Truth or Not (Part 2)

Dear Fellow Exiles

We love Conan Exiles, we love building, we love raiding, we love PVP.

The below is specific to PVP, as this is where all the tension derives from.

The Rules on building: Funcom, suggestion is to maybe just add a cap to the amount of building that can be done (i.e, cap building to 10k or 5k building pieces or whatever) instead of server wipe or suspension/banning the Exiles. Advertising the game to have massive structures but then server wipe or suspend/ban Exiles when replicating this, that is questionable?? Thoughts all?

Server Wipe, Suspension/Banning, mmmmm. . . . Funcom, do you take the reports from players that does not have a PS account? Surely a player that does not have a PS account means that 90% of the time it is an alternative account? Cause the main account received a suspension/ban already/previously? Suspending/Banning a player that has a PS account with 3k hours from a complaint of a player that does not even have 100 hours and no PS account?? Why not disclose the information on the reason of the suspension/ban? Funcom, you allow Exiles to appeal a Suspension/Ban, but you dont stipulate/indicate the infractions occurred for suspension/ban? How should Exiles improve without that knowledge to ensure this is not repeated? Thoughts all?

Game Exploits: Many exploits gets mentioned in the Forums such as this one. Funcom, why not listen to the public, why send a message ‘‘If you have a complaint/issue then submit to the forums blah blah blah’’. Just listen. Problems such as, aimbot when fighting PVP is REAL people. Spending money on the DLC’s like the Windows that has higher HP than any other building piece makes this game a ‘‘pay to win game’’. Infinite stamina glitch. Undermesh is still a thing, and many other exploits
 Thoughts all?

Funcom, we all use google/youtube. Type in the exploits yourself to see videos/descriptions on how to use exploits. That should provide enough info to the Dev team to rectify the problems.

Funcom, see this as positive criticism, you created a great game, just offering suggestions for improvement. Keep to suspension, not Permanent Ban (unless it warrants it owing to explicit/offensive reasons). I need players to fight in PVP

A fellow Exile once told me ‘‘Conan Exiles is our Biggest enemy, not the clans that is trying to raid us’’.

See you all in PVP

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Couldnt agree with anymore than that. The sad part is usually the ones that failed to raid or extort are the ones that mass report.

Reporting is the meta to playing conan why fail a raid when you can report. I found it sad when I saw 15 member clan or so do this when they fail to get in.

The spirit of hardwork is gone and actually having a kingdom.

I love that your profile picture is that base you built that surrounded the entirety of Buccaneer Bay.

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I still say the most elegant solution to most of the PVP woes is just periodic wiping. If the servers were wiped every 3 months, this wouldn’t be an issue at all and since pvp is about Player vs player then I don’t see why there would be a concern.




Apparently it is if the rules state to far away from base when literally building a castle lol A raidius on how far you can build from bed would be best.

10 foundation limit until bed is placed then extends x distance.

That’s what she said.

Im quite curious, since there are so many people that love to explain the reason why building limits wont work is because its how you use them

but yet they never, ever do explain how people use them wrong to cause such lag issues.

Im starting to think that people just beat that drum because someone used that excuse one time and it stuck.

Be a bit like explaining how to do an exploit; which is what I see it as when done purposely. But I have experienced it.

Now codemage did finally give a list of how it wouldn’t stop what, but to me it seemed most were covered by other rules.

  • Heat traps are memory intensive as they all have to process local temperature effects per-item
  • individual building pieces all need to be rendered and processed, the more there are the more strain there is on the server. This applies to all building pieces, not just foundations.
  • more inventories from containers and benches all need to be loaded and rendered, these are a major culprit in performance issues
  • placeables and decorative pieces in large quantities also contribute to the performance, for the same reason as building pieces do
  • a lot of light sources generate lag by putting strain on player’s graphics to render multiple overlapping lights simultaneously.

All this I thought was more or less common knowledge, but that seems to be in short supply lately.

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They know. They’re not naive. In fact many in this thread are actually quite clever. Just not quite as clever as they think they are.

One of them got hemmed up for a gigabuild over a large area. The other got docked for making a nearly one click long bridge across the map. They knew what they did wrong when they did it. They are very smart individuals.

They’re just refusing to take responsibility.

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I think we are collectively missing a built in mechanic to further address the spread and big building. The Purge (and yes, we do know that the current Purge mechanics are not, shall we say, ‘perfect’).

I would like to see the mechanics/engine behind/inspiring Purges be linked more with the volume of a build. Like, you have a smallish build and you can oversee it better, seeing off the unwanted and undesirable. The bigger and more spread out and it becomes more attractive to others, whether they be other players or just npcs and even treasure-seeking creatures. And attach this to the Decay system too. You stay away for long periods and the base becomes more and more attractive to loiterers and the like. At some stage some creature/human, on seeing no activity at a base, or seeing lots of fun stuff lying about, kicks in a door, climbs a wall, and you suddenly have squatters. A master thief wanders by and makes off with a ton of treasure - introducing a fun aspect of logging in, catching them, and adding them to your herd of the unwillingly indoctrinated.

Just a thought.

And no, huge base sprawl is not cool when it blocks other from key resources, journey steps, etc. It’s unimaginative at best and tacky and childish at worst.

Unfortunately, because the base game was and has always been a ‘level up, fight, level up’, etc game, and without the depth and breadth wherein players progression/existence is multi-faceted, based in questlines, exploration, fighting, puzzle-solving, variable challenges, randomised encounters all over the place (and a very limited intro/noob zone when starting), the game needs mods and the like to have any longevity. Being primarily PvP orientated, it is very hard to maintain the interest of a community. A game needs randomisation throughout to keep it viable. It also needs linear and lateral progression that does not culminate in a ‘take bracelet off’ moment or a ‘I’m level 60, now what?’ moment. #myrantdone :slight_smile: #needscoffee

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Thanks Jimbo, I do appreciate good information when it has been asked for.

Like I have said with out limits people will build like there are none. People have pointed out how open to personal interpretation the TOS is. And we see what happens when rules are left open; I’ve read the server TOS and seen the examples, and interpreted the rules by said examples.

But, as I have said, if you are on a PVE public server you’ll probably getaway with most build violations; in my experience of reporting obvious TOS violations. Thing is some players have it in their heads PVE is for building and most all players need to be building artistically pleasing keeps that are well decorated. All it takes is 4 or 5 people that love to building multiple big and beautiful Castles to bring a public server to it’s knees. They don’t seem to realize their combined big beautiful builds might be a detriment to other players games.

The biggest reason I left the public server I was on was because there were so many builds on the map that drug my poor out dated GPU to it’s knees; 10fps, that it was hard to get around with out going way out of my way.

At level 60 I start farming fragments, I must know everything :grin:

Even more elegant is simply transferring to the empty servers instead of doing a full wipe. Transfers still locked on your server? Too many ideas sprout from this, so I’ll stay vague about it, low hanging fruit.

Note that a merge is like a wipe with baggage. Number of (inventory) “slots” matter.

Placeables, we arent disputing that.

Placeables, we arent disputing that

Placeables, we arent disputing that.

Placeables, we arent disputing that.

What I am looking for is why people say that a building piece limit (building pieces, not placeable limit) wont work because how the pieces are used. So, by your reasoning here:

Its almost like people that are saying that massive builds actually are contributing to lag. Almost like a limit on those pieces might help. And, that renders the excuse of “how you use them” irrelavant because there still isnt an explanation on how you misuse building pieces. Keep in mind, things like fence stacking etc are already against TOS.

Maybe the proper first step is to limit placeables, that have more of an effect on the server, then try a building piece limit too.

I thought my inquiry was a fairly easy one to answer, but Im not shocked the question was avoided. Guess it was too hard.

You can try to take moral high ground, but it wont work.

Asking how some people constantly use the claim “its how you use the building pieces” isnt skirting responsibility. (and actually, I seem to recall you saying you could bring a server to its knees with 5 building pieces, yet consistently fail to explain how building pieces create such bad lag for the game). Jimbo tried, but ended up agreeing with those calling for a piece limit by explaining that massive amounts of building pieces creates lag.

But yes, thank you for bringing up another point that the OP supports, banning for building. Quite silly on Funcoms part, but hey, its their cookie. We just get to sit back and laugh at it.

Especially when they are destroyed, removed, dismantled, or lost stability. What’s worse is the fragmentation in the database that is leftover. SSD may be the answer, at least it it makes the teleport quick. (or “quicker” if someone quotes me). We found out the admins have a switch to stop it. (is it really needed at the retail level?)


At this point you’re not disputing anything, other than the fact you just really want to argue with people on the internet over anything you can.


I think you’re grossly misinterpreting what I said on purpose. 1k foundations will be a lot less laggy than 1k furnaces or radium torches.

It’s not as much about the number of pieces as it is how you use them

Not to mention, lag isn’t the only factor in official server build rules. 1k foundations stacked vertically claims a lot less land than 1k foundations sprawled out, webbing to claim an entire grid square.

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I’ve explained it several times, and for the record you’ve understood it and simply didn’t like it. You’re trying to play dumb here in a deception. But you’re not that naive or dumb, but much more importantly, you are not the victim you have claimed to be.

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