I know there is a lot of confusion as to why fighter thralls have accuracy. But you can at least put a bow on the fighter thralls. Why does the undead have the accuracy stat? As far as I know you cannot change the weapon on the undead thralls. Am I missing some thing?
Ok. Imagine that in this tottaly grinding game you fix perfect thralls from the first time. This would go against the logick of this game. In another post i 've posted that somehow the weapons we use affect the thralls lvl up. The last 2 thralls i lvl up i didn’t use bow at all and none took accuracy perk. Please try it and help me prove this theory. Merry Christmas and thank you.
The two Dalisina Snowhunters I’ve leveled used nothing but one handed axes or mace and were fed only gruel. Both received the Deadeye perk: +3 acc, -5 str.
I am sorry about both of your thralls. I had a fighter thrall get a +5 vit and -5 acc perk at lvl 15, I was like ok cool. But then as lvl 20 it got a +10 acc perk… I face palmed and put the thrall on guard.
Same here. Started leveling a Bearer Thrall today, had nothing but a mace for a weapon.
Deadeye perk.
Maybe armor pen??? I dunno. At least undead could be cool again?
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