What's the news on Tot ! Custom?

So, apparently some chaps (and chapettes) deemed it appropriate to harass others on the last thread. So you found the time to close that thread. Fair enough. Just, apparently no one on Funcom’s side found the additional time for some further communication with the community about what is going on. Sad.
You see, I work most weekends in one of those jobs that everyone deems valuable to society (albeit without supporting that notion with appropriate payment, but that is another topic). This weekend was one of my very few weekends off. And guess what? I could not play my favourite game AT ALL, I could not improve the server that I and other people are playing on. While the team from Funcom is celebrating its weekend. Do not get me wrong, you guys, too, deserve weekends. But when you ruin everyone else’s (or at least someone else’s) then at least have the courtesy to be around and send some communications.
Thank you!


It was closed automatically due to the number of flagged posts.

Funcom doesn’t work weekends.

Also, it is a matter between Funcom and the mod author. If the mod is reinstated, they may say something at that time, but if it is not, it will be a private matter and up to the mod author to say anything.

They already communicated everything that needed to be communicated. Until the private discussion between Funcom and the mod author is resolved, there is nothing else to say.


Funcom doesn’t work weekends.

Also, it is a matter between Funcom and the mod author. If the mod is reinstated, they may say something at that time, but if it is not, it will be a private matter and up to the mod author to say anything.

That is your opinion, to which you are, of course, entitled. I have a different one. This does affect me, and so it is my matter as well. If the manager of the hotel I am a guest in decided to close the spa for ‘private’ reasons, then I would still insist on knowing the reasons. If only to see if I share the manager’s rationale or if I rather changed the venue. Thank you for understanding.

They already communicated everything that needed to be communicated. Until the private discussion between Funcom and the mod author is resolved, there is nothing else to say.

Well, if you are happy with their communication, that is fine. Then you could, obviously, abstain from commenting on this forum and do whatever else it is that you like to do. I, for one, am not happy with their communication and will continue to say so until I have the answer I am waiting for.

TLDR; If you are happy, that is fine, but please allow others to raise their concerns if they are not.


I’d suggest waiting a few hours for the main thread to unlock instead of creating yet another thread, as it’ll most likely be locked or merged with the main one by staff.


The ‘main’ thread has been closed for longer than the ‘usual’ 4 hours. If one or more threads are being merged into the other one tomorrow, that is fine. See this as my way of letting managment know that I am very displeased with the service on offer. As such it does not hurt if there is another thread further up the list. I can and will only speak for myself. If others want to chip in, that is fine. If they don’t that is fine as well.


It’s the weekend. Staff aren’t in until Monday. As I said, better off waiting.

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Don’t get me wrong… I understand it can be annoying and frustrating and all those other things… but…
You guys really need to realize something…

Mods are not owned by you… you have ZERO rights when it comes to them. When you install a mod you accept that it’s third party software with an uncertain future… it could disappear the very next day if the modder gets bored and pulls them (which has happened in the past) or something else happens like in this case.

It’s entirely up to the author what they do with it and Funcom whether they allow that specific mod for their game.

Anything beyond this is simply unreasonable and entitled behavior… doesn’t matter how much it sucks, it’s the nature of modding, something you implicitly accepted when installing them.


We really dont need lectures from people with no interest in this subject. Its basically trolling and why the other thread was closed.

This thread was made by a player hoping for more communication from Funcom.

Your contribution is unnecessary and wastes your energy and ours too.


I bet if i decided to even try to read through that hot mess I’d come away with a different opinion as to why it was closed.

That’s not really an opinion. That is now business operates for legality reasons. Funcom is NOT going to publicly address anything of this nature (or any similar nature such as bans on an official server). It is just simply put not going to happen regardless of what you think.

I may affect you in a sense. But it is not your matter in the sense that you are not A). the mod author nor are you B). the company who develops the game in which the mod is being used on. So no, it is not your matter in the that you think that it is.

You can insist, and the manager is in no way obliged to tell you no matter how much of an *** you make of yourself. Do you know what they call people who act in this way? Karen’s. Frankly put, you are not the center of the universe. You do not have the right to know everything regardless of how loud you shout and scream.

So in other words, the forum is your domain to throw a tantrum and anyone else be damned? Sorry buddy but that’s not how a PUBLIC forum works.

Yes we have already established your Karen-like tendancies. We do not need you to point it out. It’s blatantly obvious.

NOW if you can actually read and listen to criticism for a moment the point that I am attempting to make with my post is not to simply pile on you. I am attempting to point out to you how you are NOT doing yourself any good by behaving in this manner. Perhaps if you take a couple of minutes to sit back and relax, have a cup of tea and settle yourself and think about the situation rationally. Go back and read the responses to this read again and see that the other forum members were only attempting to give you help / advice. The facts are simple. Funcom DOES NOT work on the weekends. The original (Several) posts which were all merged into one massive abomination of a post WAS NOT closed to “silence” the issue, but because there were far to many flags which, if you were reading it you would know was the truth. What @Tephra told you was in fact quite accurate regardless of how much you may or may not want to accept it.

Please return to the forum with a more rational attitude and a constructive approach and you will likely receive much more positive results. :grin:


That’s the thing :man_shrugging: apparently you DO… if your behavior wouldn’t indicate that you’re in need of a lecture, then I sure as hell wouldn’t have bothered…

As for my interest in the subject, I created over 20 mods for this game and spent countless hours trying to better this community by tracking down factual information for the wiki or just random questions on various platforms, releasing guides… (heck… I bet you either have my thrall spreadsheet bookmarked somewhere or are probably using one of my mods or in some capacity information resulting from my work)

So no, I’m not trolling at all, I am pointing out that this behavior is simply not okay… because people DO need to be called out. I know all too well how mod users can act like they’re entitled to know everything and have a say in everything just because they clicked a button to install a mod that is a result of somebody’s unpaid volunteer work…

It sucks to see what the community degenerates into as soon as something temporarily keeps them away from their game… always makes me wonder whether it was worth putting all that effort into trying to better it…

The least you could do is have a little respect for the author whose mod you’re crying about as they very clearly asked you to chill out and wait patiently while he sorts it out with Funcom :man_shrugging:


Mod is banned. Discussion between Funcom and the modder is taking place. This is all you are entitled to know. If you want to know more, go ask the modder. Oh wait, they want to keep it private which of course they are entitled to.


I find it a bit funny you’ve been sleeping in forums, being a contrarian to everyone who’s effected by the matter. If it doesn’t concern you why are you here?


Same can be asked from you:
if you are not the mod creator, why are you guys asking for more details, like your lives depend on it? That’s none of your business.

It is not an opinion, it is A FACT. You are not entitled to know anything about this issue.
Like… you live in a country where there is a Mercedes manufacture. If the state and the car manufacturer make a decision to get out of that country, they are not obligated to tell you why this happened.
It is private between funcom and the mod creator.
You are just a simple user.

I use dozens of mods at a time, even old ones. And if one disappears, I don’t run to the forum to make a circus about it.


An awful lot of people coming on these forums with no actual interest in this subject lecturing other people what they should be doing and saying here.
Kinda odd really.

Ya, you’d think some people would eventually learn they are not as privileged as they seem to be convinced they are.


Reminds me of the good old days in the late 90s/early 2000s when I use to make fan sites. They got pretty popular in the communities they were associated with, however whenever I got too bored or busy to update them, I was inundated with comments and emails about “out of date” my content was. This is just the mentality of some people. They think they have a stake in something they didn’t create. Sure, they may use it, and even enjoy it, but the ultimate decisions lie in the content creator, and in this case, also the company it was created for.

This may be a different circumstance as to why it’s not available, but the fact remains that acting “entitled” isn’t going to change anything and more than likely just gonna annoy those who actually DO have a stake in it.

Creating yet another thread because the main thread is temporarily closed isn’t exactly helping. ‘Oh no, Funcom haven’t replied to X post within 0.5 seconds of creating it. Better make another one…or ten’. It gets frustrating for other forum users that want to read other stuff that isn’t ToT! related when the entire front page of the forums gets flooded by copies of the same bloody thing.

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Last year or so there was some major drama with some Skyrim mods where some authors didn’t update some of the very popular mods… Thousands of people were leaving very mean comments and it was all over reddit and stuff.

There were a bunch of people that seemed to truly believe that the mod author is at fault and they “knew the risks” when they started creating mods and how the fact that they once created something in their free time now means they’re obligated to work on it for the rest of their lives and keep it updated…

We get some of that too with Conan modding, not on that massive scale though, but every time there’s an update or something we get a ton of downvotes simply because people who have been using our free content are slightly inconvenienced by a mismatch error or something…
I’ve been outright “ordered” by users to stop updating… or the opposite, when the mod works fine but they didn’t bother checking or reading the comment and they’re telling me to update :slight_smile: Or simply barging in and telling me that unless I change my mod to their specification, it’s “useless” etc.
I believe some of the other mod authors who have been around for longer even got some death threats and the likes.

I have a lot of patience for most things, like… I typically go out of my way to try and be helpful when possible :man_shrugging: but witnessing a lot of the above attitude has taught me to have absolutely zero tolerance for any mod user that’s showing signs of entitlement and trying to tell me what to do or what not to do with my mods. It’s a very slippery slope… and some simply do not have a sense of reality when it comes to their games. They steamroll over anyone and anything that they perceive as standing in the way of them and their game :slight_smile: