I can appreciate a leveling system with thralls if it works proprerly + does not have random points in stats that either do literally nothing at all or those stats that should not have any percentage of taking precident over a much larger one ie, Vitality = 75% chance & Accuracy = 10% chance and the stats that get the increase are of the 10% or even less…?(mathematically this should not happen as often as it does or at all).
Also why are pets recieving any accuracy (ranged) stats at all = this makes no sense…? I get that adding this system adds an aspect of even more grinding (continued playability inplace of actually meaningful content or alterations that need addressing much more direly than simply grinding out stats that in far too many cases either don’t work properly or work at all).
I truly hope that this system and future economy changes are not your priority of work effort when i could and have honestly named 10 massively larger issues that seemingly have been problems for many months, for many players and still are left unfixed & unaddressed…?
This is a route of action that far too many games as a service studios are taking precident over and implementing into their games while leaving glaring and prevalent game problems at the wayside while as a massive whole = your community / customers are clearly telling you either…
A) they never requested / suggested or even care about new mechanics being added inplace of fixing the large existing issues currently and at times very long running.
B) Or would rather actually meaningful content added inplace of tweaking / altering / changing of the existing mechanics that many of us never had issue with in the first place or have spent a long time learning to adapt & live with.
It is a route that more often than not divides it’s community + forces players to leave the game completely for many reasons (but seeing what takes precident in your eyes is clearly skewed and almost gives percentages of your player base a push to move onto another game & another community)
Inevitably losing large amounts of your fans and consumers over time due to clearly communicating & expressing there problems with your product and often not being truly heard or completely ignored = Many true fans and very avid players (with a 1,000 plus hours invested) do so because we do enjoy your game and at times place faith that you are actually hearing our honest feedback to better not only your game / product, but the experience of your avid players.
Honestly if everyone on your end loves the new tweaks etc… And you personally enjoy playing the game with these alterations for hundreds to thousands of hours = that’s great for you (if you actually do), but the experience & product you are designing is not solely for your preferred enjoyment, but for the experience of your players & customers 
Really hope this trend in current gaming changes course soon as it does far more detrimental harm to a game and its community, than it does any good in almost any given scenerio. I also find it very odd that a large amount of requests or alterations come from player bases that both, have little money & time invested in a game and have clear designs of leaving said game after less than a hundred hours to purchase and play something else without thoughts of returning to play, while your longer standing players are left with the aftermath of requests from temporary players 
I apologize about the ranting, but this weighs on me far too much these last few years and is a very large part of why I DO NOT work in the video game industry anymore and honestly have no interest in working for companies that approach gaming in such a manner = just kills a part of the passion & love i truly have for gaming as a whole.
As always i do have to mention = i do love your game and the effort you have put forth with it and i don’t mean to slam your team at Funcom in this regard, i continue to have faith in hope in your team and the game that i truly love and this is why i may come across a little passionately at times in my comments / posts = like anything i personally love in life and have time invested in, i do not sit by idly & silently. It’s not in my nature.