@DeaconElie Add it as a FATALITY for PVP .FOR SORCERER ONLY… LoL that would be amazing…
These ideas are all awesome i can keep going… great job all you guys wat else you got. Sorcery is by far the most Fun…
@DeaconElie Add it as a FATALITY for PVP .FOR SORCERER ONLY… LoL that would be amazing…
These ideas are all awesome i can keep going… great job all you guys wat else you got. Sorcery is by far the most Fun…
You know, I never thought of it that way, but that would be AWESOME.
Just equip your sorcerer staff and initiate the fatality: KALI-MA HEART RIP!!
but must be CORRUPTED to activate, PLEASE!!!
Oh without a doubt. This fatality is not for the plebs. Only the corrupted have the dark soul required for the task!
Bring it…
I think that will help KEEP FATALITIES Turned on…
ALso that with listening to the spotty mic of a dying man, if voice chat was on, while you did that fatality on them… LMAO…
Here, check this post I made a while ago talking about a possible “Age of Gods”:
So, this is the part where you realize that you MUST become a game designer. Your ideas are AWESOME!
Now that I’ve had time to run through Liu Fei and Freya’s quests and test drive them a bit I have to say the voice acting is excellent. Though overall the quests were somewhat overshadowed by bugs in the implementation, and some dubious dialog choices, that’s very much my kind of content.
I personally have not had any issues with the quests fwiw but obviously a lot of people have and continue to.
I think the balance in Age of Heros is working. I say that by not needing a 3rd or 4th party member. Now it is just me and the horse for most runs.
I actually am trying to achieve that, but the problem is that having a PC good enough to start practice programming where I live is very expensive, and I’m trying like crazy to find a decent job to achieve this goal but most of the jobs I find around me are like customer service or call centers, but I’m still trying! And I REALLY apreciate what you said, this is the sort of motivation I need to try to go after my dream of making good games, again, thank you!
Age of Sorcery was fantastic. Sorcery is what brought me back and re-invigorated the game for me. I had always wanted to play a dark sorcerer in the world of Conan.
However, the ages (I experienced all of them) just kept becoming more and more lackluster as time went on. Living settlements is an attempt at something different, but Im not sold on it yet. The concept is nice, but everything depends on the application. The bugs must be fixed.
The heroes… are also kind of lackluster. They may have some unique abilities and the quests arent bad in theory (when they arent bugging out), but I dont see why I would pick either of them to follow me over a simple cimmerian berserker. I am all for deepening the lore though.
I wish Liu Fei had some non-combat benefits to him (same for all sorcerer thralls really. They are useless once you have upgraded Tome of Kurak to max level)
On this we agree. Currently the religion system is in extremely dire place, especially since the god avatars have been nerfed to kingdom come. Now their damage is SO ridiculously nonexistent that you can be basically safe from them in a sandcastle. Ridiculous. Oh and lets not forget the ballistae which can pretty much one-shot a god avatar. As if they werent weak enough. People don’t understand how bad they are unless you actually try.
I have an idea for religious altars:
Bug fixes every 6 months is maintenance mode not active development.
The game is done and we are just going to have to accept it.
I’ve been desperately trying to find something that checks all my boxes like Conan did since lively villages hit. Proof enough for me that funcom is totally out of touch with the player base.
What do i expect or what i wish?
2 different worlds here!
Since the moderation left this feedback open so long, they could clarify what they wish to listen…
Wishes or expectations?
I did a whole review of the Age of War in it’s own thread already but I’ll sum it up to a degree here. The ages are, for the most part, gimmicks. Here is this AGE OF (insert gimmick name here). Now feast on this plethora of changes that no one wants, no one asked for and no one will like. Furthermore, almost NONE of these changes will have fvckall to do with the (insert name of gimmick) so there really is no reason why we are adding them into this age other than FILLER GARBAGE!!!
Now, Age of Sorcery Chapters 1 and 2 for the most part were fairly decent. Chapter 3, not so much. Everything went WAY WAY WAY down hill from there. Like so far down you can’t even see it from AoS C1. Did it need to be this way? No. Was it predictable? Pretty much. A 3 month cycle was never tenable and several of us said so from the very first announcement of the Age/Chapter cycle. But the money bigwigs gotta sell their digital garbage at super inflated prices so we gotta suffer for it.
Now they are taking the next “chapter”, or what would have been the next chapter, to dedicate to fixing bugs and QoL updates. This has been needed for a very long time so good on them for finally admitting it and doing something about it. They need to fix the garbage “under the hood” if they want to keep things running in order to add more stuff so I’m all for it. Will it work? Who knows. But it’s better than doing nothing.
I think you misunderstand what its about, but its an easy mistake to make. The devs explained it in interviews:
The key is cleaning up Conans code. Which, over the years, developed into a Frankensteinian monstrosity of a unique code, something far more than just the engine it runs on. An anthill pile of separate individual codes. This is the reason why the ages have been so buggy: You fix one thing, two others break because the code does something unexpected.
Now whether or not they can actually do it is another matter, but I can definitely see this “spring cleaning” to be necessary if they want to continue developing Conan into the future. It might also be why we see less actual bug fixes than we expect, because the brunt of the work is invisible to us players. I just hope something comes out of it.
TL:Dr: Its not maintenance mode, even if it may appear like it to the outside. Thats my take.
Which is common in all older games that have been through multiple coders.
To me fixing that, since it is just fixing things, is maintenance.
Example. My house is over 100 years old. It has had quite a few handy men work on it over the years; with varying skill leaves. So every time I have to fix something it turns in to more of a rebuild; I can’t fix it with out replacing the previous handy man’s repairs. But it is still just maintenance.
But do they?
We do have to be careful what words we use to describe what is happening though.
Most players would assume “maintenance mode” means that the game is on sunset.
I mean, that’s more a ‘them’ problem. Not the speakers’ fault if the listener doesn’t know what words mean.
Well, hopefully, we’ll find out soon enough.
I agree, but, it is important in this context.