Trick to getting the purge meter to work

Hey Sutorx,
Are you on a private server?
Thanks For the Info.

yup, im the admin/owner of a gportal server.

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I had mine get stuck before. I manually triggered a purge with commands, and that got it unstuck. Worked fine after that.

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Didn’t work foe me.
I could only find the one to fill Clan meter and they got theirs.
My meter is full but can’t get purge.
Thanks Again

Here are some commands below. Also, I have seen some people say you need to be in a clan or create a clan 1st.

FillPlayerClanPurgeMeter (just your clan)
FillAllClanPurgeMeters (all clans on server)
StartPlayerPurge (after bar is full)

Ok Will try those.
Thanks Again

Anytime. I hope it works for you. Make sure to turn off purge before logging. I have came back to my base destroyed a few times. I think it might be because logged out characters remain in world.

None of those commands worked.
Made Clan nothing
Thanks Again

did you try the 15 and 2000? thats what started mine up.
other things to try, turn the purge off, wait a few seconds and turn it back on, then see if it starts filling.
you turn it off, restart the server, then turn back on and restart the server again. Ultimately i think this worked for me.

yeah is there anything official here? We have yet to have a purge on our server
and like others have stated, masssive amounts of construction, killing, leveling, etc.

Yes our admin can trigger one
but that’s dumb

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Hey Sutorx,
Yes its at 15 and 2000.
I got it to fill but the purge wouldn’t start for me or others on my server.
Last night 4 hours of full meter and no purge.
Just got it to start by console command.
Thanks Again your time.

Its the PURGE METER TRIGGER VALUE setting. Depending on how many people in your clan this needs to be set really low. For a single player this should be set at like 1000 maybe higher depending on how active the player is.

If you have 2 players then set it to 2000 or 2500 and then adjust to your liking up or down.

The default on this setting is so high that triggering a purge on FUNCOM official servers will take a large clan 8 to 10 players being pretty active.

If you have a private server or playing single player just turn Purge Meter Trigger Value way down and you will start getting Purges.

Concerning maxing the meter with no purge be sure that you don’t have random foundations somewhere on the map. Any structure can get “Purged” not just your main keep.

I’m not sure how the Purge works once the meter is maxed
it could be randomized and not trigger right away

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Thanks Vambrace
Why the hell didn’t the Devs say this in their Video.
I will try the 1000 value.
You should be a DEV.
Thanks Again :smiley:

Is it working now that your manually triggered it? I had to fiddle with mine for a while then all of the sudden it started working, it was really weird.

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Hey Sutorx,
I don’t understand.
1.reistalled game.
2.Wiped and reinstalled server.
3.just tried the console commands,not 1 worked again.
You do hit return after the commands correct.
This is total BS.
Get more help from players than the damn devs.
Thanks Again.

are you an admin, in other words did you hit the button “make me and admin” under settings/server tools?
Sorry if you did that, just covering all my bases.

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Was not in admin mode.
But purge should start own its own.
Purge did work but only by console commands.
Thanks again

ok, hit escape, go to settings, then all the way over to the right there is a server settings tab with a button called “make me an admin”. Click on that and enter your server admin password.
I know that is supposed to happen on its own but maybe if you force it once it will get back on track?
Sorry but just trying to throw things out at ya to see if they stick.

Thanks for your help.
I will just set the purge off by console commands.
I will wait for meter to fill to full,wait am hour or so the I will set it off.
Hope I can do the same for the other people.
Seems like I am cheat because I can do it.
Again Thanks For the Help!!!

been 1/12 hours purge meter is almost full and nothing.
Only one online