What is the best god as of right now, and which will be the best gods after the next patch?


Title says it all. I know Derketo is garbage, but which one is best?

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Best for what? Best offensive? Best defensive? Best aesthetic? Best for role-play?

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Crom. If you follow him, you don’t need to waste time or resources on temples, priests and stuff.

I don’t know how (if) they’ll change gods with the new patch.

I know Derketo’s Avatar is considered garbage in pvp for raiding purposes, I don’t know more than this about avatars because I play pve-c.

Speaking about craftable items related to religions the ones I regularly craft after reaching level 60 are from temples of Derketo, Set and Jhebbal Sag:

  • Elixir of Freedom wich give you a little bonus to resistence wich stacks with effects granting you Grit bonuses
  • Set Antidote wich is usefull when you get drunk (every time before leaving my house to fight )
  • the night-eye potions and the hunter’s potion (combat-style related anyway).

But obviously your question to be answered requires you tell us the purpose you had in mind.


With Derketo you can craft the sexiest outfit for females toons in the game. That makes it a must have.:grin:
And with Mitra you craft ambrosia for healing.

Yep, but Ambrosia do the same as an aloe extract while it weighs like if you’re carrying an armor :sweat_smile:

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I meant the best god as in the avatar for raiding. We all know derketo is the best religion just for the gear :smirk:

Jhebal, Yog and Set. Yog is good for AOE, as the ink constantly is hitting something, and easiest to control. Like spry painting. Jhebal is still best damage last i checked, and Set becasue of the amoutn of strikes you can get. Haven’t used Mitra much, but its stomp is hard to accurately target what you want, and Ymir is way to much zeal grinding. Derketo is good for wiping animals, as the poison kills most animals on 1st go thru, so heal doesn’t reverse it, and if you wait until last 6-7 seconds to start the attack, it will only do the poison part. Feet do some damage where it is standing.


Much appreciated!!!

Prompt, what is the time protection of god works now? And noticed that that after a patch, the dome disappears at most in a day.

It was supposed to be 36 hours I thought, but I’ve heard that it’s kinda bugged now

But also you don’t even really need a god defense if you build high enough I’ve found. A clan just ragequit the server after failing a raid with 2 jhebbal sags on my base. Nothing else can reach it except yog, and even then they would need to get much closer while summoning to get it to our actual base and time flying up + archers would make it go away before it did any damage

And if to put the platform in several tens of blocks nearby, and from it will start Jabal Sag? What will you do?

To me it kind of goes in this order.

Starting: Ymir. He sucks. And we all know he sucks. But. Hes hard to get because of location so take him first. The rest of the useful ones are Mitra, Set and Yoga.

Yog is the best for the the beginnjng as he gives really useful food.

Set for poison arrows. Get him second.

Mitra for Abrosia. Third.

Derketo does have the stam potion. Which is pretty solid.

Overall. The best is Jhebal Sag. Everything he offers is just perfect

But you need to be at max level to have Jhebal Sag, or to have enough friend to help you go through the Midnight Grove. It’s the toughest dungeon in the game.

Nothing difficult to pass this grove and alone. The slave the relics hunter at whom 7k health undertakes. Good armor and draconian weapon is given. While you tankut with with a board, it picks all to pieces there.

On ps4, Yog for killing stuff. It just…makes stuff go away.

Jheb is fairly nice, your so far out camera wise, alot of stuff below you isnt even in view. (ps4 anyway)

Derkito attack, it hits enough of wide area, its fairly good. But shes kinda slow… and the attack has gaps.

Set is really fun, I’ve had it get stuck on stuff. Ability to move across map and deforest and run over stuff is fun.

Mirta… ugh. weak stomp… its aoe is pretty decent, but alot of stuff lives, compared to Yog.

Already land claimed with t3 towers to counter that

No, just a little strategy:

  • give a decent heavy armor to a thrall, use it as tank against minibosses you aren’t able to defeat while you do dps. If you’re at least level 38 use healing arrows on him after each fight to be sure it’s always full health.

  • Chose the human path, not the sabretooth path or the panters path in the only crossroad of the dungeon !

  • Use 1h sword + shield against the final boss, plus use target locking to be sure to make shield effective. It’s incredibly fast, but with target lock + shield you’ll be able to block all its attacks.

Passed just this vault, nothing difficult.

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