What resolution can this game be run at?

I’ve played this game on and off since beta, but now I have a new computer what a 3440 by 1440 monitor and an RTX 2080 graphics card.

Can this game be run at modern screen resolutions?

I’ve found that most of the old games can be run by editing the files that control the screen resolution even if it doesn’t appear to be available in the settings window.

Does anyone know if that’s possible in this game?

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I use same resolution. No problem for me. Just had to increase font sizes a bit. Only thing is it can be difficult to read guildtags. Didnt find out how to increase size of these.

Check YouTube how it looks like.

I run 3440x1440 too on 34" and it works fine with a gtx1080.
Just customize the file in appdata folder

Ye, same here, gtx 1080ti