Returning player too, and I have had nothing but trouble from their billing issues.
On one account I was double billed for a 3-months sub, due to me using my Paypal account. I keep the payment for it updated, so thought it was fine to use for resubbing to AO.
Wrong. AO no longer accepts Paypal, yet there was no way to know that from the screens I saw.
So I created a new payment method, and tried again. And got billed twice. Still unresolved. As if I really intended to sub for 6 months by subbing twice for 3 months.
On another account, which is probably more relevant to your issue, I also got the “blocked, not paid”. It is a froob account, but now in the payment history, it shows that the account was paid in June 2002. Unlikely, for a number of reasons, ranging from it was hard times then to the fact I only created the froob account to make a trader to replace my husband’s trader, who he created in SL, which didn’t exist until 2003. Plus I had neither the bandwidth, PC capability, monitors, or even inclination to two box in 2002 (lots of people playing then, no need, including my husband and friends from EQ).
But I rolled my eyes and thought whatever, I’ll pay it for a month (not grace, real money) just to get the stuff off the trader, since she was holding lots of excess gear.
That was 2 days ago, and I still cannot access that account. Take a look at your account, and see if they did something funky in January of this year, like some audit gone wild.
Anarchy Online has the sloppiest billing I’ve ever seen in an MMO, and I’ve been playing MMO’s since Everquest was in beta. Oddly enough, I’ve probably played The Secret World/Legends more than AO, although I started playing AO a month or so after release (until EQ friends gave the thumbs up that it was playable, which it wasn’t at first), and have never had a problem in TSW/SWL, while billing problems are chronic in AO.
Sad thing is that I was considering paying real money to buy Grace, plus some interesting things in the cash shop, but I won’t now because of their sloppy billing app.