my friend and I have been playing Conan Exiles in co-op for 2 weeks now. We both use Steam for this and there I opened a co-op game. We are also in the same clan here.
Now we have a few questions and maybe someone here can help us:
is there a setting that Thralls and animals (except in combat) do not die (we have read that they should die after 40 ingame days)?
is there a setting that Thralls and animals don’t have to eat?
is it possible to reduce the time until food spoils?
i have built a treasury but it is locked for my friend. What do we need to set here to make it work. Also he can not use the “wheel of pain” from me. Everything else works though.
can you really only take one thrall at a time? If so, is there a mod that allows you to take multiple thralls to the base as well?
can you have two or more bases? We have placed our base in the starting area and have already expanded it a lot. But then we found out that the way to the north and back is really far.
1,2,3 I wont answer because I do not know the ingame settings well enough without looking at them… but:
change the guild rank setting on your friend. its set too low. under guild, by their name on the right, click the rank to change
you can have 2 followers and a horse without mods and with your skills set a certain way.
There are great mods out there that increase this number. Better Thralls I think its called? It’s amazing!
You can make as many bases as you want in your private game. Use maprooms or the new sorcery teleporters to travel long distances and save time.
Yes on thralls not dieing. They don’t need food other than to heal spoilage is adjustable. I play on ps4 and have a server but you are on pc so I doubt it is in the place but you can do all just need to locate it. @Lilatentakel
First of all, I would like to thank you for your answer.
I will try this tonight or tomorrow (when he comes online).
please excuse me if I have expressed myself badly here. My point is when I capture Thralls. After all, I can only pull one home at a time with the rope. Is there a mod here that allows you to capture multiple thralls at once and transport them to base.
super. Then we will build a second base soon. I will build it closer to the north.
Click [Show] and it’ll open a world of hurt and text to read thru… XD
#1, You can turn off Decay. And they be there till something 0 HP them. (or some other oddity)
#2, This as mention, is off at default.
#3 answer’d, I forget which way slider goes…
#4, You’ll need be in same Clan. If your on private server. With just you 2. You can set it to be more open, But it’ll be everyone.
#6, Depending on server setting, You can build just about anywere.
If Decay is ON, you’ll need visit each base to stop decay timer.
If Decay on bases is OFF, you can just build were ever. Do be mindful if your sharing a server. Or on Public server…
So far I have only found the admin panel, but here no exact settings for the Thralls. Hopefully I can find the settings here so they stay with me and don’t just die.
At the “ServerSettings.ini” I have not changed anything. I still shy away from that a bit.
Problematic is that my English is not so good, which is why I always ask directly.
do I find the setting in the admin panel or in the ServerSettings.ini?
ok, so if I haven’t changed anything there, by default you are not hungry
unfortunately no one has answered yet.
is done and worked great. Here again a thank you to all.
the mod I will look at today times.
so if I have not changed anything, no building etc. expires from my base?
do I find the setting in the admin panel or in the ServerSettings.ini?
In Options, There Admin Panel and Options, (Server Setting) They can be change here and via website (If your renting a server)
ok, so if I haven’t changed anything there, by default you are not hungry
Thrals and Pets do not need to Eat by Default.
unfortunately no one has answered yet.
It’ll be in Server Part of Setting, You’ll need move a slider. This effects all Food/Potions items with a decay
so if I have not changed anything, no building etc. expires from my base?
Decay is ON by Default.
You’ll need turn it off.
Its a small check box. in Setting.
Disable thrall decay in server settings to have thralls that won’t vanish if you take a break from the game. Locked containers can be disabled via ownership settings in Server settings. Food/ fuel timers can be extended or reduced in server settings by adjusting one of the sliders.