What do you all think of Conan Ages so far and the Ages to come?

@DeaconElie Add it as a FATALITY for PVP .FOR SORCERER ONLY… LoL that would be amazing…

These ideas are all awesome i can keep going… great job all you guys wat else you got. Sorcery is by far the most Fun…


You know, I never thought of it that way, but that would be AWESOME.

Just equip your sorcerer staff and initiate the fatality: KALI-MA HEART RIP!!


but must be CORRUPTED to activate, PLEASE!!!


Oh without a doubt. This fatality is not for the plebs. Only the corrupted have the dark soul required for the task!


Bring it…

I think that will help KEEP FATALITIES Turned on…
ALso that with listening to the spotty mic of a dying man, if voice chat was on, while you did that fatality on them… LMAO…

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Here, check this post I made a while ago talking about a possible “Age of Gods”:


So, this is the part where you realize that you MUST become a game designer. Your ideas are AWESOME!

Now that I’ve had time to run through Liu Fei and Freya’s quests and test drive them a bit I have to say the voice acting is excellent. Though overall the quests were somewhat overshadowed by bugs in the implementation, and some dubious dialog choices, that’s very much my kind of content.

I personally have not had any issues with the quests fwiw but obviously a lot of people have and continue to.

I think the balance in Age of Heros is working. I say that by not needing a 3rd or 4th party member. Now it is just me and the horse for most runs.