That is complete BS. If you are not violating the TOS you will not get banned. That doesn’t take more thought process to comprehend than tying your shoes does.
Sure, people can “claim” you are. That does NOT mean you will get banned by any stretch.
Do you have any evidence to back up this claim? I can pretty much guarantee that you do not. You are making a baseless assertion with the intent to further a narrative based only on your personal “feelings” but not on reality or physical evidence. If you can’t show it, you don’t know it. So don’t claim it as reality.
And building in a game that hinders server performance and prevents other players from gaining access to things like dungeons and obelisks goes beyond stupid and 100% deserves a ban. Sorry, but you are completely wrong no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise.
And in a month from after that game comes out after the numbers drop drastically and every cries about the “death of that game” what then? How many games have come out since Conan Exiles launched that people like you have claimed were going to “steal everyone away and kill the game”? Same old tired song and dance. Heard it 100 times already. Learn something new by now.
I know this is in responce to Codemage who plays on official PvE-C… that’s not single player… Do facts matter at all to you?
Or, you know, you could actually read the TOS and realize GASP those holes don’t actually exist expect in your own imagination. Then again, as it has been pointed out so many times on this forum, and to you even, these are not a NEW set of TOS. They are just enforcing them more.
Yep, its taken 4 years to reach this point. It might take another 4-8 years or more before it takes its toll, but its coming let me tell you. The end is near. It may not be in our lifetime but the servers are going to close down and all buildings will be a memory. The grandchildren of my nieces and nephews will never see an official server. Shame… damn shame.
Regarding the point about avoiding getting reported in the first place that was part of our (and other clans on the server) frustration. The server recently got visited by another group of cheaters (I will never play on a no ping server again…) and we and some of the other clans were doing our best to collect evidence and submit to Funcom. One of our members did get video evidence, submitted to Zendesk, and got a reply thanking him and saying that actions were being taken. Well apparently the same cheaters submitted reports on ALL the bases they had raided or tried to raid and all the said clans were banned for 14 days.
In our case after submitting to Zendesk regarding our ban all we were told is that our base was causing performance issues… I can confirm again we did NOT foundation spam nor did we block major points of interest.
Anyway as you point out the open interpretation by Funcom with no clear measurable limits is what causes some of the frustration. As I and others have said, would be nice for some sort of real land claim system or even just a limit on the number of build items you have. As I mentioned earlier even examples of what is acceptable and not acceptable would be a help.
In the meantime we are being very careful regarding not building large anti-PVP bases.
I am playing on the same official pve-c server since release. I had huge bases. In May the 2 main bases git deleted and i got a 3 day ban. I rebuilt them, much much smaller and apert from that also made the remaining 2 other bases smaller. In September out of nowhere I got one of the remaining bases at mounds deleted and a 2 week ban for building abuse, although all the bases around mine were much bigger than mine. 2 weeks later all bases that still were at mounds got deleted. Today all bases of a clan which also plays since release were deleted and the only thing they did, was making their bases smaller after i got deleted to not suffer the same fate.
I now have 3 bases all signifcantly smaller than the ones before and further away from the obi (that seems to matter). We are a 10 people clan and are using 13500 building pieces for all 3 bases together and 1400 placeables. IS that too much? I don’t know. But should i get another deletion , we will disband the clan and call it a day. Communication on, what is allowed is totally intransparent and reporting people has become the new meta for trolls on official servers
For 10 players, 13,500 building pieces is very light.
True, it depends on the server/players who either do not mind builds or complain about them. The admin would not look at the other builds since they are only looking at the reported one, which may not seem fair but alas it is what it is. And the issue may be related to the builds nearby that is offsetting the issue.
they do not advertise that, they advertise “build anywhere”. Most assume that means everywhere and unlimited . The anywhere is with exception for npc and obbie areas.
I dunno… it doesn’t take me long to build a huge base. 4 to 8 hours once you’re familiar with the pieces and how the system works, is all you need for a something quite massive.
This guy said he built this in less than a day; about 4 or 5 hours of material farming, overnight for material I/O at the benches, and 5 or 6 hours of actual building (according to the owner anyway):
My current base is maybe 3 times larger than this and MUCH more elaborate. I could rebuild it in a day - no problem. And of course building is fun - to me anyway.
If that actually happens then I would tend to agree. I haven’t seen it happen myself though. -=shrug=-
and to be more concrete, what funcom left on server of octavian was that (well they also left spam of real spammers with foundations covering more than 10 square map) but the problem of server was those hackers.
in addition of video showing people using the chinese hack plug in (same people than with this aerial base floating at limit of world height), which mean cheating giving ability to move x10, killing distance with melee weapons and looting locked vautl and chest (without talking of ability to locate player and chest from distance).
anyways after our ban and the one of octavius clan and alls others legit players (to play normally) was lifted we make them left server. all legit players were banned for 14 days, so the cheaters were not playing anymore when our ban was lifted because there was nobody to abuse., so we destroyed all. no point to submit to zendesk when i have 15 tickets closed about evidence of real cheaters because they are too busy to erase normal players that build normally and do not cheat. so what i can say don’t interrogate yourself if at least a priority should be done beetwen cheating case and building case, don’t interogate yourself to make clear rules ? yes let’s have fun to have you core player that play normally be in fear of a ban (they were already facing cheating, so let’s them add random ban to help) and result is a question : how to play in pvp server (because without a base able to resist to a raid you don’t have a lot of option left), because no real player can undestand what is the rules/limit ? guideline ? command the guideline is the same, only wording that has changed is that in past, it was said a difference will be done between pve and pvp server about building abuse, and that now any infraction will occur an instant destruction. so again rules should be clearly worded, it’s a game, no player can invest time if they don’t know what will make them ban or not if they play normally. otherwise the msg sent is : do not play normally, is it messag fc wants to send ? if you have not played at least 6 months on a pvp official server no point to comment, with time you will discover what i talk about of.
lol no one from funcom gave a answer on this topic because they don’t even know just ban people when they have to much that’s funcoms answer so don’t get to big kids you will get a ban take it from me i just got done with my first ever ban lost everything and got a 30 day time out lol just for building 3 an half years of work just gone
I would LOVE to know the unbiased details of this. So far all I’ve heard and seen are people whining about FC or blaming other players for using the reporting system. I’ve never seen a screenshot nor admitted fault in any way shape or form.
To be fair, there have been a few admissions of fault. Most of them were followed by complaints about how the rules themselves are wrong, but at least it’s not as one-sided as it’s made to sound by the endless flood of people coming to forums to repeat the same tired old BS: “Funcom is banning people left and right without even looking at anything beyond the initial report”
All this white knighting for funcom needs to stop. I understand and appreciate the idea of trying to improve/ maintain server perfermance and all but players shouldnt have to go read legal documents in order to enjoy a video game. If you enjoy coming onto the forums to prepare legal defense cases to protect funcom from criticism be my guest, most od us would rather play the game without the worry of our time investment being Thanos snapped out of existence.
I dont want to be rude to anyone but this really is on funcom to implement a more intuitive in game way to prevent ridiculous builds that impact performance.
I have server hopped onto dozens of servers over the past 2 years with the specific purpose of pvp, raiding, fighting massive wars. The pvp in this game ( not without flaws) is incredibly satisfying and fun and i have seen some really insane builds that were an absolute nightmare to raid, especially when gods were disabled. While i do agree that over building and excessive landclaim is a huge detriment to the game , this is not the players fault. Why wouldnt a base on a pvp server want to foundation spam as much as possible? Should we just allow our enemies to place a trebuchet right outside our front door? Worse yet a trebuchet ontop of a FOB with a vault and a god altar . What are players suppose to do about protecting the land near their base? I would love to see foundation spam be a thing of the past but how do we make everyone happy here? Increase land claim influence radius? That might help but could cause certain issues elsewhere .
What about fence foundation stacking? I agree that it is an issue, a silly way to build ( fun though), and can cause massive lag in an area with an abundance. Thats nkt the players fault for exploiting something thats been apart of this game since its discovery. Plenty of time has gone by for funcom to come up with a solution to this yet it persists, so players take advantage of it because it is the most optimal build choice in many situations on pvp servers. Perhaps dont allow fences to be placed that close to eachother perpendicularly through the code rather than punish the players. Im currently at work and cant rant too much longer but please, these are issues funcom need to address instead of just punishing players and expecting us to trust funcoms judgement when they say they have “investigated” the offense. I highly doubt much care or consideration goes in when addressing who gets dev wiped. Ive seen it happen to people who deserve it and people who dont. Fumcom needs to rework fundamental issues on their end and stop expecting the players to be legal experts re-reading the TOS every update.
Honestly at this point, i hate to say it , however, we need a build cap on official servers. Maybe within a specific radius, say, 30,000 building pieces within a grid square. Whether or not thats a small number or high number thats just an example. This would impact myself and my clan on my home server but this would help to consolodate clans from building all over the map, as in my clan every clan member has a personal base. I myself had 3 at one point, all substantial. A smaller build cap could promote clans to stay in a more central location as being too spread out with less defenses would allow easier raiding. If clans have build they could focus more on base defense from repairs, fighting, and thralls. It also promotes MORE creative base designs i would argue, as players now have to be mkre conservative and DELIBERATE with their building choices. This would impact players who have been building up on a server for years, myself included, but as long as we are given ample notice to consolodate our builds in the end i think it would be one of the best decisions for server integrity overall. But hey, im just some dummy on the internet. Love the game funcom , you can make it soooo much more with better choices and adjustments and i really hope 3.0 is amazing, but please, stop punishing players unless its a serious exploit.
Other key issues:
-Furnace/ fireplace stacking - hundreds of fireplaces or objects that generate heat in a small location to prevent climbing. This is super annoying and bad mechanic.
floating/ sky bases. Yes, this is a thing for those who dont know. Imagine if Aladdin placed a palace on some flying carpets in the sky.
Well I lost probably my biggest base, but never got banned. I just could not log into my server for three days. ( I had not logged in for a few days before that ) For some reason my other two bases were untouched.
Personally it was not that big of a loss, but the real pain was moving 30+ thralls to my other base. Even using rescue it took me two days.
They’re not “legal” documents. Every server you go to, official or private, will have some rules you shouldn’t break. Most private server admins will spell them out and make them available to you before you join the server, just like Funcom does with their official servers. None of that is legally binding – the admin will just ban you from their server and that’s it.
Official servers are no different from private servers in that regard: break the rules and the admin can decide you don’t get to play on the server anymore. Hell, it’s not even something specific to Conan Exiles. Every multiplayer game will have rules and terms of service. Guess what’s going to happen if you break them?
Now, if you don’t want to learn about the rules before playing, that’s your problem. But let’s not pretend that Funcom is asking you to do something unusual here, or that it’s “white knighting” to say “read the damn rules”.
Looks like most do, too.
Yes, it is. I totally agree with that. I really hope they do that eventually.
Of course, even if they decide to do it, it’s gonna be a good while before it gets released, because it’s freaking complicated. And if you want it ASAP, they would have to drop everything else and have people complain about the lack of new features and lack of PVP balance and whatnot. Oh, and when it finally gets released, nobody will be really happy with it, even if it’s bug-free, which it most definitely won’t be.
But I do, really, truly, unironically hope they decide to implement it anyway.
On the one hand, you’re right that a lot of this behavior wouldn’t be there if the game had better mechanics. All of these exaggerated defenses seem to be necessary because of offline raiding. Nobody should be required to spend 5 or 6 hours every day as a minimum – that’s insane. If offline raiding wasn’t a thing, or if it was limited to one or two days a week, there would be much less justification for all these exploitative defenses.
However, it’s also players’ fault, to a degree. What should players do to protect the land around their base? How about build some fortifications? Land claim spam is the cheapest substitute for real fortifications. Funcom decided they don’t want you to PVP that way.
When it comes to fence foundation stacking, Funcom dropped the ball, big time. They first said it’s not an exploit, and then changed their mind, and they never communicated either of those decisions in a way that’s easily accessible to players. Instead, only a handful of people like me – people who spend way too much time on the forums – will even know about this. I can’t overstate how much I dislike what they did and how they decided to (not) communicate.
That said, let’s not punish PVE players because PVP players abuse a building technique. Being able to place things close to each other is a legit building technique in PVE that allows us to build more beautiful things than we would be able to without it. Funcom already nuked our ability to overlap certain building pieces – also because that was being exploited by PVP players – and I’m really tired of saying “this is why we can’t have nice things” every time a PVP player says “well if we’re not supposed to build like this then the game shouldn’t allow it”.
Just no, okay? Funcom should make it clear that you shouldn’t do certain things and then you shouldn’t do it, and everyone can be happy without parts of their base being deleted by code designed to stop people who just can’t live with rules.
Honestly, at this point, I’ve said this politely so many times that I’ve lost all patience and I’ll say it less politely: fuсk that noise.
I don’t say that just because I’m tired of being hobbled by the game because a handful of people can’t get it through their heads that they’re playing on a shared server and they should think of others on it. I also say it because it has been explained over and over and over again that a build cap won’t solve the problem, because the problem isn’t caused just by how many pieces you can place, but rather by how you place them.
In order for a build cap to actually solve that problem, it would have to be ridiculously low. No, thanks.
because you have been lucky (about ban problem), and sorry to hear about connection problem which is not fun neither. I think that lot of community players have said the same thing to what happened to them recently and had ban issued for land claim and building problem (on pvp server, where you can wipe any big base with a god if you want to do it), and personnaly what i can say on the server where i saw it happening the only structures that survived were the one of the cheating clan, and of 2 others clan that were really spamming foundation over server, so there is a problem, and funcom should now communicate and establish clear and fair rules understandable by anybody in the same way. and they should prioritize cheating problem… building problem ? and what is the problem when battle with 12+ players with horses and slave happened in front of this kind of base…without any problem… personnaly i lost several thouisand of hours of gameplay wiped for a reason i still not understand in my case, i asked explanation and got what seemend an automatic answer that was not answering the main question i was asking, and when i was able to log in and see what i saw on the server… no way to explain me that situation is normal and all is going well.
As far as the TOS being a legal document i was being hyperbolic, my point was most people just want to play the game without having to read a boring document every week to see if anything has changed to see if they are violating any new guidlines that Funcom can alter at anytime.
I dont want there to be a build limit, truely, but at least on pvp servers i could see it as a viable solution, as most of us dont care about making our bases as pretty as they are pvp viable. Nothing wrong with a pretty base, i try to incorporate asthetically pleasing features into a difficult to raid builds but that doesnt make them less taxing on servers than a foundation spam landclaim. Pretty pve bases can be just as bad on servers depending on whats placed inside such as decorations, chests, furniture, planters, etc.
Another sution i can think of, coming from a college degree in 3D modeling and game design, is updating old ingame assets. I dont have the exact specs on the 3D assets but just looking at a T1 sandstone foundation you can clearly see there is more geometry than a T3 foyndation. Its like tgat for most T1 pieces from what i can tell, to give it the blocky features it has. That seems to be why server performance suffers more when overwhelmed by an influx of “noobs” building massive sandstone abominations as each sandstone piece has significantly more geometry than a T3 piece. Most T3 pieces, from what i can tell, rely more on the texture applied to the geometry to convey/ mimic the apearance of depth in details ( normal mapping) . Sandstone could be updated (imo) for better optimization. This could apply to other texture sets as well, Black ice for example, probably most peoples goto choice due to ease of obtaining black ice. Black ice pieces have a bunch of small crystal geometry on them which, however cool looking and iconic, do contribute to an increqse in geometry. The small pieces may not be a huge contributor, but on some of those big ridiculous builds thats thousands of additional polygons being rendered. Although having cool spikes around our bases look great, i would imagine performance could improve without them or reducing the level of detail on them.
Now personally i dont care how people build on pvp servers ( and thats all i care about, pvp), i’ve had my share of lag fests, but right now im having friends getting banned because the crybabies they are fighting are reporting them just because they are scared of getting wiped. This is not a good culture to cultivate on a PVP SURVIVAL game aimed for mature audiences. We should not be catering to people who abuse the reporting system just because they are not as good at the game. Thats how you get better at games and anything at life, you fail , you fall, you learn, you adapt, you get back up, you get better. Instead we are starting to see you fall, you cry to mommy, mommy takes care of it, you laugh. Im worried that if this continues we will just get these trolls that will go server to server reporting everyone and getting ghem bannex/wiped just because they can. The building system IS being improved which is great but building RULES should be redesigned so playera CANT go against Funcoms rules, no guess work involved. Should this be done ASAP? Ummm…yes? Games DO take a long time to work on and fix…Conan Exiles has been around for…idk…4+ years now? Officially realeased for 2+? Its in one of its best states its ever been in, and its been baaaaaaaaaad in the past so im thankful, but comsumers are allowing companies too many leniencies which os why gaming culture as a whole is so messed up right now. AAA game studios are releasing games well before they should, following these early access, free to play, live service models and players are now expected to just put up with it? Full priced games that should still be in betas isnt a good standard . Fumcom IS improving the game but unless someone is building under the mesh or up in the sky or in a dungeon where they shouldnt be able to i cant agree with perma bans.
Except that Funcom announced – via in-game announcement – that they changed the rules. So no, you don’t have to “read a boring document every week”, just like you don’t have to make misleading hyperbolic arguments.
The problem is present on all servers, not just PVP. So why would Funcom implement a solution that only works on PVP and leave PVE(-C) servers without one?
I would rather they implemented a proper solution that will work on all servers, and build cap ain’t that solution.
Coming from experience in software development – including some professional game development experience – that’s not going to do anything for server performance. The server doesn’t do any rendering.
Like any other tactic, that one will keep being useful as long as the majority of players are vulnerable to it. I doubt those crybabies would have much success if their opponents followed the official server rules.
Thing is, the game is not just a PVP game. So we should not be catering to PVP players only, and their inability to adapt to new rules. You said it yourself: you fail, you fall, you learn, you adapt, you get back up, you get better, and you stop breaking the damn rules
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still very much in favor of Funcom implementing solutions to the problems that caused some of this behavior in the first place. I just don’t want half-assed solutions that hobble the majority because a vocal minority wants a slapdash band-aid to cover their unwillingness to adapt.
As long as they can, they will. So maybe you need to think about why they can?
Amen to that. Unfortunately, there are only two ways to fix major anti-consumer behavior: either 1) the consumers vote with their wallets, or 2) new legislation is passed to deal with it.
The consumers aren’t voting with their wallets enough, so we’re stuck with this until the consumers learn or until someone like EU decides that it’s in their interest to slap the gaming industry, as a whole, on the wrist for bullshіt they keep pulling.
Permaban on second offense might be too harsh for certain infractions, but at some point you gotta draw the line. Say you get banned once for abusing the build system, then again, then a third time… at what point is it clear that you just don’t give a shіt and shouldn’t be allowed to screw things up for the rest?
No worries. It’s the message that matters, not the typos