Transitive Movement Speeds for Mounts

Movement Speeds for Mounts should accomodate for players who have Beast of Burden. Why? Follow me on this. Beast of Burden allows the player to carry unrestricted. If the mount is supposed to be strong enough to carry the player, and the player is supposed to be strong enough to carry the loot; then by the transitive property the mount should be strong enough to handle a user at compacity with beast of burden. Just sayin. You academic types are so fixated on mathematics, so there you go. Work on that. Make a mount system that doesn’t suck. Steal from Red Dead if you have to, i mean it’s not like you dont borrow influences from other games already anyway.


well hello there!!! – post doesnt make sense but w/e

The issue is the math don’t math, more or less.
The perk is the character’s perk not the horse’s. Simple as that.

My cycle carries me, I can carry 500 pounds, so my cycle should carry me and the 500 pounds I’m carrying, right? Not how it works.

Me being over encumbered but having a perk to not suffer the debuff{?} of the encumbrance, does not negate the weight. The horse still has to carry you, and all you carry, so will be encumbered.

But after watching, I think some one needs to worry more about learning how to play the game rather then suggesting changes to compensate for their lacking game knowledge.


nice sharing. You are not alone. I am also affected by that problem. That’s why I play with 15 agility.

running is the only solution.
As you can see, not everyone agrees. There are people who not like this situation. Actually, the reason is because they do not use that feature. They are not complaining. In general, hoarders play that way :slight_smile: to loot everything.

I always buy surplus when farming iron. And 40x the amount I need. And I enjoy doing it very much. Everyone plays for fun. but he enjoys different things. I respect.

Actually, instead of overflow, you give power + agilty + health. I can only put as much as I need into the horse’s inventory. This is also an option and very enjoyable. But so is looting the entire mountain :slight_smile:

I don’t loot 90% of my kills, and only very specific chests. I have plenty of everything so no need of it.

But I was pointing out buffs don’t transfer to mounts, and I don’t think they should.

There is also plenty you can do to buff for carrying, more then one way to skin a hyena.

A horse can only carry 15-20% of it’s body weight. Signs that you are putting to much weight upon your horse are such things as: heavy breathing, sweating, DRAGGING FEAT, SLOW MOVEMENT. :thinking:

Now put your overly encumbered arse on said horse and what do you expect to happen? :point_up_2:

Once again reality seems to be something out of this one’s grasp of comprehension. :woman_shrugging:

this is a case of someone trying ever so hard, in fact by that definition, it should be the opposite lol

If you can lift a calf, and lift that same calf every day, when it grows up you’ll be able to lift a cow, right?


God bless your tiny little anti-intellectual brain. This is a great example of why you should leave science to those who don’t disdain it. :grin:


The really funny thing is this. We are fighting a giant crocodile. and only with a sword :slight_smile: yes realism ? yes, laws of physics? don’t do it. Just game preference. Some people play with everything on their back :slight_smile: Sometimes I walk around with a “my base” on my back.

Also I don’t think they will ever change this. I wouldn’t even want them to work on it. There are more important issues.

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Shall I post the video about why realism IS important in games in yet another thread?

no, but i think games without realistic graphics for example, tend to have the best longevity. keeping up to date with realism in graphics is a fast moving target.

realism in term of physics etc? yeah im all for that.

Oh it has nothing to do with graphics. :rofl: In fact game companies focusing so bloody much on graphics tends to lead them to ignore far to much of, frankly, everything else. :roll_eyes:

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yep totally agree

What you need is a wagon. They would be a cool feature. Also, wagons with smart seats would be really cool. But thralls and moving objects don’t marry well in this game. A small caravan of wagons would make moving an entire base- thralls included- a trivial endeavour. I would become a nomad. :smile:


This would be the best solution.

I imagine a horse about to be mounted by some dude with 50k stones in his pocket would kick him in the head.

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