Warmaker's 2h sword and hammer bugged?

Game mode: [Online | official]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: America

***I know the 50% corruption while wielding these weapons is intended but when I give these weapons to a thrall they deal absolutely no damage to anything and I was wondering if this is intended. Including the ones you craft after obtaining the recipe.
Edit: Im referring to the weapons that drop from the final boss, not the 100% armor pen.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Put warmaker 2h sword or hammer in thrall and take it out to kill something


Hello @Chilling, thank you for reaching out!

These weapons are not meant to be used by thralls, as they are unworthy to wield them.
As such, they’re unable to deal any damage, which is intentional.


Thanks for clarifying :slight_smile:

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It is ironic that they can’t wield what they more than likely did all the work for to obtain :slight_smile:
Just saying :wink:


Glad to know this! Now I have to find the thralls I stuck those on.

Essentially lmao

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@Hugo just as a suggestion for the dev team as it seems more items are being added that shouldn’t be wielded by thralls, it might be something to add in the item’s description as a tip or in parenthesis that these items can’t or shouldn’t be wielded by thralls (i know this isn’t a suggestion thread but felt it a proper place to put it) i feel it would take a lot of confusion out of some of these issues.


In the info of the weapon is extra that only worthy fighters can lead the weapon. And a thrall is not a worthy fighter because he is only a slave of yours.
I do not mean it evil towards you … I think you should look at the information of the weapons more often.
Or visit the Gamepedia directly.
Because every weapon explains itself in the game.

good hunting bounded one. :blush::v:t4:



In case you’re wondering how to use it without getting corrupted. Here’s a video I made about these weapons.


It would be important to tell the players that you play with mods. Dancers do not have tattooing. :wink::v:t4:


Master Clan of 3030 Official

Great video thanks for the info!


There’s no mods. It’s PS4 official server. You can apply body paint on any thrall you place. Just open there inventory and use the body paint.


Could have saved me several minutes and just said 4th point of survival will fight corruption from any source. Can find equally or better weapons that don’t have corruption and I can keep a better stat point mix. I’m more frustrated that thralls cant use them anyway. Nice Video though… just waaaaay longer than it needed to be.

I never seen this before dude.
Its the first time.
But it is very cool. :smile::v:t4:


Master Clan of 3030 Official

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Spent a few days figuring that out. I think 5 minutes of your time watching one of my videos is a good trade off when considering time invested.


Time well spent for me thanks for the video

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Txs for the info, i appreciate your time ;).

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So you need, to get the 4th survival perk to wield weapons which arent even the best in game. Yeah, no, thx :smiley:
But great video!


Blade of Adventurer is better than Carnage, but its RNG.
Teliths Sorrow, which you can craft, is also better than Carnage.

And for the Destroyer: Ranissan has same dmg and AP, but lesser durability (and you even get it at the Warmaker dungeon).

The only good thing about Destroyer and Carnage are their 5000 durability.


But the look. Come on. Imagine me running up using this, and you never have saw the video. You would assume i had 50% corruption, come in a little cocky and get smacked, then cry exploit!!!

This is just a fun example of using these on occasion in PVP against people who don’t research, and not saying you in particular.
Strategically it lets me know how much they may know about the game, and allows for some other modes of warfare.

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