@BombShelley @Mnord
Agents IMO should not appear until E5 level of dungeons, since they already have a chance on EVERY mission and NYR albeit a low chance. So i agree completely that the E1 - E4 training tiers (which i believe they are supposed to be before E5 and upwards) have been compromised.
I truly don’t believe the intent was for E10 people to be farming E1 dungeons as their “Endgame” choice.
In regards to that, would the possibility of them being “re-purposed” in replacement of what used to be the “Blue Signet quests” we did in TSW be more beneficial? If used in the same place - not as a guaranteed drop, but a chance - perhaps slightly higher than current chance, then you instantly bring the re-run value of certain previously enjoyable missions, back to a decent standard. The problem is, they mixed separate mission issues and story content (such as Tyler and Cairo) into the main story arc, i’m not even sure if you can run them separately anymore and i don’t even know if Tyler Freeborn still exists. But is it too little too late now they have been in every mission available from SC onwards?
The fact you can get an Agent on every mission to me is ridiculous, and while some may find that view absurd, given the low rate of them dropping they are in effect asking you this:-
RUN EVERY MISSION GOING (on all maps) for a CHANCE to get an agent that either you or the public at any time deem good enough to use [Stipulation or optional] but you need practically if not ALL of them for Achievements so options are not an option really LMAO - = - Burnout and repulsion is what comes after running that many missions daily, from what i have seen in peoples counts in chat - over 500 missions THEMSELVES with a result of Zero drops from any of them adding into that the questionable way in which Agent missions are supposed to be opening up other missions - and not actually doing so or fixed.
In comparison:
When they nerfed Tokyo Keys, they should have instead altered the possible contents of the crate, meaning you still got your key (your reward for running the mission) but possibly only found shards in the crate? - Which would reduce the number of crap items such as sneakers and pants and w/e coming out of the crates - in turn making them possibly more rarer or desirable on the market, trade or chats also, but they nerfed the actual key itself, which as it stands, now means for your efforts of choosing to run dailies - could end up with nothing at all from the filth encrusted keys just turning into shards in your hands - rendering a trip to the docks - null and void. The result is more or less the same, but for me i can’t help but think:- To the player, having the endpoint cut short is just wrong. The pleasure comes from fighting the mob not the rubbing of muck off a key to find out it isn’t one at all.
There’s a way to do something right and a way to do the same thing wrong.
They could learn from this.
I also agree that the tier system as it stands is far too large, i posted this some time ago when the Forums went live, in the aptly named - but clearly never looked at topic “Feedback & Suggestions” my concerns on the dungeon tier listing being to large to cope with the low population, especially during off peak times (which is where Funcom should be promoting this game more to add more players to the lower population levels.
By current standards - if there are 100 people online during an off peak time, only - lets say at least 50 % want to do dungeons - their IP levels are what lock them to a tier so at any one time you need for the tiers 50 people in queue in the relevant tier by default - the choice isn’t always an option.
It’s barmy - it’s another “i don’t understand why” thing.
Add to that the Agent running E10ers in the E1 fields - making any type of introduction to the route of dungeoneering - effectively useless and a terribly low playerbase in the E2-E4 level and you have a borked system that pushes people away before they even begin the merry dance of E5 popping it’s random rotation of Hell raised and Ankh. To boot, the sudden change in some of the bosses even at E4 - E5 is really shocking. Polaris 2nd last boss for instance or Hell raised last boss. These are like two completely different mobs.
The sooner they stop trying to direct the game down single player - solo mode RPG ONLY - the better. This game was not that, and you can’t really force it to be because the overall feel just doesn’t suit for it to be ONLY solo. No matter how much you coin it as a “Shared world RPG” - it just isn’t that. It’s an MMO and that’s how it should be. Just because a mission or even story CAN be done on it’s own - doesn’t mean to say that it’s ALWAYS done on it’s own - and certainly not a dungeon or raid.
I would actually go so far as to say, however hesitantly - There’s an element of a deliberate attempt to do away with group content altogether by just not utilising it to it’s full potential and allowing it to fall by the wayside, when you look at the whole aspect of group content in this game as a bigger picture - there are vital missing parts, flaws where there should be none, group finder not working, the system not reporting back the correct number of players LFG, the wonky chat system, the fact you are overpowered before leaving Kingsmouth, and many things interfering with the whole aspect of group content - that it does look either lazy or deliberate while anything that can be done on your own is given the 5 star treatment.
I ran the story - with my partner and sometimes others - at least 8 times now (pre agent release) after the intial run through all cutscenes are skipped and mission reports never read.
Any missions i do, be it mains, sides, scenarios - i run with someone else
dungeons and raids are in a group
Lairs and Mega boss summons in a group and FOR the masses (Summoning mostly - by choice, during off peak times - because those guys get a raw deal with nobody doing very much)
Hell i even got The Purge achievement in a group because doing it solo was tedious.
if i have to do something solo - then sanctuary chat is the one thing that makes it any better - which is the communities offering - not funcoms.
To @MadBadger - what you wrote in description of the two games TSW vs SWL is a perfect example of what i also feel, the overall lack of replayability and dynamics/synergy/options and overall playermade creations of their own toons - is a serious issue i feel - and a one that should be a base formula for any game seeking success in this genre. I also played the story arc at a steady pace once, the first time, taking in all of what TSW had to offer. I also agree that i have no idea what Funcom can really do about it either. I confess - i did skip cutscenes and mission reports - since - i have done it all before in TSW and here was me trying to get back to what i was before the migration to SWL only to find - there is nothing for me to get back to, roles had been diminished and lines blurred beyond any recognition (i.e - The Holy Trinity - Tank, DPS, Healer) working in unison rather than one role filling the shoes of all at the same time.
Except i do know that these options would be a great additions AND they already have the assets and means to do so - so it’s cost effective.
The return of all dungeons to the game
The return of choosing our own dungeon and scenario
The return of group scenarios
The return of the NM mob zones in all areas
The return of AP/SP being spent in museums in replace of shards (in the centrepieces mainly)
The return of PVP
The return of missing weapons such as Auxiliaries
The return of player hubs such as London/Seoul/NY having purpose
The return of faction involvement or meaning
The return of The Gatekeeper
The return of missing raids
The return to the meaning and purpose of “The Holy Trinity”
The return of the option to be able to tab target or at least CHOOSE your target
The return of the missing abilities and passives to aid in the function of player creativity
And more…
I find it great the community are constant with ideas and support, both in and out of game
I just hope that they are being listened to.
I do enjoy this game, again - it far surpasses any other - for me at least
And i want to enjoy playing it for as long as possible
Every day all day if i want
I know its lengthy and verbose - but it does show passion