There were several. Here are just the last two:
Interestingly enough, there was also one against adding map rooms to Siptah. However, that one was during the Siptah Early Access, when map rooms would have interfered badly with the vault-maelstrom-surge loop that Funcom subsequently broke up on release. So I kinda feel like the original argument in that one is not valid anymore, but that’s just my opinion.
At any rate, Dennis Douthett mentioned in his AMA that they don’t plan to add fast travel to Siptah in the short term, but they do hope to add a fast travel system – for all maps – similar to the Waystones mod. Back when @den said that, there was no release date for that feature. It would be interesting to know whether that’s planned for the 3.0 update, although it wouldn’t change our expectations a lot, since 3.0 also has no set release date
TL;DR: Yes, fast travel is still something both players and Funcom seem to want