Sorry, but it’s a view of high tier endgamer. Why there should not be agent drops at T1-4? You forgot, these agents are dungeons specific. So I don’t see a reason, why people on lower tiers should be excluded and their only chance how to get them would be packs or AH. There is a lot of people who will not go T5 and higher, but they can find T1-4 interesting and entertaining.
The problem with E10 people massacring E1 dungeons is about minimal difference in chances to get agent on higher tiers and lower tiers. The time/reward ratio. And in wider scale it’s not just about agent drops, but how the difficulty of dungeons is currently designed. It’s a very similar problem why a lot of E10 capable people are not running E10 but farming bosses in E8/9.
I will speculate, but I think Funcom is not happy there is dedicated part of game population, which is probably not big, but despite this it has a significant amount of MoFs and they are not spending any real money in game. So that is why FC is still continues in same attitude with *** drop rates. Which has still minimal effect on these people - as they have time, dedication and skills - and only leads to frustration of the more average population. If game population would be bigger, this would not be issue, but I can imagine with lower population it may be a problem.
I am not expert in f2p monetization, but imho FC will never win in war with these highly dedicated people and if they will scale everything according to these people, it would have negative impact on retention effect.