It took me several hours to get the screenshots just right, things would start to de render pretty quickly when I went for the full view shots. Here’s the full album with all the screenshots I sent:

It was pretty late and I was pushing the deadline when I was writing the “poem”, but I wanted to present it as a story since I didn’t have time to make a video.

Once again, congrats to all! Building is one of my favorite parts of the game- these contests really show how creative we can be, and I love sharing my builds and ideas with others.


The poem was great! Thanks for reminding me, I added your imgur link in there as well.


Amazing job everybody! All of them are very creative and very well made.
I’m proud to say i’m the #3 in the 10 Runner Up Winners :^)
If you want to check the rest of the tower i made, take a look here

Also you can check the 11 minutes tour here

It was based on the tower portrayed in the issue #24 of the Savage Sword of Conan written by Roy Thomas and drawed by John Buscema & Alfredo Alcala.
It was built next to the city of sepermeru, simulating the city of thieves where the tower was located in the story using building pieces from The Architects of Argos, The treasures of Turan, The Savage Frontier DLC and placeables from the Debaucharies of Derketo and Riders of Hyboria DLC.


I absolutely loved it. Can it be visited on some server or is it in your single-player world? There are parts of it that I would love to explore and examine up close :heart_eyes:


Thank you! Unfortunately, I built it on my single player world. But if you have the game on Xbox, I’d be happy to give you a tour!


Sadly, I don’t, but thank you for the offer :slight_smile:


Congrats to all winners and also runner ups! Fantastic works :)! This was a fun idea.


I can’t stop staring at the set-up you’ve used for the jewel, so good!


I’m not crazy am I? I thought it was just a straight up build contest, not a comic contest or something?

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Thank you. The stuff in the center sits on the round khitan table, surrounded by the Aquilonian statues and small turan tables. Then I used the statue of the warmaker, with candleholders, the metal skulls, and chess pieces.


Congratulations to all “Tower of the Elephant”.I am the creator of #3 (grand prize) I enjoy now to look all screens and videos from the contest. This will be a long night…but…ah, not but…I have vacations. See you later :slight_smile:


Hi all!
My name is Conan and my tower is #8
Also, here the full video as a bonus:

Thanks for the contest!


Wait… did we have to show inside?

We were allowed one screen shot, I only took one of outside to send in… didn’t even take any of inside main room a built. T_T

Oh well… Minus all ps4 blue screens… i had fun trying to build it. =3

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You won’t be able to participate anymore in the contest but would be nice to see what you did, share your creation!


When I built this thing, I wanted every level to be a level in a computer game (#4).
Soon I felt a little like a game designer who will miss a deadline.
Seeing the other contributions, I feel I had luck, and am proud to be a part of it.

Lost in Construction:


Great contest!!! too glad to participate. my building is number 4 from the runner ups:). beautiful buildings by everyone.congratulations all.


So many beautiful entries…love the cross section one, very creative. The winning comic is also super well done!. :fire: Grats to all!

Video of my number #6 runner up entry