What are the active guilds on Crom?

I’m looking for a guild, if possible an EU due to the time, that does raids from T1 to T6, as returning player i do not have for now the DPS to handle the T6 and i do not know all the bosses and how they fight yet, but i used to be a very good players with 9x level 80 all kitted. Can someone drop down a list of the active guilds? Been looking for them in game but it’s hard to find anyone. Thanks.

Knights of avalon
Heart of courage
Requiem nex (not sure of they still raid as a guild)
Rogue angels? (not sure if they still raid as a guild.)
Legion of titans (see them do some mixed raids)

Then there is some mixed raid-constellations where friends/alliances raid together, like Ivorytower and Nangyuan raid with players from Ronin, Altvorderen Sturmklinge etc. But these alternatives are probably not a good alternative for you since they rarely take new players in, and when they do its usually a friend of someone in the raidsquad from before.

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Wrath of Amra

WoA and Bloodfrenzy have a raiding alliance iirc.

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Rogue Angels raids t5 t6

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Yeah but isnt RA a US timezone raiding guild? OP asked for EU timezone raiding guilds

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Yes, rogue angels raids in USA night times.
As does Requiem Nex (RN, T5&6), Meathook Minions, TEG (the epic guard), Nightwolves, Black lotus rogues (I think they do t1-4? raids).

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There are a number of German-language guilds active on Crom as well. If you look in the Community corner section of this forum you will find a post in German with more details.

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